Tag Archives: I AM Discourses

Discourse 19

Discourse 19 December 05, 1932


INVOCATION: Thou Majestic Presence of the Ascended Jesus Christ! Thou Who hast

gained Thy Eternal Dominion over all things, Thou Who dost rest serene in the

Heart of the Eternal Father, pouring forth Thy Wondrous Radiance, enfolding all

mankind! We give praise and thanks to Thee. Our hearts fill with great rejoicing

that the Ascended Host with Thee see and manipulate the dawning, Eternal Light

for the Blessing of humanity.

Through His own Personal Ray, Jesus will now speak His Wish to the students:


When I said: ” ‘I AM’ the Open Door which no man may shut,” I meant humanity to

understand, I referred to the “Great I AM,” which is the Life of every individual

manifest in form. I did not wish to convey that the personal Jesus was the only one

to whom this great privilege was ordained. Each one of you beloved children of the

One Father has the same Mighty Presence within you, the “Great I AM,” that I have,

and that I had at that time, by which I achieved the Final and Eternal Victory.

Here I wish you to understand for encouragement, strength, and certainty in your

minds, that the Consciousness I used for this Great Victory was the use of the “I

AM Presence” which you are being taught. I had made search through all the

avenues available at that time, and at last the determination and desire for the

Truth led Me to the Great Master whom you shall one day know. He gave to Me

this Inner Secret and Mighty Acknowledgment, turning Me to that “Mighty

Presence, the ‘Great I AM.’ ” Through His Radiation, I was able to comprehend, and

at once begin using It. This is the only way by which any individualization of the

Ray of God may achieve the Eternal Victory and build his structure upon a firm

foundation from which no outer activity can ever disturb him.

At this time I wish to convey the simple, all-powerful use of this Presence to you.

All who have achieved the Mighty Victory and who have been able to raise their

bodies as I did, or who raised them before, have used the conscious activity of that

“Mighty, Eternal Presence-‘I AM.’ ”

When I said to My Disciples and to humanity: “The things that I have done shall ye

do also, and even greater things shall ye do,” I knew whereof I spoke, knowing that

within each individualization, or Child of God, there was this “Mighty I AM

Presence” by whose use you are impelled forward with no uncertainty. I say,

“impelled,” because I mean just that.

The constant use of your “I AM Presence” does impel you forward in spite of any

activity of the outer self. So long as this single Idea is held firmly, storms, distress

and disturbance may rage about you, but in the Consciousness of the “I AM

Presence,” you can and are able to stand serene, unmoved by the seething vortex of

human creation which may or may not be about you.

There is but one way by which you and the Father may become eternally one, and

that is through the full acceptance of His “I AM Presence,” Energy, Love, Wisdom

and Power which He has given you—golden links, golden steps, by which you climb

serenely upward into your final Achievement.

Sometime, somewhere, every individualization of God the Father, must find his

way back to the Father through his “I AM Presence,” fulfilling his cycle or cycles of

individualizations in the use of the activity of the outer self. The earth is the only

sphere in which there is the density of the atomic structure that you experience.

The conscious recognition and use of the “I AM Presence,” which you are, steadily

raises the vibratory action of your atomic structure, unclothing and liberating the

Electronic Activity which is hidden within the atom, enabling you to become Selfluminous


I wish it here distinctly understood by all who may receive this or ever contact it,

I wish it here distinctly understood by all who may receive this or ever contact it,

that I am not and never was a Special Being created of God different from the rest

of humanity! It is true that I had made previous conscious effort and had attained

much previous to the embodiment in which I won the Eternal Victory. My choice

of experience two thousand years ago was to set the example which every

individualization of God would and must sooner or later follow.

How I urge you, Beloved Children of God, to look upon Me as your Elder Brother

—one with you. When I said, or left the Word that: ” ‘I AM’ with you always,” the “I

AM Presence,” which “I AM” and which you are is One. Therefore, do you not see

how ” ‘I AM’ with you always”? Think deeply on this and try to feel its Reality.

At the time and after My Ascension, I saw the immensity of the Radiation I would

be able to pour forth to My beloved brothers and sisters upon the earth from the

Sphere in which I had become fitted to dwell. I wish to say to you in all Truth:

every individual who will send his conscious thought to Me with the desire to be

raised above the limitations of earth or of his own creation, and will live

accordingly, will receive every Assistance from Me that is possible to be given—

according to the steps of growth in consciousness which he attains from time to


Do not misunderstand Me at this point: when I refer to growth, I am speaking of

humanity in general. I do not refer to some who have previous attainment

sufficient which, in their present use and full acceptance of their “I AM Presence,”

they may rend the veil of human creation and step forth into the “Embrace of the

Ascended, Blazing ‘I AM Presence’ ” at any time. There are some in the group of

students already drawn together for whom it is possible to do this. That depends

entirely upon themselves—upon the calm, poised intensity by which they become

conscious of their “I AM Presence.”

These great tidings I bring to you because I proved them in My own personal


Before I became fully decided in what manner I should leave the example to

humanity, I suddenly, from an Inner Impulse, began to use the Statement: ” ‘I AM’

the Resurrection and the Life.” Within forty- eight hours after I began using that

Statement, with great rejoicing, I saw what was to be done; and I wish to assure

you that it was the conscious use of the Mighty Statement: ” ‘I AM’ the

Resurrection and the Life” which enabled me to make the Ascension in the

presence of so many; and imprint, or record upon the etheric records, that

Example for all humanity which will stand eternally present.

It was unfortunate that the veil of the orthodox idea was drawn over the minds of

the people, preventing the comprehension that each one had within himself the “I

AM Presence” —the same as I had—by which he could attain, do the same things I

did, and win the Eternal Victory.

Such, Beloved Students, is My Personal Message I leave with you, spoken through

the Light and Sound Ray into which any of you may enter, see, and hear with

sufficient conscious preparation.

Again, I urge you to think of Me as your Elder Brother, ready to give you Assistance

at all times. Do not think of Me as a Transcendent Being so far beyond your reach

that contact is impossible; for the “I AM Presence” which enabled Me to make the

Ascension is the same “I AM Presence” that will enable you to make the Ascension

as I did; only today, you have the Assistance of the Great Ascended Host of Beings

who have won the Eternal Victory and joyously stand at your service as you make

yourselves ready.

With My Love I enfold you. I again repeat: ” ‘I AM’ with you always.”

Saint Germain: “Did I not have a surprise for you?”

BENEDICTION: Into the fullness of Thy Mighty Silence, O Great Presence, we come

to rest, to feel Thy Peace, to love Thy Harmony pervading all. O Mighty Love

Presence which beats the hearts of all mankind, strengthen Thyself within their

hearts; draw and hold their conscious attention upon Thee, the “Great Love Star” in

hearts; draw and hold their conscious attention upon Thee, the “Great Love Star” in

the heart of each one; glorify Thy Presence and Thy Creator in them; bless all

mankind with that strength to look only to Thee, and to stand steadfast facing


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Discourse 18

Discourse 18 December 01, 1932


INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, Illumining Presence which “I AM”! in gratitude and

praise, we enter into the Fullness of Thy Presence today; and forever receive Thy

Limitless Blessings, Thy Strength and Courage, Thy Joyous Enthusiasm, all of which

is Self-sustained.

We know there is but One Presence! “I AM that Presence” of all Activity, all

Wisdom and Power, and in the Freedom of that Mighty Presence we stand serene,

unmoved among all outer things which seem to point to the contrary.

“I stand serene in Thy Great Forever; I claim Thy Great Dominion in my place! I

stand in the Radiance of God Eternal, ever looking Thee full in the Face.”

I bring you Greetings from the Great Host, and also Their Blessings for the happy

enthusiasm which has been entered into. We shall endeavor to sustain you in that

joyous enthusiasm as the Hub of this Radiation, because all the students will feel

and act It. Far more has been accomplished this week than was anticipated, and

We enter with you into the great rejoicing. The loving blessing of each student

unto the other is most commendable, and this simple thing will open the door, oh

so wide! to receive the fullness intended for them.


I would be so pleased to have every one of the students, just at this time especially,

use the Statement, with all the enthusiasm they can command: ” ‘I AM,’ ‘I AM,’ I

know ‘I AM’ the use of God’s Limitless Opulence.”

Here I wish to explain that when there is a group of students in accord, working

from the same principle, and they use this Statement, they not only bring into

their own world and use this Great Opulence, but they bless their associate

students with the same thing, because ” ‘I AM the Presence’ in each one.” This is the

mighty power of cooperative action which everyone should use.

The students who maintain a loving blessing to each other are really held in the

“Embrace of the Great ‘I AM Presence,’ ” and when they acknowledge Its action,

they are commanding the same blessing and action for the other students that they

are for themselves.

This is the correct attitude to be sustained, and if maintained sincerely in the heart

of each one, no one within this Embrace will want for any good thing; but the

student who allows any feeling to remain of unkindness to the others will shut

himself away from this Great Radiance and Blessing. Now let us enter into the

keynote of what you touched this morning—the simple understanding of God’s Will

and free will. God’s Will is the Opulence of Goodwill—the birthright of every one

of God’s Children.

When you are reaching to the Light in the use of the “Mighty I AM Presence” with

sincerity, it is not possible for you to do otherwise than call for God’s Will to be

done. As Children of God the Father—who has given His Children free will that they

may choose—they must understand that it is for them alone to decree what shall

act in their lives and world.

Having free will, the student must understand that God can only act in his Life

and world according to his conscious direction.

God is the Principle of all Life, and each Child of God is an individualized,

conscious, active part of that One Great Principle of Life and Love and Power.

God has given into the keeping of every one of His Children this Marvelous

Consciousness, which is Omnipresent, eternally elastic, as it were, which can be

drawn into a focal point to write with the Pen of Light, or expand to encompass

the earth.

Consciousness is always subject to direction through the use of the free will.

The most unfortunate understanding established by the orthodox idea that God

The most unfortunate understanding established by the orthodox idea that God

acts of His own Free Will in the Life of the individual or a nation, is positively not

true. God can only act through the mind of His own individualization, which is

clothed with the personalities that you see about you. These personalities are but

vehicles of use and expression of this Mighty Individuality—which is God’s Will

and your free will —and it only comes into use by your conscious direction.

I say to you that every function of your body is sustained through conscious action,

although you are not aware of it; but as you reach deeper and deeper into the

Consciousness of the “Mighty I AM Presence,” you will come to understand that it

is impossible for any outer action to take place without Self-conscious action.

A simple proof of this is what any of you may test at any moment: I wish to do

some physical act. Preceding that activity, there always comes the thought to do it;

otherwise the hand or body would not move in action. That which people have

chosen to call involuntary action is the thing that has mystified their

understanding of their own Being.

The students should take this humble explanation and meditate upon it often, for it

will clear the mind of any obstruction. You are Self-conscious, Free Will, Acting


This is really of vital importance to these blessed, earnest students. I love every one

of them, both men and women, even though the ladies’ husbands might object.

In both of your classes this week, the Individualized Presence of Jesus the Christ

stood in your midst. At……..in the form of “The Tree of Life,” each student being a

branch. At……..from His “Pillar of

Dazzling Radiance,” within which was His Visible,

Personal Form. At……..His Form was within the

“Tree of Life,” but not visible—not to mention others of the Ascended Host who

were present. There were also Nada, Cha Ara, Lanto and Myself.

I wish to say to that class of blessed boys with the one pink rose in their midst,

that I joyously hold them all in My Fond Embrace, so they may use and inhale the

Radiance of My Being. They have Freedom and Dominion within their grasp, if they

will hold fast to these Instructions and apply them.

Further, I wish the students to understand that the Stream of Life flowing through

the mind and body always comes into them pure and unadulterated, containing

within It all the strength, courage, energy and wisdom that can ever be desired;

but by the lack of control of their thought and feeling, they are unknowingly

requalifying this Pure Essence with the outer ideas upon which the attention has

been fixed.

To form the habit every moment the mind is not otherwise occupied of being Selfconscious

that: ” ‘I AM’ the only Intelligence acting,” will keep that

Mighty, Wonderful Stream of Life from being discolored, and I shall say

disqualified, by the wrong conceptions of the outer activity of the mind. This is the

simple secret of really all Perfection—if one can but comprehend it.

This Great Life comes into everyone’s use Pure and Perfect, but through lack of

understanding, the outer mind is constantly requalifying It with discordant

conceptions, and thus human beings change Its otherwise Perfect Action into that

which they find expressed in limitation and discord in their outer activity.

This should make clear to the students the simple activity which they should Selfconsciously

maintain in order to keep this marvelous, Perfect Life that is constantly

flowing through their minds and bodies in Its Pure, Fragrant State; for I tell you

truly, that those who will follow and maintain this idea will find the emanations

from their own bodies becoming rarer than the lily or the rose. Further, in the

consciousness of this Perfection which is constantly flowing into their use, they

can know It as Perfect health and beauty of face and form, until Its Radiance

shines forth like the sun.

O Beloved Students! When it is so simple, requiring so little consciously sustained

effort, is it not worth all it requires on your part to enter into the Fullness of this

Life Stream and receive Its Fullness and Blessing?

Life Stream and receive Its Fullness and Blessing?

In the Oriental activity there was a secret society —in fact, it began in China

—maintained gloriously in the Light until the one then in charge at the head of the

order, thought, in one of the war ravages, that his daughter whom he loved so

deeply, was killed by an Englishman—which, however, was not the case. But it

brought about the breaking up of the order, and the pictures of “Fu Manchu,” of

which I think there have been four produced, are the picturing of this to the outer

world, showing how the “Light” may be distorted by something starting the feeling

of revenge.

This one known as “Fu Manchu” was, at the beginning of that activity, a wondrous,

beautiful soul; and it shows how sometimes the ravages of war and the lack of

control of the thought and feeling in the individual bring about such distortion in

the Life Stream.

In connection with the South American Activity, which the present work has

drawn joyously to Their attention: until this Focus of Radiation began, it was

doubted by most, except Nada and Myself, the possibility of establishing such a

Focus in this busy Western World; but They did not know what I did, the fact of

our long association not having been revealed to Them. So I said on My own

Responsibility: “I shall try it out.”

Now I have the full cooperation of all who might have questioned. The Master

from Venus and Lanto also stood with Us. I said to Them: “The time has come

when there are those outside of the Retreats who can be made True Messengers of

the Light.” Thanks to you, I have been proven right. Now, of course, I ask you all to

stand with Me in the sustaining of this.

