Tag Archives: St Germain I AM Discourses

Discourse 27

Discourse 27 December 24, 1933



INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, Majestic Christ Power, now grown to Full Stature! We

salute Thee by the Sign of the Heart and Head, accepting the Fullness of Thy

Mighty Power made manifest in the hearts of the students and of the people of

America. We accept the Fullness of the Light and Its illuminating Presence within

the heart and mind of each one, surging forward with such intensity that It carries

the courage and strength for everyone to make the needed conscious effort which

will enable the “Mighty I AM Presence” to raise the atomic structure into its Full


Now I will step aside and let our Beloved Brother speak His heart.


I bring you Love and Salutations from many of the Ascended Host—some of whom

you know, and Others of whom you are yet to know.

” ‘I AM’ the Light, the Way and the Truth” is the Christmas Bell that is still ringing

throughout the field of Cosmic Activity. In the understanding that has been

brought to you in the meaning and Power of the Words “I AM,” you will find a

Charmed Circle in which you may move untouched by human, discordant

operation. It is not only a matter of knowing the Presence, but in practicing the

Presence in even the simplest activity; for as you attempt an unfamiliar experience,

you many times feel timid and uncertain; but as you learn to use the “I AM” in the

solving of your desire or problem, you find growing a confidence that you can

apply with a definite assurance.

The students should always understand that it is in the “Great Silence,” or stillness

of the outer, that the Inner Power flows in its ever-increasing accomplishment; and

soon they will come to know that even as they think of their “Mighty Source, the I

AM,” they will feel an increase of strength, vitality and wisdom which will enable

them to go forward with a feeling of Mastery that will surely one day open wide

the door through the limitations of their human creation into the Vastness of their

True Freedom.

We so often see in the heart the craving for proof— some remarkable manifestation

which will strengthen them on the way. I assure you, Blessed Children of the Light,

any proof given outside of yourself is but temporary, but every step proven in and

through your own conscious application is an eternal accomplishment; and as you

continue to gain the Mastery through your Self-conscious application, you are not

only accomplishing the things in hand, but you are raising the consciousness, until

presently you will find that all barriers have gone down.

It is in this manner that the door of human limitation is forever nailed back; and as

My outer form was nailed to the cross, so do you, by your ascending consciousness,

nail back the door of self-created limitations, and feel and know your Dominion.

To the many students so vitally interested in making the Ascension, I would urge

you to use the Statement often: ” ‘I AM’ the Ascension in the LIGHT.” This will

enable your consciousness to more quickly rise out of the maya of human creation.

It cannot be stressed too urgently that as you live in and accept more fully the

Transcendent Power of the “I AM Presence,” you will find that not only the outer

struggle ceases, but that as you have entered deeper into the Light, the outer things

that you have sought so earnestly will really and truly begin to seek you—because

by that time you will truly and fully realize the unreality of form and its transitory

activity. You will then know that within you and the Light about you is everything

you can possibly desire; and the outer, which has seemed so very important, will

have lost its great binding power upon you. Then in the outer things that come to

you will come joyous Freedom. This is the true activity of outer things.

you will come joyous Freedom. This is the true activity of outer things.

As you become more conscious of the Transcendent Powers which are at your

command, you will know that you can quickly draw to yourself anything you

require without harming or affecting another of God’s children.

This Truth must be established within the consciousness, for conscientious souls

must know this unwaveringly, so they may not at intervals find themselves

wondering if it is right for them to succeed when others around them are not

succeeding—for your greatest service, I assure you, is to gain the Mastery and

Freedom for yourself.

Then you are prepared to dispense the Light without being affected by the human

creation in which you must move. Never feel sad or distressed if another of God’s

Children is not ready to accept the Light, for if he does not come to the Light of his

own choosing, it is rarely but a temporary step.

As one begins to gain a conscious Freedom from the body, he understands how

temporal these outer things are and how unimportant; but when one enters into

the Universal Consciousness, or the Great Cosmic Activity, one finds to enter into

the Light is of all importance. Then he will know the joy of the Inner Presence and

Its Invincible Activity, for which his heart will leap with joy.

Shortly before I became aware of My Full Mission, the Statement stood out vividly

before Me: ” ‘I AM the Presence’ that never fails or makes a mistake.” This I knew

later was the sustaining Power which enabled Me to BE the Resurrection and the


It is unfortunate indeed that some of the Scriptural Statements have been clouded

by human concept; yet “I AM” thankful indeed that many have remained unaltered.

