Tag Archives: Discourse 10 November 03

Discourse 10

Discourse 10 November 03, 1932


INVOCATION: Mighty Luminous Presence! “I AM” the Conquering Power. “I AM” the

Radiant Splendor filling everything in manifestation. “I AM” the Life flowing

through all manifestation. “I AM” the Intelligence governing all activity, Inner and

outer, making it One Perfect Activity. Out of Thy Light, “Mighty Presence which I

AM,” all things are precipitated into form. “I AM” the Exhaustless Energy governed

by Thy Wondrous, Infinite Intelligence. Light the Illumining Center within these

bodies who come under this Radiation. Expand that Light into the Full Illumination

of the body and mind, raising it into Thy Active, Perfect Eternal Garment.

Mighty Light! send forth Thy Rays into the hearts of mankind, into all official

places, commanding Justice, Illumination and Perfection of Thy Self to express,

bringing relief, release, and Light unto humanity; and by Thy Governing Principle,

command all things in the outer human activity to give obedience. I bring you

Greetings from the Great Host of Loved Ones, who always watch and minister to

those whose devotion reaches unto them.


From out the centuries of activity we have arrived at the focal point where the

experiences of ages come into instantaneous action, where all time and space

become the “One Presence,” God in Action now.

Knowing that it is the Presence of God, “I AM,” that beats your heart, then you

know that your heart is the Voice of God speaking; and as you come to meditate

upon the Great Truth: ” ‘I AM’ the Supreme Intelligent Activity through my mind

and heart,” you will bring the True, Dependable, Divine Feeling into the heart.

So long mankind has been loving on the periphery of the circle. Once the student

becomes really aware that “God is Love,” and Love’s True Activity comes through

the heart, he will understand that to focus his attention on the desire to project

Love forth for any given purpose is the supreme privilege of the outer activity of

the consciousness—which can generate Love to a boundless degree. Mankind has

not previously understood that Divine Love is a Power, a Presence, an Intelligence,

a Light, that can be fanned into a Boundless Flame or Fire; and it is within the

conscious intelligence of every individual, especially students of the Light, to so

create and generate this “Presence of Love” that It becomes an Invincible,

Exhaustless, Peace-commanding “Presence” wherever the conscious

individual desires to direct It.

Somewhere it has been said that Love may not be commanded. I say to you: “Love

is the First Principle of Life and may be generated to any degree, or without any

limit whatsoever, for Infinite use. ” Such is the majestic privilege of the conscious

use and direction of Love.

When I say “generate,” I mean the opening of the door through conscious devotion

to the outpouring of this exhaustless Fountain of Love, which is the Heart of your

Being—the Heart of the Universe.

Students, by contemplating this Infinite Power of Love, become such a fountain of

Its outpouring that Its conscious direction may be Infinite in the student’s use.

When My beloved students wish to hasten their liberation from certain events or

outer activity, I can but say: ” ‘I AM’ the Commanding ‘Presence,’ the exhaustless

energy, the Divine Wisdom causing my desire to be fulfilled.” This will bring the

quickest release from any undesirable condition that the very Law of your Being

will permit. Knowing this, you may further know: “The ‘Presence that I AM,’ I now

remain, untouched by disturbing outer conditions. Serene, I fold my wings and

abide the Perfect Action of the Divine Law and Justice of my Being, commanding

all things within my Circle to appear in Perfect Divine Order.”

all things within my Circle to appear in Perfect Divine Order.”

This is the greatest privilege of the student and should be the Command at all

times. Here I shall say something that should be very encouraging, and I trust it

will. Each student who is earnestly striving for the Light is being toughened as you

make the toughest steel, which wears the longest, holds the best, and is the

strongest. Such is what the Life of experience brings to the individual. When one

craves to be released and still there appear trying experiences, it is the toughening

of the steel of character and the strengthening of the individual that gives him at

last the Perfect and Eternal Mastery over all outer things.