It proves that it is possible to establish this Mighty, Active Presence in the midst of

a hailstorm. I have always maintained this, and most of the time I have stood

alone; but the ability of the students to grasp the use of the “I AM Presence” is

making tremendous things possible; and I say sincerely for your encouragement,

that with this marvelous condition maintained which has come to this point, it is

not impossible to have various Ones of these Ascended Beings sit in your midst —as

visible as your own physical bodies—and speak to you.

This is not just a matter of the desire of the students for it, but rather the

preparation of the students for it. Until recently, of course, this good Brother has

not known it—but for thirty years he has been being prepared for it. Half of that

time your (Mrs. G. W. Ballard’s) preparation was going on in the invisible, and it

has been a remarkably beautiful thing to all who have observed it.

  1. The other night while in deep meditation, I heard the words: “into the City of


  1. Which really means “into the City of Light.”
  2. On Monday, November 29, 1932, I heard, in the morning before the Discourse,

and again today before the Discourse, the Words of Jesus: “Ye have been with Me in

my sorrows, ye shall now behold Me in My Glory, and see the reward which My

Father doth give Me.”

  1. And so shall it be in your outer experience.

The very Words which Jesus used from time to time, all may use—and will use

sometime, somewhere with fulfillment—for the Words He used at all times were

“Life” and contained within them that Ascended Life, or Perfect Life.

C). How is the political situation?

  1. There will not be nearly so much accomplished by the element that sought

entrance as they anticipated. The old saying that if you give a calf rope enough, it

will hang itself, is true with certain forces. Sometimes when they think they have

won an easy victory, they have sounded their own death knell.

The accomplishment of the past few days drew the attention of many in the

Golden City, who, as We projected the Vision and Sound Rays today, came to look

and behold the accomplishment. I say this for the encouragement of the students:

While We are giving forth the Work today, Those in the Golden City are sending

forth to the students Their Glorious Radiation.

forth to the students Their Glorious Radiation.

It has been a great joy to Me to prove that in the Land of America for which I have

worked so long that there were those who could receive what you are receiving

and giving forth at this time. There are those Masters from Venus who have seen

this with Me for some time. The Kumaras’ Field of Action was in other ways, but

They are now observant of this accomplishment.

There is no radiation goes forth anywhere in the Universe except through

conscious projection. The Radiation projected from the stars, so-called, to our earth

does not and cannot come into contact with the earth without the conscious

direction of the Cosmic Being who is the Conscious Directing Presence of that star

or planet. This conscious direction is what makes the Radiation from one planet to

another reach its destination; but the Radiation thus directed does not carry any

adverse aspect to any individual there.

The Universal, Cosmic Laws of the earth, which impel growth through the law of

experience, hold within themselves that which you know as resistance. If there

were not that which the individual knows as resistance, he would not make

conscious effort, and this would make it impossible for advancement in

understanding, or the return to the Father’s House from which the children of

earth have strayed.

Resistance has nothing whatever to do with discord. Resistance is a Natural Law.

Discord is a human creation. There is no discord in the Universe except that which

the personality creates.

Take the dynamic consciousness: ” ‘I AM’ the Pure Mind of God in everyone present

here.” This shuts out human desire.

Take the consciousness: ” ‘I AM’ the governing Presence of this.” The desire first

comes in the mind, and if you take the consciousness: ” ‘I AM’ the Pure Mind of

God,” it consumes the thought and keeps the human mind clear from the desire


When the liquid precipitates in the hand, instantly qualify it as Liquid Light, and it

will manifest as That. Give the command for that quality before beginning the


One student should not expect to see the same activity as another; the students are

not supposed to see or feel alike.

There is not a moment in the day that we do not visualize something, because the

power of vision is acting all the time. Keep all out of the mind except the picture

you want, for that is all with which you are concerned. Do not let the attention

become focused on the seeming emptiness.

BENEDICTION: In great devotion, in the fullness of our Hearts of Love, in the

fullness of our adoration to the “God Presence which ‘I AM’ ” — the Ascended Jesus

Christ—we pour forth our Gratitude and Praise for the sustaining Presence, the

good of every description held within this Radiance of which we are receiving

hourly. Thou Mighty Presence! As we find ourselves held within Thy Mighty

Embrace, we become imbued with Thy Radiant Intelligence, Thy Marvelous

Strength, Thy Invincible Courage to hold constantly within Thy Mighty Light. We

thank Thee.

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Discourse 16

Discourse 16 November 24, 1932





INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, Wondrous Presence! We give praise and thanks for

Jesus Christ’s Presence today. We rejoice in the Fullness of the Christ Activity, the

Active Presence of God.

Out of the Fullness of this Presence comes pouring, like a mighty stream gushing

forth from the mountains, the Energy of Illumination. This Great and Mighty

Stream of Life, with all its attributes of Perfection surging into the hearts of

mankind, is anchoring in everyone Peace, Love, Harmony, Faith, and Charity to all.

Thou Mighty Presence, Infinite Love, enfolding all mankind! Give special notice to

these earnest students who have come under this Radiation. Give every Assistance

that is permissible. Strengthen them to stand unwaveringly in the Light and face

the Truth, joyously willing to pluck out of their lives and creation all undesirable


Fill all official places with Mighty Messengers of Light! Sustain them by Thy Mighty

Ascended Host, that they may be strong enough to stand unwavering and

successful before any sinister force.

We give praise and thanks for this day as an uplifting and wonderful memory

established in the consciousness of mankind. May that rapidly approaching time

come when every day may be a thanksgiving in the hearts of mankind for Thy

Light ever enfolding all who wish it. I bring you Greetings from the Ascended Host

and Jesus himself.


The First Principle of activity from the Godhead is projection, or precipitation.

Therefore, Its nature is to project, or precipitate Itself.

The first activity is the divided Rays going forth into individualization, into visible

expression. When I speak of individual, or visible expression, I use that term

because of the physical activity, not that it is not always visible, because it is; but

to those in the physical form, I speak of it as visibility.

Thus you will see the nature of your Being as Rays of Light, and who you are as the

Natural Quality of Life which you so much desire at this time. The day is rapidly

approaching when many, many students will begin to use the Light Rays of which

they are a part —

especially the Ray of Vision and Sound.

Even in your physical world today there are being discovered means of producing

and uses of these Rays. These are strange activities—I say strange to the visible

activity, but natural always to the Inner Presence. The manner of using these Rays

at present is crude, it is true; but it will require only another step to take them

through the veil.

The Power of the “I AM Presence” and Intelligence to use these Rays will always

remain infinitely more powerful than any mechanical contrivance by which they

are used. However, to the student who has not yet found his ability to use these

Rays, the scientist’s experience will be of wondrous encouragement to know the

amazing Truth of the individual’s ability to use them.

Here it is important to know that there are Natural Rays penetrating through all

the atmosphere, or etheric belt within the earth’s atmosphere. When I say natural, I

mean those Rays projected from the Godhead, or Great Central Sun, which in

recent years, shall I say within a few years, have been made permanent.

Then there are the Created Rays, created and projected by the Ascended Host—by

Those who have raised the body. The latter are the most potent of all Rays because

Those who have raised the body. The latter are the most potent of all Rays because

they are consciously manipulated.

The Rays the scientists are contacting are the

Natural Rays, having a certain natural potency.

The great need, as stated in The Magic Presence, is the preparation of earnest

students who can be raised and taught the use of these Rays. There are those

among you who can do this, and as they are prepared with a determined

steadfastness to the Light, they will have more and more of the Law revealed to

them concerning the use of these potent Forces.

I feel a very great joy in the possibilities before you and your students. I trust they

can find within themselves the strength and steadfast determination to hold fast to

the outer and Inner Work that is being done for them—with a joyous feeling of

sureness of the Limitless Powers which true Freedom brings.

I have from time to time endeavored to give a word of encouragement, and

through that, enfold them in the Radiation of Strength which is fearless and

dauntless in the Light. The loving, joyous stillness in the attitude of the students is

wonderfully encouraging, for the expectant attitude is the right attitude to be


I would suggest that those who have been having unpleasant experiences would

consciously withdraw from those conditions all power they have been giving them,

mostly unknowingly. When it is necessary to discuss some condition to understand

it, immediately follow by withdrawing any power that has been given it, and then

know: ” ‘I AM’ the

Harmonious Presence, ever pervading whatever the condition may be.”

As I have intimated before, and it has only partially reached through, I will repeat

it again: Anyone, especially the student, who has experienced inharmony or

limitation in his mind, home, or world, can, with persistent, tensionless effort, by

holding with determination to the following Statement, keep his home clear of

anything undesirable: ” ‘I AM’ the Governing Presence, governing in Perfect Divine

Order, commanding Harmony, Happiness, and the Presence of God’s Opulence in

my mind, my home, and my world.”

When I say: ” ‘I AM’ the Governing Presence,” “I AM” fully, consciously aware that I

have set in motion the Full Power and Intelligence of God producing the desired

conditions, and that they are thus Self-sustained.

It seems to me that it has not been clearly understood that when you use the

expression: ” ‘I AM the Presence’ in my mind, home, and world,” you are not only

commanding the Conquering Presence of this activity through your own

consciousness, but you are calling forth the Assistance of the “I AM, ” or God

Presence, into your home and world, of whomever contacts it.

This is so vital for the student to understand. Do not be discouraged if you do not

see immediate manifestation of this harmony which you desire, but go right on

feeling the “Conquering I AM Presence. ” Do you not see that in this Consciousness,

there is no other Presence to act, except what you are conscious of? All other

activity of the outer which is undesirable is but a distorted activity and use of this

Mighty Energy. Therefore, when you say: ” ‘I AM the Conquering Presence’! I

command this ‘I AM Presence’ to govern perfectly my mind, home, affairs and

world,” you have sent forth the greatest Decree possible to be given; and you have

but to feel the Sustaining Power of this in the face of every appearance until you

find Perfection manifest in your mind, home and world.

I wish the students would read this particular part every day to keep before them

the Mighty Truth underlying these Statements.

Now we come to a vital point, and that is the Personal Ray or Rays sent forth by

Jesus direct. Many will ask, why especially Jesus? I answer, because humanity has

been taught to look to the Presence of Jesus the Christ, few having any knowledge

at all of the Ascended Host of the Great Masters of the Great White Brotherhood

who wield limitless Power to assist mankind.

You and your students will have, for the next seven weeks, the Personal Ray of

You and your students will have, for the next seven weeks, the Personal Ray of

Jesus the Christ. Those who can put aside any thought of other personalities and

with open arms, mentally speaking, welcome these Rays into each one’s mind,

home and world, will find almost anything possible.

I assure all of you that the idea of these Personal Rays of Jesus the Christ is no

imaginary thing; and you, Our Beloved Messenger, have the personal thanks of

Jesus the Christ for your fearless stand and use of the Ascended Jesus Christ


As the Messenger gives forth riches of Wisdom and Truth, so should students, in

their loving sincerity to the teacher, through the “I AM Presence,” work for the

health and prosperity of the Messengers. This would open doors to the students

not otherwise possible.

There are indications at this time that during the next seven weeks revelations may

be given to some of a certain use of Liquid Light. I wish the students’ attention to

be fixed on this so that those who are ready may receive. Here let Me say that the

right attitude of the student is always to rejoice at the advancement of his or her

brother or sister, for each individual receives that which is most needed at the

time, and if one receives one thing, another may receive something else. So the

student should at no time feel that he should have the same thing that someone

else receives. (I mean in regard to revelation.) As no two are alike or of the same

state of advancement, you can see how they could not each receive the same thing

at the same time.

The most wonderful attitude of the student is to continually bless and rejoice at

any revelation that comes to his fellow students, thus keeping the door wide open

to that glorious Inner Presence at all times.

For the encouragement of those interested in aerial transport, I wish to say there is

nearing the approach of planes that will be proof against accident. These will make

transportation quick, sure, and easy anywhere one wishes to go. The obstructive

mental attitude of those interested in aerial navigation which has been opposing

the coming forth of this much needed knowledge is rapidly being broken down,

until there will come forth a flood, so to speak, of wonderful ideas and Perfection,

which can and will be used in this wonderful means of transportation. Many of

you will not need them—but there are always those who do—for one’s own aerial

equipment within him will always far excel any outward conveyance, for the

Higher Body is the most wonderful vehicle of aerial transportation there is.

‘ Some of my argumentative friends may suggest that this vehicle is not able to

carry great loads, but I say to them, how shall ye judge —until ye are able to use

this means? It is most amusing to watch the activity of so-called practical minds

who feel that there is nothing real except what they can feel and handle; but

unless one believes in the Limitless Powers and

Laws of Intelligence of God Individualized, he can in no-wise receive to any great

extent from this Mighty Inner Presence.

The practical mind that forever doubts a thing it cannot see has a long way to go

unless, as you lop off the undesirable limb of a tree, this limb of doubt be cut off.

You know, it is a good idea, after it has been cut off, for you to consume it in the

Consuming Flame—that it does not come back again. It seems so difficult for the

student to realize what a tremendous Power the Consciousness of this Consuming

Presence is.

To some it is difficult to get away from the thought that It is imaginary, but could

you see from the Inner standpoint, you would see that It has a Mighty Presence

and Power, and is very Real.

I wish you for about two minutes to feel this Dazzling Ray of Light penetrating

every atom of your Being.

There should be splendid accomplishment during the next seven weeks. The

reaching out of humanity as Christmastime draws near, with the already added

impetus of the Christ-Force, enables accomplishments to take place at this time

which have not before been possible.

which have not before been possible.

There are certain activities which must be contacted by the Inner Presence before

the outer attention can be drawn to them. This is hard for the student to

understand. The student must first reach out, and he can only reach out through

his Inner Presence.

A simple but very wonderful thing is for one to give praise every night and

morning for that magnificent Presence of Life which animates the mind and body.

It is a tremendous thing to feel deeply this thanksgiving for the Presence of Life

which holds within Itself all things. Just be grateful to Life for all It is and contains.

The very Presence of Life enables Us to do the things we are conscious of and

desire to do, because we cannot move without this Presence. We cannot even think

without It.

If one would take this Statement: ” ‘I AM the Presence’ thinking through this mind

and body,” he would receive some very remarkable ideas.

The brain is the first point where obstruction begins to register, because that is the

point of contact with wrong ideas. Wrong ideas register most quickly and

intensely in the brain structure because that is the field of atomic activity.

However, the attention held upon the “I AM Presence” so releases the Power of the

Perfection, which is within the electron at the center of the atom, that the wrong

ideas and obstruction to the Light simply dissolve and disappear.

  1. Don: Where are you going?
  2. Saint Germain: To the Golden City.

From this time on, until three weeks after New

Year’s Day, it is a time of great rejoicing in the Golden City, for it gives a great

opportunity to convey into the physical world, through the Light and Sound Rays,

Its own Mighty Radiance. If humanity could understand and appreciate this fact,

remarkable things could take place; but that does not prevent individuals who can

grasp It from receiving Its remarkable benefit.