Another Statement I used constantly for more than three years was: ” ‘I AM’ always

the Majestic Power of Pure Love that transcends every human concept and that

opens the door to me to the Light within its heart.” I knew later this greatly

intensified My True Inner Vision.

In response to the earnest desire within the hearts of many, I wish to say that

during the years in which the Scriptures seem to have been unaware of My

activity, I was going from place to place in search of the explanation of the Light

and Presence which I felt within myself—and I assure you, Beloved Students, not

with the ease and speed with which you are able to seek today. Those of that day

in My association were joyous to receive the knowledge of those unchronicled

experiences, but owing to the unusual nature of them, it was thought unwise to

place them before the multitude.

So it has been through the ages: when the period of transcendent experiences has

begun to fade into the yesterdays and those who followed were not sufficiently

advanced to realize this Truth, they have shut out from humanity glories—beautiful

and wonderful. However, at this time there has come to the assistance of humanity

the Cosmic Christ Power which became so real to Me. This, through Its natural

impulse for expression, is steadily and surely finding Its way into the hearts and

minds of a large percent of mankind to the extent that great hope is present that

this Activity will enable the veil of human creation to be lifted, so great numbers

of humanity will see signs and wonders, and feel them within their own hearts.

Then they cannot be turned aside from the Truth by human doubts and fears.

I spent some time in Arabia, Persia and Tibet, and closed my pilgrimage in India,

where I met the Beloved Master who had then made the Ascension— although I did

not know it at the time. Through the Power of His Radiation, revelation after

revelation came to Me through which I was given expressions or Statements that

enabled Me to hold steady the outer activity of My mind until it no longer had

power to disturb or retard Me.

It was then the Full Glory of My Mission was revealed and the Eternal Cosmic

Record it was to make, which was to be established at that time for the blessing

and enlightenment of the humanity that was to follow.

You might be interested to know that this became an Active Cosmic Record, which

is quite different from any other record made, in that It contains within It, and

is quite different from any other record made, in that It contains within It, and

does today, the forward urge or impulse for which the human mind was and is a


This accounts for the expressions and Statements I gave forth becoming more and

more vivid through the centuries; and with the forward impulse of that activity,

assisted by other Powerful Rays of Radiation focused upon the earth, it will enable

a great number of humanity to become so anchored in the Truth and its conscious

application that a transcendent accomplishment will be achieved.

There is no one single step so vitally important as getting before mankind the

Knowledge of the “I AM,” their Source of Life, and Its Transcendent Power which

can be brought into the conscious use of the individual. Within three years it will

be amazing how this simple, yet All-powerful Truth will have spread among

humanity—for all who will think upon It, practice Its Presence, and consciously

direct Its Energy through the Power of Divine Love will find a new world of peace,

Love, health and prosperity open to them. Those who understand applying the

Knowledge of the “I AM” need never, never be beset by inharmony or disturbance

in their homes, worlds or activities; for it is only by a lack of acknowledgment and

acceptance of the Full Power of this Mighty Presence that individuals allow human

concepts and creations to disturb them.

The student should constantly look within his human self and see what habits or

creations are there that need to be plucked out and disposed of; for only by

refusing to any longer allow habits of judging, condemning and criticizing to exist

can he be free. The true activity of the student is only to perfect his own world,

and he cannot do it as long as he sees imperfection in the world of another of

God’s children.

You have been given marvelous Statements to harmoniously govern your Life and

world. Apply them with determination, and you will succeed.

Another correction many of you wish Me to make is this: I did not say on the cross,

“Father, why hast thou forsaken me?” but I did say, “Father! how thou hast

glorified me”; and I did receive into the Glories with Me the brother who was on

my right on the cross.

There are a number of these beloved students whom I knew personally at the time

of the crucifixion, and in giving this Message forth to them, I feel like talking to old

friends—for in that Great Ascended Presence, centuries are but an incident, and

only as We come into contact with human events is there a cognizance of time.

Beloved students who are so earnestly seeking the Light, try to feel yourselves held

in My Loving Embrace. Try to feel yourselves clothed in that Light — dazzling as

the noonday sun. So anchor within your consciousness the feeling of your ability to

make the Ascension that each day brings you closer and closer to the Fullness of Its


Cut loose all things of earth that bind you. Know that in the Love, Wisdom and

Power which you accept from your “Mighty I AM Presence” is the Power that does

this Transcendent Service.