One may, with the right understanding of this, easily rejoice in the experience

which is enabling him to turn to and bask in the Glorious, Wondrous “I AM

Presence.” Thus, Beloved Students, you should never grow weary of well-doing, nor

meeting the experiences that sometimes seem to weigh heavily upon you; but

rejoice that every step forward leads to that Eternal Goal which does not have to

be repeated.

This is what methinks the student often forgets to use: ” ‘I AM’ the strength, the

courage, the power to move forward steadily through all experiences, whatever

they may be, and remain joyous and uplifted, filled with peace and harmony at all

times, by the Glorious Presence which ‘I AM.’ ”

To the athlete on the race track, the beginning of the race is glorious anticipation;

but as he reaches the goal and his adversary draws near, he puts forth every effort,

his breath becomes short, and with one last leap, he crosses the line to victory. So

it is with students on the path. They know in the use of the “I AM Presence” they

cannot fail. Therefore, all that is necessary is to tighten your belt, gird yourself for

whatever is required, and with a wave of the hand to your adversary, bid him


More fortunate than the athlete, the student knows from the beginning that he

cannot fail, because “I AM” the Exhaustless Energy and Intelligence sustaining him

or her.

The Power of Precipitation, the student should understand and remember at all

times, is within the “I AM Presence.” “I AM” here, the Life Principle and Intelligence

in this body. “I AM” everywhere, even unto the Heart of God, the Governing

Intelligence of the Universe. Therefore, when I wish to precipitate anything

whatsoever, I know: “I AM” the Power acting; “I AM” the Intelligence directing; “I

AM” the Substance being acted upon, and I now bring it into visible form and my


The contemplation of this phrase just expressed will enable the student to enter

into this Activity without strain or anxiety.

The question that so often confronts the students in the Power of Precipitation is

that of money. The first question is, “How is it that money may be precipitated

without interfering with the government allotment?” Since the creation of money

as a standard of exchange, gold being its standard and heart, so to speak, and the

security of all issue, it will be remembered that there have been almost a countless

number of disasters in one form or another through which gold and the issue of

money have been, to the outer sense, destroyed. Billions of dollars in this manner

have disappeared. Therefore with any money, and it is usually gold that is

precipitated, there is no danger of passing the limit set by a government for its

use. Again, there have been billions of Spanish gold and denominations of other

countries that have been burned, lost, submerged at sea, etc., to the extent that

Precipitation would have to run into great numbers before there would be any

question as to its legality. More often however, gold is precipitated in its natural

state, therefore always legal in its use.

As the world has recently offered a premium for more gold production, why not

precipitate it and bless the world by its use? But I shall not hold myself responsible

for the questions that will be asked when you do precipitate it, unless you have a

mine from which you can supposedly have brought it forth, for you have no idea

what the curiosity of the outer mind is until you call its attention to gold. I assure

what the curiosity of the outer mind is until you call its attention to gold. I assure

you, the outer is immediately set on fire. However: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence’ governing


The supposed demand to know the source of gold is but a subtle form of inquiry

that someone else may discover your source. My idea would be to answer their

inquiry that it is none of their business. Simply say: “Here is the gold. Test it. If it

is not one hundred per cent, you may refuse it. If it is, you are compelled to

receive it by the laws of your government.”

You will understand, Beloved Students, that it is only in the outer activity of the

physical world that you require a medium of exchange, for the moment one rises

into the Power of Precipitation, he has little use for gold or money or any kind of

exchange, except as incidents may require.

As one by one you come into the Ascended State, you will have many a hearty

laugh over the seeming importance of these outer problems of the physical, or

outer world, for they are all but the “maya,” which means but constant change.

Remember, there is only one thing in the Universe that is permanent, real and

Eternal. That is the “I AM Presence,” God in you, which is the Owner, the Creator,

and the Intelligence governing all manifested form. Then to know that you are that

“Presence,” that “I AM Presence,” places you, Beloved Student, independent of all

outer manifestation.