The very simple thing, if students could only understand and apply it, is to

absolutely keep the mind off every personality and know only: ” ‘I AM’ the only

Presence there.” It would open the doors—oh so wide!

Love, and a reaching out to an Ascended Being, enable Radiation to be given that

would not otherwise be possible.

One cannot long interfere with the progress or growth of another, for if the one

obstructing does not release and relax his hold upon the other who is ready to go

higher, the obstructing one will be removed by his own action. If one continues to

hold steadfast and sincerely to the Light, personalities will be swept aside, or

harmoniously disconnected from the individual’s world.

At this state of growth, or rather, expansion of the Light, it is necessary to know: ”

‘I AM’ the Active Presence of all channels of distribution of all things acting for my

good.” When the thought comes, “This is all I have,” nip it in the bud and say: ” ‘I

AM’ the opulence of God in my hands and use today.” This is the time to stamp it

right out of your mind and feelings.

This must be held as a Sacred Silence within each individual. Take this as a sacred,

reverent Knowledge to be used. When you take from the “I AM” Self, it is

impossible for you to take anything from any personality which rightfully belongs

to that one. You are decreeing for your world, so you cannot take from anyone

when knowing your own Law: “I AM the Presence” acting everywhere. There is no

possibility of division of the “I AM Presence.”

If you need money, say: ” ‘I AM’ the Active Presence, bringing this money into my

hands and use instantly.” It is so important to get away from the importance of

money. It is but a means of exchange. Do not give it power. Put all your power

back with God, and then when you command—no matter what it is you want —you

have all power instantly on hand to bring forth the fulfillment of your Decree.

The vibration within any element is always the Breath of God, Eternally Selfsustained.

All pulsation is the Breath of God. The simple consciousness that: ” ‘I AM

the Presence’ of Perfect Health” is this Breath of God acting.” ‘I AM the Presence’ of

the Presence’ of Perfect Health” is this Breath of God acting.” ‘I AM the Presence’ of

forgiveness in the mind and heart of every one of God’s children.” This releases

enormous vibratory action after its kind. Hold the following with vividness: ” ‘I

AM’ the Pure Mind of God.”

BENEDICTION: Thou Infinite, Mighty, Personal Presence, Jesus Christ! We give

praise and thanks for Thy Radiance, for Thy Intelligent Rays, for Thy Qualifying


We give praise and thanks that we are conscious of that Special Radiance at this

time; and that we may, through the loving open door of our consciousness, receive

of Its Mighty Presence.

Discourse 15

Discourse 15 November 21, 1932


INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, Conquering Presence, the Majesty of “I AM”

everywhere! We give praise and thanks for Thy Mighty Presence everywhere. Thy

All-Pervading Energy and Power ever stands at the door of our consciousness for

use—that We may consciously direct It to manifest Thy Wondrous Perfection.

Forever we give praise and thanks to Thee for Thy Mighty Presence. I bring you

Greetings from the Great Ascended Host, always giving Their Assistance, that you

may manifest Perfection.


Out of the glorious fullness of God’s Omnipresent Light and Substance comes the

fullness of all things.

The student who is strong enough—firm enough — to stand alone with his or her

“Mighty I AM Presence,” never dividing for a single hour the Presence and Power

of God, will find himself or herself steadily rising into that Mighty Perfection,

forever free from all sense or recognition of any limitation.

The student is fortunate indeed who can hold himself or herself within this

Mighty Presence

undivided. For the benefit of some of the students who are so sincere, and yet are

unknowingly allowing their attention to be withheld from that Undivided

Presence, I wish to state certain facts with no intent to intrude upon the free will

of the individual.

These records which I shall quote, We have within Our Possession, and they cover

the past one hundred years. That of which I wish to speak today is the delusion of


No one living can give his attention to astrology and enter into the “Presence of

the I AM” and remain there. Underlying the present use of astrology is the human

desire and opportunity to justify and gratify the outer desires. Here let Me state an

appalling fact which is within the records We have: there is no one thing or phase

of study which has caused more failure or more indirect murder than the present

delusion of astrology.

In your city of Chicago, within very recent years, was a splendid student of

metaphysics who, consciously accepting the delusion of his horoscope, was driven

to commit suicide.

The one thing humanity needs most, and students above all else, is the firm rock

and Consciousness of the “Mighty I AM Presence” upon which to stand safely and

free from the pitfalls of outer concoctions. It is not the negative statements of

prospective death and the so-called ill-fated star force to be overcome that students

need to know, but the “Unconquerable, All-pervading ‘I AM Presence’ ” that is the

only and all Life of their Beings to which their attention needs to be drawn —and

held there with a firm grasp.

In the “I AM Presence” there is no height the student may not reach; but by

allowing his attention to be held by astrology, numerology, and the many isms of

today, there is no depth he may not reach.

The present use of astrology has no semblance of the use to which it was put

centuries ago. Then it conveyed no negative statements of any kind. The great

harm of the attention fixed upon it is that students accept the negative statements

far more than they are willing to admit. The sinister negative force generated by

mankind in the world always takes advantage of such things as this to get and

hold the attention, especially of the student who is progressing, and thus keep it

upon that which will pull him down instead of raising him up.

Where there is a horoscope that indicates the death of someone, various minds

become fixed upon that idea, and actual indirect murder is committed—so subtle

become fixed upon that idea, and actual indirect murder is committed—so subtle

that individuals would be shocked to be reminded that they had any part in it; but

I assure you, it is none the less the Truth, for all of their surprise.

Could the students of astrology see for one day from the Great Inner Standpoint

the destructive force generated and used through the present use of astrology, they

would turn from it as from a poisonous serpent waiting to strike death into their


I say to you beloved students, in the name of your Light and progress, and of all

progress, stand within your own “Mighty I AM Presence” and let not your attention

be held or divided by any outer thing if you wish to avoid the wheel of birth and

rebirth indefinitely.

From the Great Love of My Heart —seeing and knowing from the Inner Standpoint

as you do not and cannot possibly as yet —I urge you to avoid everything that

savors of a negative expression or condition. Then you shall rise on the Wings of

your “Mighty I AM Presence” into that Everlasting Freedom and Blessing of the

Perfect, Eternal, Limitless Light.

As I said, I do not wish in any manner to intrude upon your free will, but the Gates

of Eternal Freedom are open before you, if you will but believe the Truth I have

uttered, which will enable you to enter within these Gates and receive the Eternal

Blessing of the Light waiting there to enfold you.

If there are conditions in your Life, home or environment that you wish to be rid

of, command through the “I AM Presence” that they be dissolved and consumed

before Its Mighty Light and Power.

Beloved Students who have come under this Radiation, with you We shall not

touch upon this subject again. May the “I AM Presence” within you enable you to

see the Light and Truth of which I have spoken. I have seen within you the

Glorious Light that can be quickened into a Dazzling Radiance, enabling you to

express Perfection. Hence, of My own volition have I offered My humble

Assistance; but if the personality persists in allowing the attention to be held on

anything but the “Mighty I AM Presence”—which I know is the Mightiest and Only

Raising Presence and Solver of all problems—then My humble efforts must

necessarily be in vain.

I assure you, Dear Ones, you have reached a point where you must go up or down.

With your determined attention and acknowledgment constantly held on the

“Mighty I AM Presence,” there is no condition, force or presence in earth or heaven

that can prevent your wondrous, glorious attainment into Everlasting Freedom and


If you have not That within you which causes you to feel and tells you of the Great

Divine Love that enables Me to voice this Truth to you for your protection, then We

must but wait such time as the Truth of It does appear within you.

When students and individuals have once learned of and acknowledged the

“Mighty I AM Presence” and then allow their attention to longer be held by or

upon outer things, whether it be consciously or unconsciously makes little

difference; for they are deliberately turning their backs to the “Presence,” which is

the Source of their Being and the Life within them that enables them to move their

bodies about. I declare with all the Love of My Being that: “I AM the Presence”

enabling you to see and feel this Truth and stand by and within It—for the sake of

your own wondrous progress.

Those who will hold steadfast enough to that Mighty Presence will find abundant

proof coming into their experience of Its Limitless Power and Intelligence.

Beloved Students! Many Hands of the Ascended Host are extended to you to give

Their Assistance when you can hold your undivided attention on the Active

Presence of God in you, and stand there unyielding to the pull of all outer


“Truth is Mighty and does prevail.” May you feel Its Majestic Presence at all times.

It is a mistake on the part of the student to feel disappointment because a certain

thing he has worked on does not manifest instantly, when as yet, he has not

thing he has worked on does not manifest instantly, when as yet, he has not

generated great enough power and activity to produce it that quickly. The

attention must always be on the “I AM” only.

Suppose I were to declare: ” I AM’ the Mighty ‘I AM Presence’ in Action,” and then

an hour later I allowed my attention to be fixed on a star in a so- called adverse

aspect to Me, or an outer condition that indicates disaster of some kind. Do you not

see how that would annul the Statement I had made which

would liberate the Power of Freedom?

Jesus said: “Ye cannot serve two masters.” This means that you cannot divide the

attention—for you must stop, look, and listen. I tell you, you cannot make steady

progress if you give power to anything but your “Mighty I AM Presence.” The

unfortunate thing with so many students is that they do not hold long and steadily

enough to the Mighty Truth of their Being to gain momentum and strength

enough to stand against the pull of suggestion and outer appearance.

The strange thing to Me is that when the students’ attention has been once drawn

to the All-Power of the “I AM Presence”—which is the Only Active Principle of Life

they have, God in Action within and about them—they cannot or do not see that

they are dividing the power when the attention is fixed on outer things, and but

delaying the magnificent activity and accomplishment which the “I AM Presence”

would otherwise bring forth. However, having gone through the mill, so to speak,

We have Infinite Patience to wait until the beloved student can grasp his Scepter of

Dominion of this “Mighty I AM Presence” and hold it.

I could bring you records of the most appalling things done through the suggestion

of astrology. Crimes are committed every week of the year by the suggestions

given out through it. The suggestion given sets the Law into action to accomplish

  1. When your

attention is on a thing, the power within yourself goes instantly into it.

If the astrologers do not stop holding the thought

of death against…….she will pass out. It is criminal! …….is a child of God and is

entitled to live here as

long as is decreed. I shall do what I am permitted to……..protect There are

crimes so much worse than

physical murder that there is no comparison—because they are committed

deliberately by people who know better than to do them. There is one certain,

unfailing Action of the Law, and that is that those who do these things must pay

the penalty of a like experience.

To negative suggestions from others say: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence,’ annulling all this, so

it cannot affect me, my home or world.” It is the easiest thing in the world to

consciously dissipate something that is voiced in your presence. Simply say: ” ‘I

AM’ the only Presence acting here.”

To anything you do not wish to continue say: “Through the Presence that ‘I AM,’

this thing shall cease, now and forever.” Go after it like you were going to knock

over a wall. When you really feel and mean a thing, you loose the power that does

the thing. Try to realize the Limitless Power at your command.

In the feeling is both sight and hearing, because we can both hear and see without

using the faculties of sight and hearing.

When one becomes instantly angry, he punctures

other spheres of that quality and the accumulation rides in. Jealousy is the wideopen

channel upon which every other destructive activity rides in. When things

are done consciously, they have much more power. When the energy is released, it

acts, because the individual has set it into motion—and it makes no difference

whether he be king or chimney sweep.

When the feelings are excited, they are accepting that instant. You can sit and

listen to destructive conversation unaffected, so long as you control the feeling at

the solar plexus. There cannot a thing enter your world—unless it be invited.

No good ever came of gambling……..at one time

had a most wonderful power and influence about her. She began to play the

had a most wonderful power and influence about her. She began to play the

market, and not only lost the power, but her money as well. Is it not better to

stand with your “I AM Presence” than with a gambling channel? Anything that gets

your attention is a subtle activity of the outer to pull you away from your Freedom.

For financial Freedom: ” ‘I AM’ the riches of God flowing into my hands and use

that nothing can stop.”

Say often: “The ‘Presence I AM’ governs every existing channel in manifestation. It

governs all.”

A student’s experience: The student had heard and seen an explosion of Light while

the physical body was asleep. If she had consciously said when she heard the

explosion: “I draw into my mind and body the Strength of the Light Explosion,” she

would have received its benefit. The Light was the liberating of certain Powers for

her use. In such experiences, the important thing for the student to do is to be

alert, and in every manifestation, be conscious of the in- drawing of Its Power.

Rejoice that it is the Mighty Power of the “I AM Presence” acting, giving Its

Strength and Power to you.

Command the outer memory to retain and bring into the outer consciousness

everything you desire to know. When you use the “I AM Presence,” you have set the

Law into action, and It cannot fail.

God does not act except through the consciousness of individuals, else He would

not have them here. God can only act in the physical world through His

Individualizations, and even all nature is governed by Individual Intelligence —the

ground, the plants, and all.

There is omnipresent all the force and energy needed for a given purpose when

loosed by the “I AM Presence.” Thus, through the use of the “I AM Presence,” you

can release Power of which as yet you have no conception.

During the war when Foch said: “They shall not pass,” he loosed the Power by

which that Decree was fulfilled. He had been in prayer for more than an hour, and

when he came out he was so charged with

God’s Energy that as he uttered the command, it became the Governing Presence in

the atmospheric condition about him, and God acted. The words “They shall not

pass” form a Decree. It is dynamic, powerful, real, and looses tremendous power.

There is only One Power that acts. Give It full Freedom.

Stand with IT and let IT act. Stand in IT and by IT. There is no other power to act.

This makes steady progress, like a glacier coming down the mountain. You are

steadily moving forward and gaining a momentum against which nothing else can

stand. It is an Infallible Momentum, Power, and Means of achievement of all good

things. There is no permanent dominion except in this way.

For cleanliness, use frequently: ” ‘I AM the Presence’ here, keeping my clothes and

home perfectly spotless.” After a time the force becomes so powerful that it

instantly consumes or repels anything not wanted. The more you consciously act

upon a thing, the more concentrated it becomes.

When you say: “The Presence that ‘I AM,’ charge

this……..with…….. ” you can charge the water so

powerfully that it boils with the power of the energy there. Do not let anything

question in your mind as to whether your command worked or not.

Whenever commanding, say: “I know it is acting with Full Power.”

Know—what the “I AM” means!

Know—what It is to you!

Know—what It can do!

Get this and hold fast with unyielding determination.

Within these students there is the strength and power to do this, and if they will

stand with this “Mighty I AM Presence,” great Assistance can and will be given.