Always remind yourselves that God in you is your certain victory! The ‘I AM

Presence’ which beats your heart is the ‘Light of God that never fails’; and that

your power—by the acceptance of this Presence, to loose Its Energy and direct It—is


It is My great Joy and Privilege to continue in association with My Beloved Brother,

Saint Germain, in pouring forth through My Conscious Radiation a definite

Assistance to the students who can accept the Instruction of Saint Germain. This

will continue during the entire year of 1934. Do not misunderstand Me—”I AM”

pouring out to all mankind, but in this Radiation to the students, “I AM” privileged

to give a special Service.

With My Love, I enfold you. With My Light, I clothe you. With My Energy, I sustain

you, that you may go forth dauntless in your quest for happiness and the

perfecting of yourselves and your world.

I trust this will bring a Radiation that you may feel at will throughout the year,

I trust this will bring a Radiation that you may feel at will throughout the year,

and that your attainment may bring you boundless joy.

” ‘I AM’ the Enlightening, Revealing Presence, manifest with full power.” JESUS THE



I wish to convey My Enfolding Love as a Gift to each of the beloved students—for

Love is the Greatest Gift that can be given.

Discourse 26

Discourse 26 December 29, 1932


INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, Infinite Presence! All-Enfolding Love! Infinite in Thy

Activity, gracious in Thy Loving Power, we salute Thee heart to heart, face to face,

pouring forth eternal gratitude for the outpouring of Thy Mighty Energy, for the

use of Thy Directing Wisdom, for the Presence of Thy Opulence in our homes and

use. We acclaim ourselves that active part of Thee, Self-conscious of Thy Divinity,

maintaining every hour Thy Supreme Command. I bring you Greetings from the

Great Host who minister, and who watch all activity.


We all rejoice exceedingly in the wondrous, loving presence of the students—for

the great harmony, joy, and accomplishment that has been attained.

How mighty that Miracle-Working Presence, “I AM,” can and will manifest Its

Dominion if such a wonderful state is maintained; and I tell you with no

uncertainty, it can be maintained, ever growing greater and greater in the

comprehension of that God Presence in Its Supreme Power of Divine Love.

Every student should remember with definite certainty that in this Quickening

Power of the “I AM Presence” within his Being, everything good or otherwise is

stirred into action. If there is latent within the consciousness: rebellion,

resentment, or the inclination to judge, it means that all this will be stirred and

brought to the surface to be consumed; and I tell you with no uncertainty, unless

the student consciously consumes that which is brought forth to the surface, it

will consume him. If one finds himself becoming irritated, he should seize the

reins, and issuing the command through the “I AM Presence,” declare that this be

governed harmoniously. Here let Me again remind the students that the greatest

thing in their progress is Self-correction; and there is no person, place, condition or

thing to blame for what they entertain but themselves. This is most imperative for

their future progress.

These beloved students have arrived at a point where such subtle conditions must

be made clear and thoroughly understood; otherwise they will find themselves

facing conditions they are unable to govern.

I repeat again to the students to be greatly encouraged because of the strides they

are making in Self-control, the fuller and fuller acceptance of these Mighty Laws of

Life, and their willingness to apply the mighty whip of Self-correction; for I tell

you frankly and I speak from experience, that the outer

activity which we term the “human” has to be flayed with no uncertainty before it

is brought under subjection to the Divine Command.

The reason I gave the use of the Ray or Flame through the hand is because the

minds of some are attuning more rapidly than the atomic structure of the body is

being raised. This activity of passing the hand over the body will maintain and

sustain that equalization of the quickening of the mind and the raising of the

atomic structure to its balancing point.

I am so happy and willing to give every Assistance to the students, as are Others,

but there are certain bounds beyond which We may not go because of the Selfconscious

advancement of the students which they must do for themselves.

However, every one of them has everything by which to be encouraged; but again

let Me urge them that at no time may they divide the attention of the “I AM

Presence.” To do this means that you are releasing the stream of energy and giving

power to outside things and simply delaying your progress.

I speak from experience. It is not possible to divide the attention, for it must all be

given to the “I AM Presence” in order to go beyond a certain point of attainment.