Do not misunderstand Me. I know you have to come into this Understanding

sufficiently, but if you are sincere, have dauntless determination in your

recognition of the “I AM Presence,” God in Action in you, you will find yourself,

even to the outer sense, quickly rising into that Dominion and Independence in

which you can say to all outer things, “Is it possible thou didst once disturb me?”

Some of you have had an inkling of how gross and coarse all outer form seems

when once you are liberated from it. To your finer, Higher Sense, it seems

incredible that you could have inhabited and still are inhabiting and using a form

so gross and imperfect. Had you long ago recognized, claimed, and rejoiced in the

“I AM Presence” as you are doing today, these outer forms would have become so

refined that you could have come back to them with very great grace. However,

one has but to rejoice at every step of attainment and every step he hopes to

attain, because hope becomes faith, and faith becomes Reality.

Now Beloved Students, under no circumstance allow the experience of the outer to

pall upon you, but in this recognition, rejoice every day, every hour, every minute

that brings you nearer to the goal of Freedom and release from limitation — that

Freedom you have so longed for and so much desired.

The Light is growing very bright within some of you. Continue on with that calm,

dauntless determination to scale the heights, for: ” ‘I AM’ that Great Presence

sustaining you, and you cannot fail.” You know the old phrase used to spur one on,

and especially among soldiers, was to tell them they were cowards, and “yellow.”

Now Beloved Students, I say to you: you are not cowards, but you are yellow with

the Golden Light of Truth, of Dominion, of Mastery over all outer things which

have bound you; and with one Mighty Surge of the ‘I AM Presence,’ you break

every binding chain, shatter all sense of limitation, and stand forth in your

Freedom, the Glorious, Radiant, Majestic Being that you really are.

I like very much to use the Statement: ” ‘I AM’ here and ‘I AM’ there”; and if you

will contemplate it, you cannot help but overcome the sense of separation.

The student is more or less uncertain, which always brings anxiety, and anxiety

makes tension. As you come into the Higher Activity, you will become more and

more relaxed.

Always take the attitude of calm poise when anything should manifest. Always be

happy and rejoice in the Presence; but there is always the balance to be maintained

—it is the Middle Way. Hold yourself within this Center Poise. One can rejoice as

deeply in a calm poise as he can in overexuberance. The calm poise conveys a

certain something to others that they need, for every human being needs poise and

the conscious realization of the necessity of calmness and poise, because it never

the conscious realization of the necessity of calmness and poise, because it never

leaves one off guard. Poise has within it a certain power of Self-control and guard

which is very essential.

You will be not only delighted but amazed at times at the marvelous things that

will come with it. Use: ” ‘I AM’ the Perfect Poise which controls everything.” When

you use the “I AM Presence,” be sure to keep it as a permanent thing.

Each one try this, and if you do not feel results at first, just go on, for you certainly

will as you use it more and more: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence charging this water with

the Life-giving Essence which I absorb and which renews my body in Perfect

Health and Eternal Youth.” Affirm often: ” ‘I AM’ here and ‘I AM’ there, ‘I AM’ the

conscious action everywhere.” To discordant activities say: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence

preventing this. ‘I AM’ the positive, peaceful control of this whole situation.”

In the “I AM Consciousness” is the Wisdom that knows what is required. Know

always that: ” ‘I AM’ the controlling, governing Presence of this meeting or


There is nothing comes into physical form which is not first perfected on the

Invisible, or Higher Planes.

The students should not discuss this Instruction, but just rejoice in living It

themselves. If they will do this, they will receive so much more from It, because

there will be no conflicting vibrations to disturb them.

BENEDICTION: Wondrous Presence of the God “I AM”! We give praise and thanks

for this feeling of the certainty of Thy Presence that is growing within the

consciousness of these students under this Radiation. We rejoice in the Great Light

of Thy Presence enfolding each one, which goes forth unto all humanity, changing

all discord into Love and Peace. We thank Thee.

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  • https://theiamdiscourses com/discourse-10/