BENEDICTION: Mighty All-Pervading Intelligence! We invoke Thy Mighty Wisdom,

governing our every activity. We invoke Thy Mighty Light illumining each one in

the fullness of Its Dazzling Presence. We invoke Thy Mighty Love to enfold all in Its

the fullness of Its Dazzling Presence. We invoke Thy Mighty Love to enfold all in Its

Mantle of Peace. We invoke Thy Mighty Power, that Love, Wisdom, and Power may

act in Perfect Unity, that It perfects all things upon which our attention has

become fixed.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://theiamdiscourses com/discourse-15/

Discourse 14

Discourse 14 November 17, 1932



INVOCATION: “I AM” the Joy, the Courage, the Confidence pervading all the earth

—filling the hearts of mankind —consuming all generated thought of depression or

lack in the minds of mankind; and that which has been sent forth through lack of

confidence shall be wiped from the earth.

“I AM” the Presence, the Perfect Christ Activity in the minds of all humanity, filling

all official places, causing It to sustain all personalities, causing them to turn with

quick certainty to the Source of their Being, the Perfect Life manifest in all outer

expression. “I AM” the Presence proclaiming the Conscious Active Divinity in

manifestation everywhere.

This shall be! For ” ‘I AM’ the Supreme Conquering Presence. ‘I AM’ here and ‘I AM’

there. I go everywhere, touching the brains of mankind as with a streak of

Lightning—not with consuming power, but with the ‘I AM Presence’ that will no

longer be gainsaid.” I bring you Greetings, Joy and Love from the Great Host.

It is so wonderful, Beloved Ones, to have such perfect peace and calmness in your

minds these mornings. Oh, could you understand the value of maintaining that

peace of mind! There is nothing that warrants it being disturbed.

Your melodies were beautiful, and wonderful words shall come forth to bless

through the melodies. There is that Great Joy and advancing Conquering Presence

that will bless your home, world, and students with Its Glorifying Presence—with

Its Presence of opulence streaming forth like a mighty river to all who make

themselves worthy by the peace and harmony of mind.


I wish to call your attention this morning to the active Presence of Faith, Hope, and

Charity. In this consideration, we will think of Faith as the Conquering, Emanating

Power; Hope, the open doorway through the veil, acting in the Pure Presence;

Charity, as the determination to think no evil, to speak no evil, see no evil, hear no

evil, feel no evil.

Students should always watch the Inner Activity of the outer mind and not let

themselves be fooled by its action. This may sound like a paradox, but it is not.

This is more important than it seems at first. If there is lurking back in the

consciousness any feeling of resistance of any kind whatsoever, or that something

which is always ready to bristle when something displeases, pluck it out by the

roots. You know it is of the outer, and it will stand in the way of your attainment

to prevent it until you do pluck it out.

To maintain a tranquil, sweet disposition in the face of all things is the certain

road to Self-control and Absolute Mastery. This is much more important than any

of you can possibly understand at this time for your attainment of all that you


There are Cosmic Masters known as Faith, Hope, and Charity. In calling your

attention to these three principles always active in the Life of mankind, I want to

assure you that they are not only qualities within yourselves, but there are Beings

of Great Light and advancement who are also known as Faith, Hope, and Charity.

The individuals and students who make the conscious effort to cultivate these

qualities and consciously expand them in their worlds will find themselves

receiving great Assistance from these Conscious, Mighty Beings—from whose

Names come these qualities into individualization. These are Cosmic, Self-conscious,

Intelligent Beings, whose special action with mankind is to encourage and expand

these qualities. Therefore let all the students understand that this is far more than

a scriptural phrase or expression. At this time these Great Ones have come from

a scriptural phrase or expression. At this time these Great Ones have come from

out the “Cosmic Silence” because of the need of Faith, Hope, and Charity in the

minds and hearts of mankind. The sinister force that would have destroyed the

confidence, the hope, and the charity in the minds of the American people is

doomed to fail utterly. Even now, hundreds who voted for a wet administration are

finding their own uncontrolled thought recoiled upon them and are regretting the

unwisdom of the action. So out of seeming wrong activity will still come great

good. Since the hypnotic force that was generated has spent itself, many of

mankind are wondering what caused them to do certain things; and their very

rebellion will generate the force which will be used to correct conditions after all.

God, which is Progress, knows no defeat in anything. Let students always

remember this, which will enable them to maintain the so much needed peace and

poise of mind.

The Majestic Being “Charity” has a natural Consuming Force for dissolving and

annihilating hate, criticism and condemnation, and uses the Cosmic Rays as a

balancing force in the ethers, from which human beings are drawing their very

breath and sustenance, so in spite of themselves, they are breathing in the Fire of

these Rays.

This reminds me of an illustration. You know, when a person is fainting, many

times you hold the smelling salts or ammonia under that one’s nose. This is what is

actually taking place under the nose of humanity. It is now breathing in this

Consuming Presence. (Ask your students not to discuss this fact with unbelievers,

but it is vital that the students understand this.)

Here I want to stress something earnestly. To the earnest, sincere student, there are

innumerable means of assistance available to him, much of which is and will

remain entirely unknown to him, but from which he nevertheless draws—when his

desire for the Light is sincere.

To throw everything to the winds and stand joyously and determinedly in that

“One Mighty Presence which ‘I AM,’ ” enables each one to have a continuous

stream of victories marked down to his or her benefit. No effort ever made in the

“Name and Presence which ‘I AM,’ ” can ever fail; but must go forward from one

Victory to another until one attains and is able to use the Scepter of his Full


I wish to encourage and strengthen the very important advancing consciousness

concerning the Law of Forgiveness. The correct way to call into action the Law of

Forgiveness is to say: ” ‘I AM’ the Law of Forgiveness and the Consuming Flame of

all inharmonious action and human consciousness.” This sets into motion the

completed Action.

When you use the statement: “I call on the Law of Forgiveness,” you are not always

completing the action, because you need to be conscious of who and where that

Intelligence is which enables it to be done.

As I look among the students, I find that it is important to keep touching

frequently upon the use of the “I AM Presence,” for It is doing remarkable things

for them already. My very Being lifts up when I see among the students those

whose attention is held with determination upon the “I AM Presence”; how the

student becomes a powerful magnet for the Light, and how It rushes to envelop

each one as a loving mother enfolds her child. Could people see and realize this for

one moment, their determination would surge into a Conquering Flame from

which there could be no receding.

The time is apropos today, and I send forth to each of you and the students a

Conscious Ball of Light enveloping the heart and brain of each one, that they may

receive more continuously the conscious Blessing of the “Mighty I AM Presence.” I

believe that most of them will feel this. Whether they do or not, nothing can

interfere with Its Action to bless them.

To those blessed ones who find disturbance in the home at times, I would suggest

that they use this Statement and feel it deeply: ” ‘I AM’ the Conquering Presence,

commanding Peace, Love and Harmony in my home and environment.” Anyone

commanding Peace, Love and Harmony in my home and environment.” Anyone

who will use this with determination can have a peaceful, loving, harmonious

atmosphere in the home. Some may need to build a momentum to experience its

continuous action. Many times they will have immediate results. To build this into

the consciousness is recognizing the “I AM Presence” as the Ruling Power in their

homes, for It is naturally the Ruling Presence.

If students and individuals who have difficulty in maintaining Self-control will sit

quietly for five minutes, feeling deeply and thinking to themselves: ” ‘I AM’ Loving

Charity,” they will find a sense of great relief.

For fainting: You know, speaking of fainting, the individual never faints—only the

personality does that. Therefore if one who is in the habit of fainting will take this

determined stand: ” ‘I AM’ the Commanding Presence forbidding this nonsense, and

I forever maintain control of my mind and body,” he or she will forever control it.

When one first feels the least disturbance, quickly take the consciousness: ” ‘I AM’

the Commanding Presence, and I maintain my consciousness here.” One must

realize that in the command of the “I AM Presence” he has absolute Control of the

body. The more anyone uses this, the more quickly does manifestation take place.

  1. If the Great Central Sun is the Heart Center of the Infinite, where is that which

is the brain center?

  1. In the Pure State, whether in the Infinite or the finite, when there is no

imperfection, the brain and heart activity become One, for the motive power of all

activity sent forth is Love from the Heart.

Therefore, in the Pure State, the heart and brain are synonymous, for within Divine

Love is contained Love, Wisdom and Power.

The Infinite Energy is always present awaiting use, but does not act in the Life of

an individual except under Conscious Command. There does come a time in the

progress of the individual when things act so instantaneously that it seems to be

automatic, but it really never is.

There is absolutely but one road to Self-conscious Mastery, and that is the

Conscious Direction of the Eternal Energy into whatever you desire. Now this

brings us to another quite vital point.

Desire is an indirect action of the attention, but desire, sustained by the

determined use of the attention, causes the desire to become an invincible

manifestation. This will give you a slight idea of how important it is that

conscious direction be coupled with the desire. Conscious use of the “I AM

Presence,” or the consciously directed use of this Eternal Energy to a given

accomplishment, should at no time be anything but a most joyous effort. It should

never seem like work or tension in any way, because when you declare: ” T AM’ the

Presence, the Intelligence, directing this energy to a given purpose,” you set the

Law in motion in a perfectly easy, calm manner, and it does not require any

“tearing the hair” effort. Therefore it should always be a calm, serene, determined


The student should at all times understand that the student never chooses the

Master, but the Master chooses the student. Did the student understand what

consciousness he was to maintain, it would come about very much sooner. For

contacting the Ascended Masters, use: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence preparing the way and

bringing visible contact with the Beloved Ascended Masters.”

With the use of the “I AM Presence” you have Full Command and Limitless Control

over all disturbing conditions. When you speak in the “I AM Presence,” you are

speaking in the “Presence” which the Ascended Being is. You must realize deeply

that when you say “I AM,” it is the Full God-Power acting and knows no failure of

any kind.

BENEDICTION: We give praise and thanks for Thy Infinite Outpouring, “Great I AM

Presence.” We give praise and thanks that at last, we know who Thou art, and that

within Thee are all possibilities. We give praise and thanks that Thy Mighty

Presence is always the Governing Intelligence, the Love enfolding, the Light

Presence is always the Governing Intelligence, the Love enfolding, the Light

illumining everything on the way.

Discourse 13

Discourse 13 November 14, 1932


INVOCATION: Thou Majestic Presence, Infinite Creator of all there is, the “Great I

AM,” visible and invisible, manifest and unmanifest! We rejoice in Thy Great and

Mighty Presence — that Thou hast made us aware of Thy Limitless Power, Thy

Infinite Intelligence, Thy Eternal Youth and Beauty. We give praise and thanks that

we have become so aware of Thy Great Opulence, Thy Great Abundance, that we

feel It like a mighty river in our hands and use, Thou Mighty Endless Source! Thou

Ceaseless Stream! Thou hast made us aware that: ” ‘I AM’ the Mighty Power of

Precipitation.” We bow before Thee in adoration and full acceptance of Thy Mighty

Presence and Power.

I bring you Greetings from the Great Host; and the Great Light of the Illumined

Ones is growing rapidly stronger.


” ‘I AM’ the Resurrection and the Life.”

” ‘I AM’ the Energy you use in every action.”

” ‘I AM’ the Light, illumining every cell of your Being.”

” ‘I AM’ the Intelligence, the Wisdom, directing

your every effort.”

” ‘I AM’ the Substance, omnipresent, without limit, which you may use and bring

into form without any limit.”

” ‘I AM’ Thy Strength-Thy Perfect Understand-

‘ „ >>


” ‘I AM’ Thy Ability to apply it constantly.”

” ‘I AM’ the Truth that gives you now Perfect Freedom.”

” ‘I AM’ the Open Doorway into the ‘Light of God that never fails.’ ”

“I give praise I have entered into this ‘Light’ fully, using that Perfect


” ‘I AM’ Thy Sight that sees all things visible and invisible.”

” ‘I AM’ Thy Hearing, listening to the Bells of Freedom, which I hear now.”

” ‘I AM’ Thy Ability, sensing the most ravishing fragrance at will.”

” ‘I AM’ the Completeness of all Perfection you ever wish to manifest.”

” ‘I AM’ the Full Understanding, Power and Use of all this Perfection.”

” ‘I AM’ the Full Revelation and use of all the Powers of my Being which ‘I AM.’ ”

” ‘I AM’ the Love, the Mighty Motive Power back of all action.”

I wish to give the most kindly warning to the

students under this Radiation to watch every feeling—that at no time anyone

accept a feeling of jealousy at the progress of another. Each student must always

remember that he has no concern whatsoever with the other students, except to

know that: ” ‘I AM’ the God Presence there in action.” For one student to wonder

and question in his own mind about the progress of another is most retarding, and

it is never admissible.

Each student must understand that his only concern is the harmonizing,

quickening, and expansion of his own mind and world. The sooner students

understand that the one imperative demand of the Great Law of their Being is

harmony of the mind and feelings, the quicker will Perfection manifest. Without

this being maintained, they cannot go beyond a certain state of progress.

As soon as the students realize this and begin to use the “I AM Presence,”

commanding the harmony and silence of the outer activity, they will find that they

can see, feel,, and be the Perfection which they so much desire. When students and

friends have a deep, sincere Love for each other which is not in- quisitiveness, that

friends have a deep, sincere Love for each other which is not in- quisitiveness, that

Love is the greatest blessing and uplifting power. Here is one criterion by which a

student may gauge himself at all times, determining what is the power acting.

If one feels critical, inquisitive or out of harmony toward a person, place,

condition or thing, it is a sure signal that the outer self is acting, and the right

attitude is to correct it immediately. Everyone, especially students, must realize

that they have only one thing to do, and that is to feel, see, and be Perfection in

their own worlds.

This is so very important is the reason I am stressing it so much at this time

—because as students begin to experience unusual manifestation through their

efforts, there is always that suggestion at first which will say to the individual: ” ‘I

AM’ able to use the Law better than the other person.” This, you know without My

saying it, is a mistake.

One cannot long use the Statement “I AM,” even intellectually, until he begins to

feel a deeper and deeper conviction that: ” ‘I AM’ all things.” Think often what

these two marvelous Words mean, and always couple with the use of these two

Words the Statement that: “When I say 7 AM,’ 7 AM’ setting in motion the Limitless

Power of God in whatever I couple the expression 7 AM’ with. ” In the scriptural

Statement: “Before Abraham, was ‘I AM,’ ” Abraham represents the outer expression

of Life, and “I AM” represents the Principle of Life which was expressing through

Abraham. Thus there was the Perfection of Life —before any manifestation ever

occurred; and thus is Life without beginning and without end.