I do not wish to bring any shock to the students under this Radiation, but I must

speak the Truth, that if those beloved students who have been brought under

speak the Truth, that if those beloved students who have been brought under

this Radiation are not able to hold their attention entirely upon the “I AM

Presence,” it will close the door to Our Assistance to them for a long time. This

need not be done if the students will follow the direction, make the sincere effort

every time the attention wanders off, bring it back with firm determination and

say: “I give all power to the ‘I AM Presence’ which I AM’; and I refuse with

determination acceptance to anything else ever again. ”

I wish to prepare the students that there will come the time when they may not be

sustained by Our Messengers, but must rely on their own ability to hold with such

a firm grip upon the “I AM Presence” that they will always receive Its Mighty,

Sustaining Power.

It is useless and a mistake for any student after months of Instruction to each day,

or every few days, allow himself to be thrown into a sense of depression or doubt

of the Inner Power or his ability to apply It. This childish attitude of mind will in

time shut the door if it is not discontinued.

Each student should take his positive stand the moment discord of any kind

attempts to enter into the mind, and assert his Dominion by declaring: ” ‘I AM’ the

Almighty Governing Presence of my Life and my world, and ‘I AM’ the Peace,

Harmony and Courage, Self-sustained, which carries me serenely through

everything that confronts me.”

It is so important that the students have the benefit of the manuscripts that We

must discontinue the Instruction until they are completed, for according to their

ability to accept that which is illustrated in the manuscripts will the “Great Judge”

determine what shall next be given. We may not under any circumstances take the

student beyond the point where he is well fortified.

I must say, for the protection of the students, that should certain phenomena

manifest about them, to be calm, poised, and unmoved by it at all times and to go

serenely along, not allowing their attention to be held by it; for it is not unlikely in

this number of students that some may have sufficiently generated energy from

past understanding at a certain point to produce certain phenomena. In such a

case they should always take the firm stand: ” ‘I AM’ the Governing Presence of

this, utilizing it in its highest expression and use.”

You see, in all this amount of Instruction that has been given, it is but a fragment

upon which the student must build. The student must always watch for ideas from

within himself upon which to build his expansion.

The first premise for every student on earth who wishes to attain permanent

achievement is to first remind himself that: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence and Intelligent

Activity.” This is the first principle and in It he can never go astray.

I assure the beloved students that they need not crave nor desire phenomena, for

the Natural Law of their Beings in their sustained progress will produce abundant

phenomenal proof as they are ready for it. In this, mark you, I do not in anywise

refer to the appearance of any of the Ascended Ones, for that is an entirely

different thing and is really not to be taken as phenomenon of any kind.

I watched with great interest the Inner Activity of the students, Tuesday and

Wednesday, and it was very gratifying to see the expansion of that Inner Light

within them as the Power of Love grew more intense. It should be remembered by

the students that when they say “I AM,” they are making the outer activity a

Mighty Magnet for the Light to reach and expand.

I think it would be very wise for each student to take the attitude at this time, or

in the beginning of the use of both the Instruction and the manuscript: ” ‘Great I

AM Presence,’ take me within Thyself; there instruct me and cause me to retain the

Full Memory of these Inner Instructions.”

As Messengers of the Light, this training is very essential, but the idea should not

in anywise cause anxiety—or tension in the desire to retain, because an attitude of

that kind might easily close the outer memory of the Inner experience.

I cannot help but smile to myself at the closeness with which some of the students

are coming to most surprising things; but I trust they will always find themselves

are coming to most surprising things; but I trust they will always find themselves

poised and serene in whatever the experience is, knowing that: ” ‘I AM’ the One,

Eternal, Self-sustained Life in action,” and to forever remove from their

consciousness that there is such a condition as so-called death anywhere in the


The outer activity of the mind and world is a passing maya, shifting as the sands of

the desert, and need never cause anyone the slightest concern, for: ” ‘I AM’ the

Eternal Life, knowing no beginning and never finding an end.”

Out of the Heart of that Great Silence comes the Ceaseless, Pouring Stream of Life

of which each one is an individualized part. That Life is you, Eternally, Perfectly,

Self-sustained, and the garments It clothes Itself with are of but little

consideration, until one comes to the point of recognition wherein the attainment

has prepared him for the “Seamless Garment,” Self-sustained, radiant with every

prismatic color.