My Beloved Students, My Heart rejoices exceedingly in the nearness with which

some of you are feeling the conviction of this Majestic Presence, “I AM,” which you

are. Do your utmost to feel calmly, serenely, and if you cannot see it otherwise,

shut your eyes and see Perfection everywhere. More and more there will come to

you proof of the marvelous Presence of this Truth. You will hear, feel, see, and

experience that marvel of all marvels—which as children you have lived in

—miracles performed.

There have been written for your benefit descriptions and explanations of the use

of this “Mighty I AM Presence.” You who hold fast to the Truth will come into the

threefold action: seeing, hearing and experiencing these so-called miracles

—miracles until you understand their operation, and then majestic simple Truths

which you may forever apply, when once understood.

With all My centuries of experience, I cannot help but say to you as

encouragement that My Heart leaps with joy at the nearness with which some of

you are grasping the Scepter of Dominion. Go forward, My Brave Ones. Do not

hesitate. Grasp your Scepter of Dominion! Raise It! for: ” 7 AM’ the Scepter, the

Quenchless Flame, the Dazzling Light, the Perfection which you once knew.” Come!

Let Me hold you in My strong Embrace, that where there have been so long two,

there will only be one —”I AM.” “I AM” the Knower, the Doer, the Perfection

expressed now.

I again speak to the individuals wanting so much to have their problems solved.

There is only One Presence in the Universe that can or ever does solve any

problem, and that is the “I AM Presence,” everywhere present. Beloved Ones! Let

me say in all kindness, there is no use just seeking to have a problem solved,

because where one was, a dozen may appear; but when you know the Perfect

Attitude is to enter into the “I AM Presence,” knowing It is the Unquestionable

Solver of every problem, you will, as surely as “I AM” telling you, cause all

problems to disappear; for where you live constantly, calmly and with sufficient

determination in the “I AM Presence,” instead of having many appear where one

has been solved, you will have entered into the State where there are none.

I command the Power in these Words today to carry to everyone who hears or

reads them the True Conviction and Understanding back of them.

For the Brain: ” ‘I AM’ the quickening of the cells of this (my or your) brain

structure, causing it to expand and receive the Intelligent Direction of the Mighty

Inner Presence.”

Inner Presence.”

You must know that you have the power through the “I AM Presence” to

consciously qualify your thought in whatever way you will. There is naught to say

what you shall do, for you are a Free Being of Free Will. If you could be conscious

of every thought that passed through your mind for six weeks and keep it

qualified with Perfection, you would see the most amazing results. Say often: ” ‘I

AM’ the Master Within, governing and controlling all my thought processes in full

Christ Perfection as I wish them to be.”

Blessing and holding others in the Light: When you bless others, or visualize them

in the Light, there is a double activity of the quality you send out. In doing this

there is a certain amount of protection that is the automatic result, but the

thought and quality in the Light and blessing registers principally within one’s

own consciousness, and at the same time intensifies that quality in the one to

whom it is sent.

Take the eternal stand that: ” ‘I AM’ what I want to be.” You must use the “I AM

Presence” consciously always. Rarely, even among students, have they realized

deeply what the “I AM Presence” meant. Only occasionally has any real

comprehension of the “I AM” come forth —except in the Retreats of the Ascended

Masters. Jesus was the first to stress it to the outer world. I urge you earnestly, do

not give any consideration to the element of time. Manifestation must come

instantly when you give the “I AM Presence” freedom enough. Go on, apply, know,

and let the “I AM Presence” take care of the element of time.

When you make a declaration of Truth and stick to it, you must receive. The outer

has no power of itself at all. Its duty is simply to know that the “I AM Presence” is

acting. Sometimes, without being aware of it, the outer self is looking for the time

of manifestation.

I can convey to you the conviction and the feeling that when you command as the

“I AM Presence,” Almighty God moves into action.

Remember at all times that when you are dealing with personalities you are dealing

with the outer human creation, and you have all right and power to command its

silence and obedience, whether it is in your own outer self or someone else’s.

If you will count ten before you speak, you can control all sudden impulse, and

back of this is a Mighty Law which can help the student immensely. When there is

a sudden impulse, there is a release, or rushing forward of accumulated energy. If

there be anger, then the energy is instantly qualified with it, or with destruction of

some kind.

The power of Self-control would say: “Only God’s Perfection goes forth.” This will

handle any condition of uncontrolled impulses with which the individual is

contending. When the student has already let something go forth that is

undesirable, then the thing to do is to consciously consume it — instantly.

The constant use of “God bless this” directed to inanimate things brings amazing

accomplishment. The easy way to see and feel Perfection is to qualify every

thought and feeling going forth with Perfection. When an impulse comes to do

anything, instantly qualify it with Perfection.

Story of the engine in a small town: The whistle is the warning; the “I AM” is the

control of the engine.

The ordinary human being would not think of running over children and killing

them, yet he releases wrongly qualified energy in thought, feeling, and words that

kill the higher impulses in others. If your personality is not controlled and

governed, it has the same qualities as all other outer selves or personalities, but

your “I AM Presence” is the Perfect Control of it.

There is nothing more tragic in the world than for one person to hold the thought

of limitation over another human being. A thought of imperfection driven at a

sensitive person sometimes limits that one for years, and many times the results

are very tragic. We must all give everyone his complete freedom mentally. If you

speak of freedom for yourself, be sure and give it first to everyone else. When there

is a condition in another that you wish to help, use the following: ” ‘I AM’ the

is a condition in another that you wish to help, use the following: ” ‘I AM’ the

Perfect Manifestation there.”

The principle within both energy and substance is the same. Substance holds

energy within it naturally. The heart center of substance is Intelligent Action.

Vibration in its natural state is pure, always. Vibration is energy in action and must

be qualified.

The pulsation in all substance is the “Breath of God” acting. Think when breathing:

” ‘I AM’ the Perfect Energy of every breath I breathe. ‘I AM’ the pure atmosphere of

my world.”

Form the habit of constantly qualifying your world with Perfection. The old habit

of thinking imperfection has filled your world in the past. Now the important

thing is to be Self-conscious that you are filling your world with Perfection all the

time. Stand on your feet the first thing in the morning and say with feeling: ” ‘I

AM’ the Presence filling my world with Perfection this day.”

Do not be concerned about personalities.

To take the stand: ” ‘I AM’ Perfection acting through any official” would impel the ‘I

AM’ Power and Action there.

The first thing in the morning, say: “I qualify everything in my world this day with

Perfection, because ‘I AM’ Perfection. I qualify this mind and body with Absolute

Perfection and refuse acceptance of anything else.”

” ‘I AM’ the Miracle, and ‘I AM’ the Presence compelling its manifestation through

Divine Love, Wisdom and Power.”

When individuals come and ask about certain use of the Law, always preface your

statement with: “You are an individual of free will, but this is the way I feel about


What is required for the expansion of the Light of one person may be entirely

different from that for someone else. You cannot expand so long as you have an

opinion about anyone else. It is stifling to your own progress. There is a time

comes with everyone when he must stand up and face himself, his outer creation,

then say this: “Whatever there is of imperfection left in me has to get out.”

Your constructive desire is God in action doing the thing.

Your desire holds the Power or energy of the “I AM,” through the attention on the

thing you desire to do.

” ‘I AM’ the Full Revelation and the Perfect Application for precipitating what I

desire, and I do know what is the Perfect Thing to do in the outer self while


Say often: ” ‘I AM’ the precipitating ‘Presence’ of this thing.” Do not be anxious;

just know it with calm certainty. When you are conscious of the “I AM” acting, you

know it is moving forward. Do not let in the sense of disappointment — rather,

say: ” ‘I AM’ the Perfect Harmony of my thought, feeling and action.”

BENEDICTION: Out of Thy Pure Essence, we receive now and forever Thy Strength,

Thy Wisdom, Thy Understanding Application of Thy Great and Marvelous Laws,

that we may produce and maintain Thy Perfection in each Life, mind, body, home

and world.


In a recent newsreel there have been pictured certain chemical activities and how

to use this chemical action upon flowers to qualify them with the desired

fragrance. Instead of raising them in the earth, they are growing them in water

with excelsior over the top. This shows how near the chemists and scientists are

coming to bringing things forth direct from the Universal. This shows the “Inner

Activity” coming into conscious, definite use—or the activity held in Consciously

Directed Rays.

” ‘I AM’ the only acting Presence in this deal.”

” ‘I AM’ the Intelligent Activity in their minds.”

” ‘I AM’ the Protection in myself and my property.”

” ‘I AM’ the Intelligence and Presence acting everywhere.”

” ‘I AM’ the Intelligence and Presence acting everywhere.”

” ‘I AM’ the visible opulence I desire.”

” ‘I AM’ the Presence producing abundance wherever I choose to use it.”

Discourse 12

Discourse 12 November 10, 1932


INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, Infinite Presence, Thou All-Pervading Intelligence! Thy

Love, Wisdom and Power govern all things. Thy Divine Justice is ever operating in

the lives and worlds of those who look to Thee with unfailing determination.

We give praise and thanks that Thou art the Ruling Power and Governing

Intelligence ruling all things.

We give praise and thanks that in our world Thou art the ever-sustaining,

Invincible Power. We thank Thee. God always finds a way to help those whose

hearts reach out to Him.


The seeming mysteries of Life with their attendant experiences are, when rightly

understood, blessings in disguise; for any experience that causes us to turn more

firmly to the One Active Presence, “I AM,” God in Action, has served us a wonderful

purpose and blessing.

The unfortunate situation in which personalities find themselves exists because

they are constantly looking to outside sources for Sustenance, directing

Intelligence, and for the Love that is the Supreme Presence and Power of the


It matters not what the conditions are that we face, at no time must we lose track

of or allow ourselves to be drawn from the Great Truth that: “Love is the Hub of

the Universe upon which everything revolves.” This does not mean that we shall

love inharmony, discord, or anything unlike the Christ, but instead we can love

God in Action, the “I AM Presence” everywhere present; for the opposite of hate is

Love, and one cannot hate in any sense without having loved deeply. The

Admonition that Jesus gave was truly this idea.

Each human being is a power, and is intended to be the governing principle of his

Life and world. In the recognition that within each human being is the “I AM

Presence of God” ever acting, then everyone knows that he holds within his outer

hands the Scepter of Dominion, and should use his conscious determination in

knowing that the Invincible Presence of God is, every moment, the Intelligent

Activity in his world and affairs. This keeps the attention from becoming fixed on

the outer appearance, which is never the Truth unless illumined by the “I AM


No matter what the problem is to be solved in the individual’s Life, there is only

One Power, Presence and Intelligence that can solve it, and that is the individual’s

recognition of the All-powerful Presence of God—with whom no outer activity may

interfere— unless the individual’s attention is knowingly or unknowingly drawn

from his central recognition and acceptance of the Supreme God Power.

The Principle of Life, always active, is ever striving to pour Itself forth into

expression, thereby producing Its Natural Perfection; but human beings, having

free will, consciously or unconsciously qualify It with all kinds of distortion. The

individual who stands with his attention fixed firmly on the “I AM Presence,” on

God and with God, becomes an Invincible Power with which no outer

manifestation of mankind can interfere.

In the recognition of: ” ‘I AM’ here and ‘I AM’ there,” friends wherever needful will

be raised up to one’s assistance, for: ” ‘I AM’ the friends brought forward whenever

and wherever it is necessary.” The release from all outer dominion or interference

can only come through this recognition of the “I AM Presence,” God in Action in

the individual’s Life and world. Many times this requires strong determination to

hold unwaveringly in this Presence when appearances seem to be dominating.

However, such is never really the case.

The old saying, “An individual is never licked until he gives up,” is quite true, for as

The old saying, “An individual is never licked until he gives up,” is quite true, for as

long as an individual looks with full determination to God in himself as the

Governing Intelligence, there is no human activity that can long interfere. The

Mighty Outpouring of Light flowing about each individual—through the activity of

the vision, and knowing of Its Presence—can be made as invincible as a wall of

steel about one, in fact more so.

Ever down through the centuries have the majority of mankind given their

attention to the outer appearances, thereby inviting all kinds of discord and

distress; but today there are thousands who are coming to understand the God

Presence within themselves as Absolutely Invincible, to the extent that they are

steadily being raised above the injustice, discord and inharmony of the outer


Until mankind or individuals hold their attention on the “I AM Presence,” God

within, long enough and with sufficient determination, they will find themselves

surrounded by the undesirable; but through this “I AM Presence,” each one has the

power to raise himself above the discord and disturbance of the outer creation.

At first it does take determination to hold fast when the seeming storm clouds

hang low and the outer appearance seems overwhelming; but with a dynamic

conscious attitude and the attention fixed upon the Presence of God within, it is

like the lightning flashing forth from within the storm clouds, penetrating and

dissolving the storm that seems so threatening.

As one advances, he finds himself becoming more and more Invincible to this outer

creation of mankind which brings such great distress.

The Statement of Jesus: “Know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free,” was

perhaps one of the simplest and greatest Truths to ever be uttered; for the first

fundamental of knowing this Great Truth to which he referred was to know that

you have within you this Invincible Presence of God. If you know that and are

certain of It within your own consciousness—I mean by that, standing with firm

determination in the face of everything—then you know you do have that Presence


Your next step is to take your stand: ” ‘I AM’ the Illumining, Revealing Presence,

and no outer activity that I need to know can be withheld from me, because ‘I AM’

the Wisdom, ‘I AM’ the Perception, ‘I AM’ the Revealing Power bringing everything

before me— that I may see and understand, and be able to act accordingly.”

It is so easy, when you once understand that: ” ‘I AM’ the Only Intelligence and

Presence acting,” to see how you have the Scepter within your own hands, and

through this “I AM Presence” you can compel everything you need to know to be

revealed to you. I assure you, this is not in any way interfering with the free will of

any other individual.

It is time that the Children of God who are looking to the Light awaken to this

Dominion. I assure you, it is no wrong nor mistake to claim and demand your own.

In doing this you are not in any way interfering with any other individual.

If at any time there are those who through their outer activity attempt to take

from you that which belongs to you, then it is your right to command through the

“I AM Presence” that the whole condition be adjusted and your own brought to

you. In this we must be very careful that when we have set the Divine Law into

motion and Divine Justice begins to take place that we do not become oversympathetic

and thereby interrupt the action of the Law.

When human beings are governed entirely by the outer self, and when they have

no consideration for the Power of God which gives them Life, they are easily led to

commit any kind of injustice; but does that mean in any sense that you shall allow

them to do it in your world? Not when you know that you have the Mighty Power

of God within to command and demand right and justice from everywhere.