Then may one indeed rejoice in that Eternal Garment that is Ever-Radiant and

Changeless, which has removed him from the wheel of cause and effect and has

made him a Being of Cause only. That Cause is the Radiance of Divine Love, ever

pouring and evolving from Its Conscious, Self-poised, Radiant God- Center—the

Heart of the “I AM Presence”—which is Eternal Youth and Beauty, the All-knowing

Presence, containing in Self-conscious action the past, present and future—which

after all, are but the One Eternal Now.

Such is the eternal elimination of all time and space. Then you find your world

peopled with Perfect Beings, your buildings decorated with choicest jewels; you,

standing in the center of your creation—the “Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus” —Its

petals your Mighty Avenues of Its Perfect Activity.

Such is a humble picture of that which stands before you, beckoning you into your

Perfect, Eternal Home and Radiance.

You see, I feel that Glorious Radiance, and if each one, especially the students,

could center themselves in the Presence of Divine Love and hold themselves there

firmly, what wonderful experiences would come to them —if they would shut out

the interference of the outer activity of the mind.

For one to take the attitude that: ” 7 AM’ the Presence of Divine Love at all times”

would do such wonderful things. To use this Statement and feel it would at all

times close the door to the outer activities of the mind.

The solution of every problem is always right at hand because the “I AM Presence”

always holds everything within It.

A demand is the impelling of the solution into expression. “I AM” is the Intelligent,

Active Principle within us, the Heart of our Beings, the Heart of the

planet and the Heart of the system.

I cannot refrain from reminding the students again, for they should always know

that whenever you say “I AM,” you are releasing the One Almighty, Intelligent

Energy, Power and Self-sustained Element. Keep at it, and you will come into a

condition so supreme, so wonderful.

When you are looking into the physical sun, you are really looking into the Great

Central Sun, the very Heart of the “I AM Presence.”

You must take the unconditional stand with your body that: “The ‘I AM Presence’

governs this physical body completely and compels it into obedience.” The more

attention you give your body, the more it is the master, and the more it will

demand and keep demanding from you.

When the physical body is either chronically ill or continually showing

disturbance, it proves that it has been given attention over a period of years to one

disturbance or another, and it will never improve until one takes the positive

attitude and whips it into obedience.

You can positively produce whatever you want in your body if you will fix your

attention upon the Perfection of it—but do not let your attention rest on its


For the Ascension: ” ‘I AM’ the Commanding

For the Ascension: ” ‘I AM’ the Commanding

Presence.” Use this often, for it stills the outer activity so you become centered in

the Activity of Love.

The instant you feel something discordant, turn away from it. You have the Scepter

of Power in your consciousness—now use it!

You are to follow Jesus’ command: “See no man after the flesh.” It means exactly

what it says: recognize no human imperfection in thought, feeling, word or deed.

A very powerful thing to use in problems is to take the simple consciousness: “God

in me, the ‘I AM Presence,’ come forth! Govern and solve this situation

harmoniously.” It would do wonders. The whole thing is to instantly draw forth

the “I AM Presence” and set It to work.

Jesus said: “Ask, and ye shall receive.”

“Seek, and ye shall find.”

“Knock: it shall be opened unto you.” Say to your Divine Self: “See here, God! come

forth and take care of this.” God wants you to set Him to work. This releases a

flood of the God-Energy, Intelligence and Substance which flows forth to do the


BENEDICTION: Thou Mighty, Commanding, “I AM Presence”! assert Thy Dominion

within the heart and consciousness of each student! Command the Life Activity to

express Its fullness! Set Thyself as a Guard at the door of the mind of each one, so

he admits only that which is helpful and harmonious. Bless each one with that

power to hold fast and go forth to harmonious attainment. We thank Thee.


Cha Ara, his Mother, Nada and Saint Germain were working very intensely on the

expanding of the Inner Light within each one who was here. We wished that the

students might see from the Inner standpoint. It would be an experience never to

be forgotten.

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Discourse 25

Discourse 25 December 25, 1932



INVOCATION: Infinite “I AM Presence”! from Thy Ancient Sanctuary, we find Thee

pouring forth Thyself into manifestation with conscious intelligent expression, that

Thy Perfection be manifest in all phases of Life; and that all of earth which has

been wrongly qualified by mankind be raised into that Ascended State—Thy Eternal

Perfection. I bring you Greetings, and especially from the Retreat in Arabia, that

Great Center of training for the use of the Mighty Rays.

I have two surprises for you today. I say “I,” because We are all One.

I trust that I need no introduction as I speak to you over the Light and Sound Ray.

Nada speaks:


How beautiful this day always seems to Us in the Consciousness conveyed to

humanity—representing that birth of the Christ Activity in all mankind; and to the

students who have become aware of what the use of the “I AM Presence” means to

them in setting into motion Love and Intelligence to do their bidding, according to

their direction of that Limitless Power.

So long individuals have wondered how to attain the Christ Consciousness. The

first mighty step is in the recognition of the “Great I AM Presence,” God dwelling

in you. The second step is in the use of that “I AM Presence,” for when you say “I

AM,” with the understanding of what It means, you have then and there entered

into the Christ Consciousness.

It does not mean you immediately express the fullness of that Christ

Consciousness, for you must first know where you are going and what you wish to

do before you can accomplish it.

All the Ascended Ones have gone the same path and use identically the same

application, because all roads lead to the Great Central Sun, the God-Head.

Our Beloved Brother Jesus performed one of the greatest Blessings to mankind in

not only setting the example from his birth and achieving the Ascension, but in

making the Eternal Record that stands radiant, pouring Itself to humanity. Little

can the unascended realize what this means to mankind. It is an Eternal Beacon,

beckoning them on into the Light, and in the example of the Ascension, Jesus stated

definitely not only what could be done, but what must eventually be done.

Great as were the wonders He was able to perform, He gave the marvelous promise

that: “Even greater things than these shall ye do.” Many times students wonder

what greater things could be performed than Jesus did, but He tells us that He

only performed a few of the Universal Services which can be rendered to our


To Us this day always symbolizes the conscious beginning of that most marvelous

of all achievements—the Ascension. The moment the individual becomes conscious

of this fact, the process of his own Ascension has started, and according to the

fullness of his grasp of this Truth, may the individual accomplish it quickly, or

require time to do it.

My personal experience has been that when I became aware of what it meant and

began the use of the “I AM Presence,” I found that shortly I was entirely unaware

of time or place; and that each day, as I entered more fully into this expansion of

consciousness, I found that all things of my desire were right within reach, mark

you, right within my individual, governing power; and with it came the

consciousness that Divine Love was the Mighty Cohesive Power holding all things

together and in place—that this Divine Love within Me of which I had begun to

learn made Me an Invincible Magnet for everything upon which My desire rested.

This simple Truth is one of the Mightiest that first comes to the student. At first It

This simple Truth is one of the Mightiest that first comes to the student. At first It

causes one to realize that really he can rise above these seeming limitations about

him and then he finds, one by one, that he is actually doing it.

Then comes the Great Inrush and Outpouring of this Mighty Self Within, which

holds the substance of everything the heart can wish within Its Own Embrace. And

your ability and authority, mark you, to qualify and mold this substance, is that

which causes it to take on the form of your requirement, whether it be peace,

Love, gold or enlightenment.

I say to the beloved students: Awake, O Beloved Students, to your authority, to your

right, to your conscious ability to apply this Great Law to your Perfect health,

eternal youth and beauty, the riches of God, the glorifying of your mind and body,

and then to Ascend into the Arisen Dominion, into your Eternal, Everlasting


After you begin to find, step by step, that you are accomplishing, then you begin to

forget all this outer condition surging about you—in the glorious feeling of being

held in the Great Embrace of that Mighty Master-Self Within, which never has and

never will give cognizance to time or space.

You are the Master and have Dominion in your Life and over your world the

moment you recognize that the Energy, Power and Intelligence which you are

using is the “Mighty I AM Presence.”

How fortunate indeed are those individualizations upon earth who become aware,

really aware, of this Truth.