I want to cite you an instance: One of my students was going through a very trying

experience, and the nature being very spiritual, I told her to demand right and

justice. She did as advised, and presently things began to happen to those who

wished to do her injustice. Through kindness of heart she began to relent and wish

wished to do her injustice. Through kindness of heart she began to relent and wish

that she had not demanded justice. She came to Me and said, “What am I to do?” I

said with no uncertainty, “Stand by the decree that you have issued. You are not

responsible for the lessons these individuals have to learn who have wronged you,

so let them get their lessons and be undisturbed.”

When individuals start to do wrong, that moment they set in motion the Great

Universal, or Cosmic Law of retribution, and they can no more avoid retribution

striking them sometime, somewhere, than they can stop the action of the planets.

To the innocent victim, retribution sometimes seems a long time coming, but the

longer its arrival is delayed, the more powerful it acts when it does arrive. There is

no human being in existence that can avoid this Law.

Many times students and individuals have thought that something could be

imposed upon them. Such, I assure you, is not the case. The only way one can open

himself to undesirable thought is by entering into condemnation and hate. If he

has done this, he has generated the thing in which he believed. The student who

knows the Power of God within himself need never fear anything from anyone.

The individual may, if he or she choose, experience the Fullness of the Activity of

God in his Life and world. It is simply a matter of choosing what you shall have. If

you want peace and harmony, know: ” ‘I AM’ the Power producing it.” If you want

adjustment in your affairs and world, know: ” ‘I AM’ the Mighty Intelligence and

Power producing it, and no outer activity can interfere with it.”

From out the seeming mystery of Life’s ceaseless activity there is the Illumining

Presence of the “Mighty I AM Within” that stands ever ready to bless you with

untold, inconceivable Blessings —if you only let It. How do you let It? By the joyous

acceptance of the Mighty Presence, that you have this Mighty Power within you;

and then do not hesitate in every detail of your activity, no matter how small it

seems, to call It into action; for there is no energy in the Universe but God to act

through your consciousness, your mind, your body, your world.

Say often: “I AM the Presence” in everything you wish to have done. This opens the

way for the Power of God to act and bring you justice. Have no sympathy for the

outer that in its ignorance does the wrong thing, whether in yourself or someone


Keep calm and serene, knowing: “God is the only Intelligence and Power acting in

your world and affairs.” “I AM” in you is the Self-sustaining strength and healing,

manifesting in your mind and body. This keeps you in greater attunement. Face

God! And the Energy always surges forth to command every situation. Individuals

who understand this Law are not subject to injustice and the conditions which the

outer selves of other beings try to impose upon them.

Keep the outer reminded of this often. Be sure always within yourselves that there

is only the Presence and Power of God acting in you and your affairs. Keep using

the statement at all times that: “There is nothing hidden that is not revealed to

me.” This is always necessary. However, no matter what individuals want to do,

your safeguard is always to pour out the Love of God to them.

When individuals try to enjoy something through injustice, without question, they

never enjoy it, for they always lose some faculty by which they could enjoy it.

Other personalities always have the same privilege to stand with God that you do,

and if they do not choose, that is not your business.

God is the All-knowing Presence and Power, knows and discovers all things. You

may say for another:

“Mighty Master Self, the ‘I AM Presence’ within this individual, come forth in Thy

Conscious Power, with Thy Mighty Insight and Foresight, with Thy Wisdom and

Directing Intelligence; and see that all things are adjusted for her, and that she is

given the peace and rest she so much deserves. ‘I AM’ the Commanding Presence

directing and commanding this to be done, and it is done now. Lift the

consciousness into the Full Dazzling Light, where she may see and know the

repose, rest and beauty that is hers by her own creation and service.”

It is a mistake to let sympathy draw you into conditions that are very destructive.

It is a mistake to let sympathy draw you into conditions that are very destructive.

Take the stand: ” ‘I AM’ the only Presence acting there.”

For helping those who have passed on through so- called death: ” ‘I AM’ the

Presence holding that individual in the sphere where he belongs, teaching and

enlightening him.”

If the student can get the correct idea of pouring out the Love to his own Divine

Self, he will receive complete relief from every discord. To perfect conditions say:

” ‘I AM’ the Presence there—governing and healing the situation.”

Mankind in general and the doctors have distorted things pitifully. The individual

who wants to rise into the “God Presence” and live there needs the energy he

wastes. The very energy individuals waste is the force and strength by which they

are enabled to hold fast to the “God Presence.” This Energy is the Life they need to

enable them to turn and hold steadfast to the “God Presence.” When the outer self

has for centuries used Life’s Energy to create wrong conditions, that waste of the

energy becomes a wide-open drain upon the consciousness of individuals.

Doctors are responsible for much of this terrible condition, for they teach the

gratification of the sex appetite, and that is the greatest avenue of waste with

which human beings have to contend. This is what makes it impossible to hold fast

to the “God Presence” long enough to attain the Mastery. It is ninety-five per cent

of the cause of old age and the loss of sight, hearing and memory—as these

faculties only cease to function when there is no longer a stream of this Life

Energy flowing into the cellular structure of the brain. You cannot tell this to

individuals until they have had such hard knocks that they are almost desperate

with the misery of their own creation before they will listen to you. The will is

absolutely nothing without this Life Energy.

There is only one possible way to change anything which has been created and

directed into a wrong channel. The attention is what holds it fast to the wrong use

or expression of it. Instantly direct the thought to the Higher Self. Many people get

the idea that they can control it by sheer force of will, through compulsion. This

cannot be done, for you but dam it up, and it only breaks out somewhere else.

The only permanent way to overcome it is to change the attention and rise out of

  1. Use the Statement: ” ‘I AM’ the Governing Presence of this Energy and the only

Power that can raise it. ‘I AM’ the Presence raising and transcending it, and that

action is forever Self-sustained.” Know: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence doing this, and

therefore it is done now, for God’s Activity is always instantaneous.”

In any wrong condition, the first thing to do is to call on the Law of Forgiveness.

Remember that when a thing has been set in motion or energized, it simply acts.

The physical body is the vehicle for contact with the sense world. When nearing

the point of precipitation, continue on using the physical vehicle for doing the

ordinary physical service. There is the Inner, the mental, and the physical world.

The physical body has been created to act in the lower rate of vibration and is the

natural vehicle provided.

To direct and handle physical objects by the mind alone needs an accumulation of

Electronic Force in the Electronic Circle of the individual. When using the energy

below the Ascended State, this consciously generated energy is held within the

Electronic Circle which surrounds every individual to a more or less degree. This

accounts for some individuals seeming to have a limitless amount of energy, for

that which is accumulated in one lifetime is carried over into the succeeding lives.

Perhaps one of the most unfortunate things in which human beings live is the

man’s so-called legal right to bind another individual in the sex activity when the

other wishes to rise out of it.

Even in the ignorance of the outer mind, some natures have a powerful

development of the Love Activity. The Pure Love of God never goes below the

heart. True Love never requires sex contact of any kind. The Great Ascended Host

of Light are ever with those who want to do right. Send your thought out to Them,

and you shall always receive help. You have an Invulnerable, Invincible Power

when you know you have the recognition of the “I AM Presence.”

The Law of Forgiveness is the wide-open Door to reach the Heart of God. It is the

Keynote and Hub on which the Universe turns.

BENEDICTION: Thou Mighty, Infinite Presence of God! We give praise and thanks

for Thy ceaseless Ministry. We call Thy Blessings, Thy Wisdom, Thy Intelligence to

act through each one, giving peace of mind, peace of body, and joy of heart, to go

forth the Ruling, Conquering, Victorious Presence over all things. We give praise

and thanks that the “Mighty Presence I AM,” God in Action, governs all official

places, causing Thy Perfection to be ever-operative and Self-sustained in Thy Name

and through Thy Presence.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://theiamdiscourses com/discourse-12/

Discourse 11

Discourse 11 November 07, 1932


INVOCATION: From out the Great Silence, O Thou Luminous Brother! We welcome

Thee and Thy Ministry unto America; and as Thou hast put forth Thy Opening

Wedge this day, so shall those under this Radiation become aware of Thy Presence

—O Thou Great Light that illumines all earthly minds, making them aware of the

One Eternal Presence, the One Intelligence governing all the activity that “I AM,”

individualized everywhere.

We give praise and thanks that there is but One Intelligence governing everywhere,

and the duty of the student always, no matter what the appearance, is to accept

only this fact; and that he becomes a radiant channel to pour out this Truth like a

gushing stream, pouring itself forth to the Great Ocean of Life. We give praise and

thanks that out of the Silence has come another Presence who will bless, lift and

enlighten humanity. By the Power which “I AM” and the accumulated Wisdom and

Energy of the centuries, I project forth into the minds of humanity this day that

Intelligent Activity which will guide them aright and control them to act


By the “I AM,” the “Universal I AM,” the Great One, I command this Power to act in

all mankind.

I bring you Greetings from the Great Host and the Great Master Himalaya.

The Master Himalaya: This is the first time that the Presence of this Luminous

Brother has been brought to the knowledge of the outer world. It is He from whom

the Himalayan Mountains receive their name. Thus, ever since these have been

raised into prominence, have they been a Sacred, Unchanging Stream of Life—held

unwaveringly. Hence those souls who came within their embrace were caught up

and lifted into that Luminous Radiant Form—where They have long sent forth

Their Rays of activity to heal and bless mankind.


As the destiny of India and America are entwined as two vines encircling the “Tree

of Life,” so again this day has the Radiant Help come forth to try and blend in

harmony the minds of America, that its progress proceed unhampered and


Today there are in America thousands who have been reborn from India, and there

are being reborn in India thousands from America —each to bring its interblending,

balancing process required in both sections of the earth.

This Great Being who has been introduced to you, has after many centuries in the

“Great Silence,” again stepped forth to exert that conscious blending process of

Spirit and manifestation; to hold forth the Chalice, that Its Heart may be filled with

the Liquid Fire of Spirit, pouring forth into the hearts of mankind, creating that

fullness of desire within them for greater and greater Light—looking to and

depending upon the One Great Source of Light, “I AM,” God in Action everywhere.

The entrance of this Great Presence again into the activity of mankind will spread

like a thread of Light through all the activity of America and expand Its Luminous

Presence like a Mantle of softly falling Golden Snow. It will be absorbed by the

minds of humanity, the majority being entirely unaware, although there will be

some who will sense the Inner Penetrating Presence.

If those under this Radiation continue in their present harmonious, beautiful

progress, it will be possible shortly to bring to their attention certain activities of

the nerve fluid which will hasten their Mastery over the outer form. It means the

Mastery over all conditions that seem to bind or limit.

I shall be surprised if your students do not feel the strength, if they do not feel the

Presence of this Great Being today. Even as I speak, His Rays go out to them,

Presence of this Great Being today. Even as I speak, His Rays go out to them,

touching the heart of each one, and I feel their thrill of Joy, they not knowing just

what it means.

Watch carefully, each of you and your students, to be on guard to reverse all

negative conditions that appear to the senses. On the lesser things for practice, if

the senses report you cold, reverse your consciousness and assert your warmth. If

the senses report too much heat, reverse it with a sense of perfect, normal

coolness. If the senses report to you ecstatic joy over certain enlightenment, say:

“Peace, be still,” and assert your calm poise and assurance. The ideal in all sense

reports is to move in the middle way, the balance always asserting the Calm

Mastery of control which “I AM.”

This will enable the establishing of a steady, flowing stream of creative ideas and

energy from the Heart of the Great Central Sun—from out which has come this

Great Being, the Master Himalaya. This will enable you to receive and use

immensely more of that Radiant Energy which He pours forth. The reason for

drawing your conscious attention to Him has been that if you understand what it

means, you may receive without limit from His Energy, besides what you draw

forth by your own conscious effort.

The students must at all times understand that the Masters do not come to them of

the students’ choice, but that they have been chosen to receive the Radiance, a

privilege for which words are entirely inadequate to convey the true meaning that

can truly only be felt or visioned. Again they should understand that the Master’s

province is not to assume their responsibility by solving their problems for them,

but to convey intelligent understanding which they may apply in their own lives

to solve their own problems. Thus they gain the needed strength, courage and

confidence to continue to reach up step by step, gaining their own Conscious

Mastery over the outer self and the outer world.

Always at certain points of growth (expansion), We hear students call out, many

times with great sincerity: “Great Masters, help us to solve our problems.” For

encouragement and strength, I wish to say that far more than one has any concept,

is the Radiating Presence of the Master pouring out Strength, Courage, Confidence,

and Light—which in most instances the students are quite unaware of in the outer

sense consciousness. There is only one way in which anyone with wisdom can be

of permanent help, and that is to consciously instruct his brother or sister in the

simple laws by which one may wield the scepter, gain the victory, and attain to

Full Dominion over the outer self and his world.

To do the thing that the student requires in solving his problems would not only

retard his progress, but weaken him immensely. Only by asserting one’s conscious

strength, winning victories—and thereby attaining confidence which comes in no

other way— does the student enter into the fullness of his own powers. With the

powerful, masterful use of the Consciousness of the “I AM Presence,” the student

goes forward with absolutely no uncertainty to his goal of Victory.

The reason We have not and do not say more to the student concerning the

Assistance that We may be giving is to prevent his leaning upon an outside source.

To say or do that which would cause the student to lean upon Us because he

knows of our Presence would be the greatest mistake We could make; but the

student need never fear, and he should know that every Assistance possible is

always given, according to the point of attainment he has reached.

The “I AM Presence,” the Host of Ascended Masters, the Ascended Jesus Christ, are

one and the same thing. Through the recognition and use of the “I AM Presence,” I

tell you, you can positively bring forth any quality you wish into the outer

conscious manifestation—if you will but do it.

The need of everyone is to keep reminding the outer consciousness that when one

says: ” ‘I AM’ this or ‘I AM’ that,” he is setting God in Action, which is his Life

individualized, the Life of the Universe, the Energy of the Universe, the Intelligence

at the Heart of the Universe governing all. It is necessary, it is vital, to keep the

outer reminded of this fact. With this consciousness, the joyous enthusiasm of the

outer reminded of this fact. With this consciousness, the joyous enthusiasm of the

student should increase continuously. There should at no time be a pall in the joy

of its use, because it is positively the road to Full Mastery.

The student must become firmly aware that he or she is the Conscious Controlling

Power in his Life, in his world, and that he can fill it with any quality that is

needed or that he may choose.

The students who have intermittent physical disturbance in the body should take

the consciousness often: ” ‘I AM’ the perfectly controlled breath of my body,” and

should, in connection with this, feel themselves, as often as they can, breathing in

that rhythmic breath. This will bring about a certain balance of breathing which is

immensely helpful in the control of the thought.