Jesus said: “Know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.” This is one of the

mightiest phases of that Truth. Apply It, O Beloved Ones, with full determination,

shutting out all uncertainty from your minds, and you will climb steadily that

Jeweled Ladder of Achievement; and as you look back upon each step gained, more

and more will that Blazing Radiance shine forth, and you will wonder, “How could

I have gone so long in the shadow, when above me stood this Mighty Flame of Life,

ready to consume instantly all my unfortunate, ignorant creation?” I tell you,

Beloved Ones, that you do not have to wait indefinitely in the recognition of this

Mighty Presence. Fold your arms about It in all the adoration you can command,

and It will raise you quickly out of all these seeming limitations, clothing you in

that “Seamless Crystal Garment,” blazing with Radiant Light and held with a

Jeweled Girdle that it is your right to wear; and in your hand that Blazing Scepter

of Dominion, the Searchlight of your Mighty Soul, which you can turn upon

anything, upon any place, upon any height, and draw to you the revelation from

within It. Such, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, is the picture of Achievement which

We have used and attained. Such We know you can do, because We have.

Never grow weary of the Consciousness that: ” ‘I AM’ the Ascended Presence”; and

when you say that, know: “It is the Self-sustaining, emanating

Strength by which I reach my Full Dominion.”

It makes Me very happy to be home again—for the happiness in your hearts—to see

the many rungs of the ladder you are past; and that you have the conscious

consciousness that you can achieve the Greatest of God’s Gifts, the Fullness of



It is with much Joy that I too may say a few Words over the Light and Sound Ray

to you, and to answer in person the many calls of the hearts to Cha Ara.

I do have many a good laugh in moving about among the students who have so

much longing that I make myself visible to them; and yet some of them, upon the

slightest movement unusual, catching their breaths lest I do. You know, it is most

comical: the outer activity of the self wants a thing so much, and at the same time

experiences all kinds of prickly sensations about it; but Beloved Ones, I say this: I

may not appear nearly so frightful as you might think! So trust Me at least to have

a pleasing form or appearance, and at the same time, for the benefit of the dear

sisters, I shall endeavor to bring along some Attar of Roses.

sisters, I shall endeavor to bring along some Attar of Roses.

  1. From Kashmir?
  2. That would be quite appropriate.
  3. Why not your own brand?
  4. You are very alert. I do not need to purchase it as you do, for I am privileged to

brew My Own.

May I add a word to the beloved students, commending them and urging them to

continue that wonderful, glorious “Presence of Love” and goodwill, not only to Us

but to each other, because it makes a wonderful condition in which the expansion

of consciousness goes on in leaps and bounds.

I must commend them on the feeling of certainty within themselves in the

accepting of Our Presence, and the consciousness of their ability to apply the Law

of their “I AM Presence,” for it is increasing with great speed.

Do not be discouraged in your call for Our visible appearance. While Our hearing is

perfectly good, I assure you, yet in that call is something that you require. In the

call for a thing is a certain vibratory action that the student needs, which cannot

be explained except as you see it from the Inner Action.


O America! Precious Jewel in the crown, the diadem of earth, that Flower of

Ancient Wisdom and Light! Again you shall come into the power of your full bloom

—in spite of all the seeming obstructions and appearances to the contrary at

present. Within thy soul, O Mighty America! is the strength to shake thyself free

from the barnacles that have attached themselves to thee—the barnacles of

selfishness, and the creation of the outer activity of the mind of unawakened

human beings. So shall you again come into the fullness of that Light which is your


Beloved Students of this Radiation: no matter what the appearance seems to be in

the outer activity, do not allow that appearance to find anchorage in your

consciousness, or the suggestions from others concerning America.

Stand serene in your God-given Dominion, knowing the Truth, seeing America free,

governed by Divine Love and Justice.

The net that the sinister force of earth has seemed to draw America into will yet

find the “Sword of Truth and Light” sever the net each way, making of it the Open-

Ended Cross of Freedom, of Light and Justice.

The most valuable thing in the individual’s Life in the things which he cannot help

is to shut his eyes to the appearance of them, acknowledge and set forth into

action the Mighty Power of the “I AM Presence.” Do you not see, Beloved Students,

how very, very foolish it is to keep accepting the appearance, through suggestion

or otherwise, which you do not want, whether it is national, state, or personal,

when you have such an extraordinary privilege of setting into activity the “Mighty

I AM Presence” to correct

whatever has the appearance of less than Perfection?