Sincere students should whenever possible avoid listening to things that are

disturbing, for in doing this they often let in unknowingly, elements they do not

desire. Where they cannot with discretion avoid listening to things of this kind,

they should use the following: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence on guard here and consume

instantly everything that seeks to disturb.” Thus you will not only protect yourself,

but help the other person as well. While the student should at no time fear

anything, it certainly is necessary to keep up the conscious guard until he has

attained sufficient Mastery to control his thought, feeling and receptivity.

From the Golden City comes this limitless charge of energy for the Blessing of the

students of this

Radiation, as well as those of mankind who are looking to the Light.

Try to keep as much as possible in the joyous enthusiasm of the “I AM Presence.”

Give It all power, and do not hold any questioning in the mind. Throw everything

to the winds; give everything to that “Glorious I AM Presence,” and receive Its

Magic Revelation. It is the Mighty, Miracle-Working Presence that can and does

solve all things, not only problems, but questions whose answers need revealing. A

remarkable Statement that would be enormously helpful to the students would be

to say: ” ‘I AM’ the Miracle-Working Presence in everything I require to have done.”

For students to keep meditating and contemplating what it means to say “I” or “I

AM” brings results, revelations and blessings that cannot be overestimated. I am

sure your students will soon begin to show and feel the remarkable activity of this

use. Today I feel the Presence of the understanding and use of this much more

powerfully than at any time hitherto.

On the Higher Planes there is a constant meeting and exchange of help while the

bodies are asleep, far beyond anything the outer self is conscious of. Knowing that:

” ‘I AM’ the quality of whatever I wish to use,” then you know you can produce in

visible, tangible form whatever you have within the consciousness. The moment

the questioning of the outer mind can be put under control and made to subside,

the greatest revelations pour forth, almost tumbling over each other.

Owing to the need, the Master Himalaya chose to come forth. He brings a special

blending of America and India, and that is why it is possible for Him to come here.

As the Inner Presence comes into action, all outer activity subsides. It must

necessarily, because it obeys the “I AM Presence.”

The Golden Snow is what the Great Presence spreads over America —to be absorbed

by individuals and the very particles of the atmosphere itself. This will enable the

students especially to be greatly assisted and blest, because they have become the

focus for this Outpouring.

It may be well for the students to understand that in national requirements, as in

individuals, there are qualities needed for certain definite purposes at certain times.

That is the reason for Special Great Beings coming forth, these Individuals having

predominant the quality that the nation needs at a given moment. The students

who can take this Understanding with great sincerity will find a New Element

entering into their lives which will benefit them greatly.

The activity of expectation is quite a vital one in receiving from the Inner Presence.

It is a faculty that can be used with a great deal of benefit by the student who

cultivates it. For instance, if we have planned something from which we expect

cultivates it. For instance, if we have planned something from which we expect

great joy, we feel all buoyed up with expectancy. We can acquire and use this same

expectancy in elements we wish to acquire and use, for it is very helpful in

enabling them to come forth. If one calls on the phone and you are to meet that

one in the city, you expect to meet him. If you desire to meet the Masters, one

requirement is to expect to meet Them. That is very helpful. Why not expect to

meet Them now?

People have become so abnormal in their habits that naturally they have interfered

with their breathing as well as other things. To use the Statement: ” ‘I AM’ the

balancing-breath” will do a great deal more for them than the use of many breath

exercises without the aid of an Ascended Master. The coming amazing Activity will

be done by the use of the “I AM Presence,” because with Its use, anything can be

accomplished. Take the consciousness often: ” ‘I AM’ the balancing-breath.” This

sets in motion the Inner Activity that maintains the outer Perfection. In whatever

you do, always take the “I AM Consciousness,” and then you immediately set It into


Take the attitude of calm certainty in your mind, and keep on keeping on.

BENEDICTION: Thou Mighty Presence whom We in great joy have welcomed, We

thank Thee for Thy Great Wondrous Radiance and Light, Thy Great Radiance and

Conquering Power; and We trust that Thou mayest decree Justice now and for all

time to mankind.


Saint Germain: I shall have to journey on.

  1. Where are you going?
  2. Home.
  3. Which one?
  4. The Golden City.

It is clothed in the Electronic Substance and is just as tangible to you as the

physical. Within the Light of the Golden City are Lights that are as much brighter

than the surrounding radiance as these physical lights are in this atmosphere.

Within all Light at certain points is consciousness focused. At those points it

becomes illumination. Suppose this room were the Great Sun. It has an

atmosphere. The individuals moving within it would have their own Radiance

about them, the same as the lights in this room.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://theiamdiscourses com/discourse-11/

Discourse 10

Discourse 10 November 03, 1932


INVOCATION: Mighty Luminous Presence! “I AM” the Conquering Power. “I AM” the

Radiant Splendor filling everything in manifestation. “I AM” the Life flowing

through all manifestation. “I AM” the Intelligence governing all activity, Inner and

outer, making it One Perfect Activity. Out of Thy Light, “Mighty Presence which I

AM,” all things are precipitated into form. “I AM” the Exhaustless Energy governed

by Thy Wondrous, Infinite Intelligence. Light the Illumining Center within these

bodies who come under this Radiation. Expand that Light into the Full Illumination

of the body and mind, raising it into Thy Active, Perfect Eternal Garment.

Mighty Light! send forth Thy Rays into the hearts of mankind, into all official

places, commanding Justice, Illumination and Perfection of Thy Self to express,

bringing relief, release, and Light unto humanity; and by Thy Governing Principle,

command all things in the outer human activity to give obedience. I bring you

Greetings from the Great Host of Loved Ones, who always watch and minister to

those whose devotion reaches unto them.


From out the centuries of activity we have arrived at the focal point where the

experiences of ages come into instantaneous action, where all time and space

become the “One Presence,” God in Action now.

Knowing that it is the Presence of God, “I AM,” that beats your heart, then you

know that your heart is the Voice of God speaking; and as you come to meditate

upon the Great Truth: ” ‘I AM’ the Supreme Intelligent Activity through my mind

and heart,” you will bring the True, Dependable, Divine Feeling into the heart.

So long mankind has been loving on the periphery of the circle. Once the student

becomes really aware that “God is Love,” and Love’s True Activity comes through

the heart, he will understand that to focus his attention on the desire to project

Love forth for any given purpose is the supreme privilege of the outer activity of

the consciousness—which can generate Love to a boundless degree. Mankind has

not previously understood that Divine Love is a Power, a Presence, an Intelligence,

a Light, that can be fanned into a Boundless Flame or Fire; and it is within the

conscious intelligence of every individual, especially students of the Light, to so

create and generate this “Presence of Love” that It becomes an Invincible,

Exhaustless, Peace-commanding “Presence” wherever the conscious

individual desires to direct It.

Somewhere it has been said that Love may not be commanded. I say to you: “Love

is the First Principle of Life and may be generated to any degree, or without any

limit whatsoever, for Infinite use. ” Such is the majestic privilege of the conscious

use and direction of Love.

When I say “generate,” I mean the opening of the door through conscious devotion

to the outpouring of this exhaustless Fountain of Love, which is the Heart of your

Being—the Heart of the Universe.

Students, by contemplating this Infinite Power of Love, become such a fountain of

Its outpouring that Its conscious direction may be Infinite in the student’s use.

When My beloved students wish to hasten their liberation from certain events or

outer activity, I can but say: ” ‘I AM’ the Commanding ‘Presence,’ the exhaustless

energy, the Divine Wisdom causing my desire to be fulfilled.” This will bring the

quickest release from any undesirable condition that the very Law of your Being

will permit. Knowing this, you may further know: “The ‘Presence that I AM,’ I now

remain, untouched by disturbing outer conditions. Serene, I fold my wings and

abide the Perfect Action of the Divine Law and Justice of my Being, commanding

all things within my Circle to appear in Perfect Divine Order.”

all things within my Circle to appear in Perfect Divine Order.”

This is the greatest privilege of the student and should be the Command at all

times. Here I shall say something that should be very encouraging, and I trust it

will. Each student who is earnestly striving for the Light is being toughened as you

make the toughest steel, which wears the longest, holds the best, and is the

strongest. Such is what the Life of experience brings to the individual. When one

craves to be released and still there appear trying experiences, it is the toughening

of the steel of character and the strengthening of the individual that gives him at

last the Perfect and Eternal Mastery over all outer things.

One may, with the right understanding of this, easily rejoice in the experience

which is enabling him to turn to and bask in the Glorious, Wondrous “I AM

Presence.” Thus, Beloved Students, you should never grow weary of well-doing, nor

meeting the experiences that sometimes seem to weigh heavily upon you; but

rejoice that every step forward leads to that Eternal Goal which does not have to

be repeated.

This is what methinks the student often forgets to use: ” ‘I AM’ the strength, the

courage, the power to move forward steadily through all experiences, whatever

they may be, and remain joyous and uplifted, filled with peace and harmony at all

times, by the Glorious Presence which ‘I AM.’ ”

To the athlete on the race track, the beginning of the race is glorious anticipation;

but as he reaches the goal and his adversary draws near, he puts forth every effort,

his breath becomes short, and with one last leap, he crosses the line to victory. So

it is with students on the path. They know in the use of the “I AM Presence” they

cannot fail. Therefore, all that is necessary is to tighten your belt, gird yourself for

whatever is required, and with a wave of the hand to your adversary, bid him


More fortunate than the athlete, the student knows from the beginning that he

cannot fail, because “I AM” the Exhaustless Energy and Intelligence sustaining him

or her.

The Power of Precipitation, the student should understand and remember at all

times, is within the “I AM Presence.” “I AM” here, the Life Principle and Intelligence

in this body. “I AM” everywhere, even unto the Heart of God, the Governing

Intelligence of the Universe. Therefore, when I wish to precipitate anything

whatsoever, I know: “I AM” the Power acting; “I AM” the Intelligence directing; “I

AM” the Substance being acted upon, and I now bring it into visible form and my


The contemplation of this phrase just expressed will enable the student to enter

into this Activity without strain or anxiety.

The question that so often confronts the students in the Power of Precipitation is

that of money. The first question is, “How is it that money may be precipitated

without interfering with the government allotment?” Since the creation of money

as a standard of exchange, gold being its standard and heart, so to speak, and the

security of all issue, it will be remembered that there have been almost a countless

number of disasters in one form or another through which gold and the issue of

money have been, to the outer sense, destroyed. Billions of dollars in this manner

have disappeared. Therefore with any money, and it is usually gold that is

precipitated, there is no danger of passing the limit set by a government for its

use. Again, there have been billions of Spanish gold and denominations of other

countries that have been burned, lost, submerged at sea, etc., to the extent that

Precipitation would have to run into great numbers before there would be any

question as to its legality. More often however, gold is precipitated in its natural

state, therefore always legal in its use.

As the world has recently offered a premium for more gold production, why not

precipitate it and bless the world by its use? But I shall not hold myself responsible

for the questions that will be asked when you do precipitate it, unless you have a

mine from which you can supposedly have brought it forth, for you have no idea

what the curiosity of the outer mind is until you call its attention to gold. I assure

what the curiosity of the outer mind is until you call its attention to gold. I assure

you, the outer is immediately set on fire. However: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence’ governing


The supposed demand to know the source of gold is but a subtle form of inquiry

that someone else may discover your source. My idea would be to answer their

inquiry that it is none of their business. Simply say: “Here is the gold. Test it. If it

is not one hundred per cent, you may refuse it. If it is, you are compelled to

receive it by the laws of your government.”

You will understand, Beloved Students, that it is only in the outer activity of the

physical world that you require a medium of exchange, for the moment one rises

into the Power of Precipitation, he has little use for gold or money or any kind of

exchange, except as incidents may require.

As one by one you come into the Ascended State, you will have many a hearty

laugh over the seeming importance of these outer problems of the physical, or

outer world, for they are all but the “maya,” which means but constant change.

Remember, there is only one thing in the Universe that is permanent, real and

Eternal. That is the “I AM Presence,” God in you, which is the Owner, the Creator,

and the Intelligence governing all manifested form. Then to know that you are that

“Presence,” that “I AM Presence,” places you, Beloved Student, independent of all

outer manifestation.

Do not misunderstand Me. I know you have to come into this Understanding

sufficiently, but if you are sincere, have dauntless determination in your

recognition of the “I AM Presence,” God in Action in you, you will find yourself,

even to the outer sense, quickly rising into that Dominion and Independence in

which you can say to all outer things, “Is it possible thou didst once disturb me?”

Some of you have had an inkling of how gross and coarse all outer form seems

when once you are liberated from it. To your finer, Higher Sense, it seems

incredible that you could have inhabited and still are inhabiting and using a form

so gross and imperfect. Had you long ago recognized, claimed, and rejoiced in the

“I AM Presence” as you are doing today, these outer forms would have become so

refined that you could have come back to them with very great grace. However,

one has but to rejoice at every step of attainment and every step he hopes to

attain, because hope becomes faith, and faith becomes Reality.

Now Beloved Students, under no circumstance allow the experience of the outer to

pall upon you, but in this recognition, rejoice every day, every hour, every minute

that brings you nearer to the goal of Freedom and release from limitation — that

Freedom you have so longed for and so much desired.

The Light is growing very bright within some of you. Continue on with that calm,

dauntless determination to scale the heights, for: ” ‘I AM’ that Great Presence

sustaining you, and you cannot fail.” You know the old phrase used to spur one on,

and especially among soldiers, was to tell them they were cowards, and “yellow.”

Now Beloved Students, I say to you: you are not cowards, but you are yellow with

the Golden Light of Truth, of Dominion, of Mastery over all outer things which

have bound you; and with one Mighty Surge of the ‘I AM Presence,’ you break

every binding chain, shatter all sense of limitation, and stand forth in your

Freedom, the Glorious, Radiant, Majestic Being that you really are.

I like very much to use the Statement: ” ‘I AM’ here and ‘I AM’ there”; and if you

will contemplate it, you cannot help but overcome the sense of separation.

The student is more or less uncertain, which always brings anxiety, and anxiety

makes tension. As you come into the Higher Activity, you will become more and

more relaxed.

Always take the attitude of calm poise when anything should manifest. Always be

happy and rejoice in the Presence; but there is always the balance to be maintained

—it is the Middle Way. Hold yourself within this Center Poise. One can rejoice as

deeply in a calm poise as he can in overexuberance. The calm poise conveys a

certain something to others that they need, for every human being needs poise and

the conscious realization of the necessity of calmness and poise, because it never

the conscious realization of the necessity of calmness and poise, because it never

leaves one off guard. Poise has within it a certain power of Self-control and guard

which is very essential.

You will be not only delighted but amazed at times at the marvelous things that

will come with it. Use: ” ‘I AM’ the Perfect Poise which controls everything.” When

you use the “I AM Presence,” be sure to keep it as a permanent thing.

Each one try this, and if you do not feel results at first, just go on, for you certainly

will as you use it more and more: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence charging this water with

the Life-giving Essence which I absorb and which renews my body in Perfect

Health and Eternal Youth.” Affirm often: ” ‘I AM’ here and ‘I AM’ there, ‘I AM’ the

conscious action everywhere.” To discordant activities say: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence

preventing this. ‘I AM’ the positive, peaceful control of this whole situation.”

In the “I AM Consciousness” is the Wisdom that knows what is required. Know

always that: ” ‘I AM’ the controlling, governing Presence of this meeting or


There is nothing comes into physical form which is not first perfected on the

Invisible, or Higher Planes.

The students should not discuss this Instruction, but just rejoice in living It

themselves. If they will do this, they will receive so much more from It, because

there will be no conflicting vibrations to disturb them.

BENEDICTION: Wondrous Presence of the God “I AM”! We give praise and thanks

for this feeling of the certainty of Thy Presence that is growing within the

consciousness of these students under this Radiation. We rejoice in the Great Light

of Thy Presence enfolding each one, which goes forth unto all humanity, changing

all discord into Love and Peace. We thank Thee.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://theiamdiscourses com/discourse-10/

Discourse 9

Discourse 09 October 30, 1932


INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, Ail-Powerful, Active Presence—God! We ever grow in

deeper praise, thanks and gratitude to Thee for Thy Life, Thy Light, and Thy

Intelligent Power manifest everywhere in the Universe; for Thy Active Presence

manifest in the mind, body, home, world and affairs of everyone.

Enable us to understand and feel Thy Radiant Power, always active in our world,

affairs, and business—knowing no single activity can go wrong; for Thou dost

govern all action in Thy Love and Justice, guiding and regulating all.

Thou Mighty Supreme Ruler of the Universe! whose Law is Justice, whose Power is

Invincible! protect America in Thy Great, Blazing, Loving Presence. Reveal to the

authorities of the United States of America any wrong activities.

“I AM” the Mighty Channel of Justice, claiming all now and for all time, that they

serve only the cause of America and the Light of God. No human thought shall

enter in. No human hand shall be raised against her, for she is sealed within the

Love of the “Great Ascended Host of Light” forever.

Mighty God of the Universe! Thy Love, Light, Wisdom, Intelligence and Justice shall

fill every office in the land; all political graft shall be wiped out forever, and Thou

shalt reign through Thy Creation, through Thy Children, in Perfect Justice to all.

I bring you Greetings from the Great Host, ever watching over and ministering

through Their Divine Radiation—to heal, bless, enlighten and prosper all who will



One of the great needs of individuals, and even of sincere students today, is to feel

the necessity of giving time morning and evening to sincere meditation: to the

stilling of the outer activity that the Inner Presence may come forth unobstructed.

Meditation really means—feeling—the Active Presence of God. Therefore, when one

attempts to enter meditation, he cannot drag all the disturbance that has beset him

during the day along with him. Therefore, consciously remove from the feeling and

attention every disturbing thing, enter into your meditation to feel the “Presence of

God,” and do not revolve your troubles. When the Statement was given: “Know the

Truth, and the Truth shall make you free,” it meant the recognition, acceptance

and Activity of the “Mighty I AM Presence.”

First, know: “I AM” is the First Principle and absolute certainty of Freedom now.

Second, know: “I AM” the active Presence, governing all manifestation in my Life

and world perfectly. Then I have entered into the Truth which shall bring all


I must relate a thing that would be most laughable, if it were not really serious.

You would chastise it and rebel considerably if your little pet dog continued to

carry bones from the alley into your living room. You would think he were doing

that which is very much out of place.

Do you know, Beloved Students of Truth, that when you allow your minds to dwell

upon disturbing things or experiences, you are doing a great deal worse than

bringing bones into the living room? The unfortunate thing with students and

individuals which seems so difficult for them to understand is: never under any

circumstances try to hold the water that has gone over the wheel.

In other words, the unpleasant experiences, losses, or any imperfection that has

passed over your wheel of experience to the present time should never be held

close to you. They have gone over the wheel—forgive and forget them. To give and

forgive is Godlike indeed. For illustration: if an individual or group of individuals

has gone into a business undertaking, and through lack of understanding, it has

failed or gone to pieces, it is always because of inharmony in the mental attitude

failed or gone to pieces, it is always because of inharmony in the mental attitude

and feelings.

If every individual in such an association would take his stand—and hold it—that

there was only God in Action, only the most perfect success would come out of it.

Since the individual has free will, if he will not control his own thought and

feeling, he will wreck things for himself and others. Such is the Great Law, unless

every individual corrects his own thought and feeling, and keeps it so.

Everyone who manifests in the physical form today has made plenty of mistakes

—sometime, somewhere—so let no one take the attitude, ” ‘I AM’ more holy than

thou,” but each one’s first attitude should be to call on the Law of Forgiveness; and

if he be feeling or sending criticism, condemnation, or hate to another of God’s

children, a brother or sister, he can never have enlightenment or success until he

calls on the Law of Forgiveness. Further than this, he must say to that person to

whom he was feeling disturbed in any way—silently: “I send to you the fullness of

the Divine Love of my Being to bless and prosper you.” This attitude is the only

release and Freedom from the seeming failures of the outer activity.

For individuals to continually revolve in their minds and discussion a business or

project that has disintegrated will surely in the end destroy themselves —if they do

not face about, and through calling on the Law of Forgiveness find complete

conscious release from the entire situation.

For an individual to hold an attitude of revenge for any seeming wrong, imaginary

or otherwise, can only bring upon himself incapacity of mind and body. The old,

yet wondrous Statement brought down to us through the ages: “Unless you are

willing to forgive, how can you be forgiven,” is one of the Mightiest Laws for use

in human experience. Oh that individuals and many students could only see how

they hold to themselves the things they do not want by allowing the mind to

revolve upon the discordant things which have passed and cannot be helped

through the outer senses!

The greatest thing that all mankind is seeking in reality is Peace and Freedom,

which is always the doorway to happiness. There is only one possible way to

receive this, which is to know God—the “I AM Presence” —and that this Presence is

the only acting Intelligence in your Life and world at all times. Then stand by this

and live it.

One of the most amazing things that it has been My experience to witness —since

coming into the Ascended State —is the distorted idea of Freedom, financially and

otherwise. There is but one sure, certain rock upon which to build your eternal

financial freedom, and that is to know and feel with every fiber of your Being: ” ‘I

AM’ the wealth, the opulence, the substance, already perfected in my world, of

every constructive thing that I can possibly conceive of or desire.” This is true

financial freedom and will bring it as surely as it is maintained—and it will not get

away, I assure you.

On the other hand, man may use—knowingly or unknowingly—enough of this “God

I AM Presence” or God-Energy to accumulate through the outer activity millions of

dollars; but wherein is his certainty of keeping it? I assure you, it is impossible for

any Being in the physical world to keep wealth that is accumulated without his

being aware that God is the Power producing and sustaining it. You see before you

constant illustrations of great wealth taking wings overnight, as it were.

Thousands within the past four years have met this experience. Even after the

seeming loss had occurred, had they been able to take their firm, conscious stand: ”

‘I AM’ the wealth—God in Action—now manifest in my Life, my world,” the way,

the door, would have immediately opened for them to have again received


Why do I say, “Again to have received abundance”? Because they had built the

momentum and had attained great confidence. Therefore all requirements were at

hand ready for further use; but in most instances, they allowed great

discouragement—often hatred and condemnation—to enter in, which shut and

locked the door to further progress.

locked the door to further progress.

Now let me assure you, Beloved Children of God, there is no outer condition ever

existed in this world so bad, so disastrous, but that there is the “I AM,” the Active

Presence of God with the Eternal Strength and Courage of the Universe, to again

rebuild you into Freedom and independence, financially and every way.

I especially want the students who come under this Radiation to understand this,

because in this day of falling thrones and governments, individual fortunes and

otherwise, they need to know and understand if their wealth has flown away

through ignorance of understanding, then the “I AM Presence” in them, God in

Action, is the sure Rebuilder of their faith, confidence, wealth, or to whatever they

wish to direct their conscious attention. Thus they allow this Mighty Inner Energy

to flow into their desire—which is the only Power that ever accomplished anything.

Every individual who has seemingly expressed a loss of wealth to any degree

should immediately use the marvelous Statement of Jesus: ” ‘I AM’ the Resurrection

and the Life of my business, my understanding, or whatever thing I wish to focus

my attention on.”

I tell you frankly, Beloved Students and individuals, there is not the slightest hope

for you in heaven or earth so long as you persist in holding within your

consciousness thoughts and feelings of criticism, condemnation, or hate of any

description, and that includes mild dislike.

This leads us to the very vital point that you are concerned only with your own

activity and your world. It is not your province to judge another, for you do not

know the forces playing upon another or the conditions. You know only the angle

that you see of it, and I tell you that if an individual should be entirely innocent of

any intent to wrong another, the individuals who send criticism, condemnation or

hate to such an one are doing worse than committing physical murder. Why is this

so? Because thought and feeling are the only Creative Power; and while such

thoughts and feelings may not touch or harm their objective, they must return and

bring with them the conditions sent out by the individual who sent them forth

—and always with accumulated energy.

So after all, the one who holds vicious thoughts to another is in reality but

destroying himself, his business and his affairs. There is no possible way of

averting it, except for the individual to awaken and consciously reverse the


Let us go one step further. Throughout all ages, there have been business

associations in which there were one or possibly two with the deliberate intent to

do wrong, and through this association, a number of individuals absolutely

innocent of any wrong intent have been imprisoned. I now tell you, as an

Unfailing Law that cannot be changed, that the individual or individuals who cause

innocent persons to be incarcerated —thus depriving them of their Freedom of

action as God intended—will bring that exact experience which they have desired

for another into their own experience, even unto the third and fourth embodiment


For Myself, I would rather a thousand times be deliberately shot down than to be

the instrument of depriving any of God’s Children of their liberty. There is no

greater crime reigning in human experience today than the prevailing use of

circumstantial evidence, for in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred it is afterwards

found to be entirely wrong. Sometimes the Truth is never known to the outer


So Beloved Students, let no one seeking the “Light” ever set himself up in judgment

on another of God’s Children.

Again, supposing someone we love very much seems to be going all awry. What is

the first thing the outer would do? As a rule, to begin sitting in judgment and

criticism. The most powerful thing that can and should be done for such an

individual by everyone who knows anything of the circumstances is to pour out all

their Love and to silently know: ” ‘I AM,’ God in Action, is the only controlling

Intelligence and Activity within this brother or sister.” To keep silently speaking to

Intelligence and Activity within this brother or sister.” To keep silently speaking to

that one’s consciousness is the greatest help possible to be given.

Many times to remonstrate verbally with an individual sets up a condition of

antagonism, intensifying rather than erasing the activity which the silent work

would be absolutely certain to accomplish.

No one in the outer consciousness can possibly know what the “I AM God

Presence” in the other individual wishes to do. These are vital Truths that, if

maintained, would bring very great peace into the lives of individuals. Many lives

with their attendant business efforts are ruined because there is lurking within the

consciousness of the individual judgment, condemnation, or a feeling of some

degree of hatred toward another.

The student or individual who wants to leap ahead in the progress of the Light

should never enter sleep until he has consciously sent Love to every individual

whom he feels has harmed him at any time. This thought of Love will go straight

as an arrow into the consciousness of the other individual—because it cannot be

stopped—there generating its Quality and Power which will as surely come back to

you as you send it out.

There is perhaps no single element responsible for so many diseased conditions of

body and mind as the feeling of hate sent out to another individual. There is no

telling how this will react upon the mind and body of the sender. In one, it will

produce one effect; in another, still a different effect. Let it be here understood

that resentment is but another form of hate, only of a milder degree.

A very wonderful thought to live in always is: ” ‘I AM’ the Perfect Creative Thought

and Feeling everywhere present in the minds and hearts of individuals.” It is a

most marvelous thing. It not only brings rest and peace to yourself, but releases

limitless Gifts from the “Presence.”

Another is: ” ‘I AM’ the Mighty Law of Divine Justice and Protection acting in the

minds and hearts of individuals everywhere.” You can apply and use this with

enormous force and power in every way. Another is: ” ‘I AM’ Divine Love, filling the

minds and hearts of individuals everywhere.”

As you think on this, you will understand what was done when this home was

made a Radiating Center of the “Active Presence of God.” You will suddenly come

into a realization of the gigantic application of this. Everything in the Life

experience of humanity can be governed by the “I AM Presence.” The use of the “I

AM Presence” is the Highest Activity that can be given.

When you say “I AM,” you set God into action; but there is a lot more to it which

you will come to realize—when you feel and know the enormity of the use of this

Expression. Realize the Enormous Power of the “I AM” to act in things of this kind.

” ‘I AM’ the God Power Almighty.” There is no other power that can act. When you

say and feel this, then you liberate and loose the Full Activity of God.

Another Statement: ” ‘I AM’ the conscious memory of these things.” Also: ” ‘I AM’

the conscious memory, use and understanding in the use of these things.”

When you say: “The Presence that 7 AM’ clothes me in my Eternal Transcendent

Garment of Light,” it actually does take place that moment.

“The Secret Place of the Most High” is this “I AM Presence.” The Sacred Things that

are revealed to you are not to be cast forth, for they are as pearls. Know always: ” ‘I

AM’ the perfect poise of speech and action at all times.” Then the guard is always

up, for: ” ‘I AM’ the Protecting Presence.”

God’s Energy is always waiting to be directed. Inherent within the expression of the

“I AM” is the Self- sustaining Activity. Then you know there is no time. This brings

you to the instantaneous action, and your precipitation will soon take place. Always

preceding a manifestation you will feel that absolute stillness.

BENEDICTION: We give thanks, “O Mighty I AM Presence,” for having entered into

Thy Secret Place. Let Thy Wisdom govern at all times the dispensation of Thy Light.

Let Thy Wisdom guard and direct our minds and bodies at all times, that they

always act in perfect accord with Thee. As Thou art called forth into action—”O

always act in perfect accord with Thee. As Thou art called forth into action—”O

Mighty I AM Presence”—we know we are always charged at all times with Thy

Mighty Energy, and that It accomplishes all perfectly wherever it is sent.


Legal affirmations: For the one not in the midst of the case, take this Statement: ” ‘I

AM’ the Law.” ” ‘I AM’ the Justice.” ” ‘I AM’ the Judge.” ” ‘I AM’ the Jury.” Knowing

that: ” ‘I AM’ All-Powerful,” then I know that only Divine Justice can be done here.

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