The habit of mankind has been to see imperfection where We see Perfection. Now,

in the recognition of the “Mighty I AM Presence, “fully accept Its Perfection every

hour of the day. This does not mean that you have to dwell on this by the hour, but

you can at least assert once every hour of the waking state: “I do accept the full

Activity of my ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ ” Each time you assert this, you are building

Its Perfection more powerfully into your outer activity, for you are already using

this energy, and why not acknowledge at all times Who and what It is you are

using, thus giving It the Dominion It wishes to convey to you. In this way you can

set into motion for the Freedom, Protection and Blessing of America, your beloved

country, an Invincible Power. You do as yet little dream of the Mighty Potency and

Power of adjustment It can cause to take place when consciously set into motion

by one or more who recognize Its Invincible Universal Power.

Now let Me suggest that instead of listening to the constant lamentation and

suggestion of all kinds of destructive activities, that you know the “I AM Presence”

suggestion of all kinds of destructive activities, that you know the “I AM Presence”

consumes them and requalifies all this energy with Freedom, Protection and

Perfection for America and the world.

For your encouragement, I want to say that all those human beings who started the

cause of this present condition did not foresee that it was going beyond their

control, and through it, many of them have lost their outer ability to longer foster


So those who are attempting to bring back prosperity by the unlimited use of beer

will find things going beyond their control. Instead of temporary prosperity, things

will sweep into actual prosperity.

So now, as at all times of seeming chaos, will come peace on earth, goodwill to

man; and the Light of the expanding Christ in the hearts of individuals, permeating

the earth, will draw to Itself Its own.

Again, for the benefit of the beloved students, I urge them not to discuss discordant

things any more than is enough to understand a situation. Then turn completely

from it and never let it hold your attention again, for I assure you, what you

entertain in your consciousness will find expression in your Life and world. So fill

it with the “Great I AM Presence,” holding in Its Embrace the Mighty Fulfillment of

your every desire.

See that Perfection, that Full Perfection of Its Activity everywhere in your Life and

world. Do not be affected or disturbed by the creation of others where you cannot

help, except to see Perfection, knowing that back of the seeming shadow is the

Blazing White Light of the “I AM Presence.”

This, Beloved Ones, is My Greeting of the season I leave with you. In closing, My

Mother and Others of the Ascended Host—some of whom you do not know but

who know you—send their Greetings of Love, Peace, Opulence and Strength to each

of you, to bless you on your way to your final Victory and achievement.

Saint Germain: Well, very fortunately the Radio Corporation can’t charge Us up for

overtime on Our Station. I suppose if they knew of it, they would want to charge


I want to say a word or two in conclusion, and it is to urge the students to

recognize that when they say “I AM” for whatever they want to be accomplished,

they not only set the “Great I AM Presence” into action for the accomplishment,

but they should be deeply aware that It holds within It the Self-expanding, Selfsustaining,

Self-emanating Power.

While repetition is good and is ofttimes required to produce a deeper conviction,

yet in the present advancement of the students they should become more

conscious of Its innate, inherent, Self-sustaining Power. This would give the outer

consciousness a fuller comprehension of the sustaining Power, so that if the outer

activity of the mind is occupied with other duties, it can send forth the charge of

the “I AM” into any achievement once an hour without in any way interfering with

the student’s work.

It is such a mistake for the student to let register in his mind the absurd idea that

he hasn’t time for these things—when it only takes a moment to powerfully realize

the Mighty, Invincible Activity of his “I AM Presence” in whatever his attention is

required to be used.

However, this application might be very helpful: ” ‘I AM the Mighty Presence’

commanding the time, all the time I require, for the realization and application of

this Mighty Truth.”

On the other hand, if many times during the day, one will for a few moments take

the consciousness that: ” ‘I AM’ the only Intelligence and Presence acting,” it will

naturally adjust things according to the requirement. It is so easy to set the

consciousness into motion—knowing one is not restricted by any sense of


Temples of Light: They are located in the Etheric Belt above the earth’s atmosphere.

The Radiation is poured out from this Belt to the earth through its atmosphere. The

The Radiation is poured out from this Belt to the earth through its atmosphere. The

Etheric Belt around the earth and that around Venus would be vastly different.

Venus is within the Etheric Belt of the Sun, while the earth is below that.

Warning: Do not give recognition to anyone who is a tool for the sinister force.

Simply know one thing only: “There is only the ‘I AM Presence,’ Intelligence, Light

and Power acting.” Do not be concerned about any personal activity of any kind

whatsoever at any time.

The student’s business is to see Perfection, feel It and be It, no matter what any

human appearance seems to be.

BENEDICTION: From out the Heart of Thy Great Silence, O “Mighty I AM

Presence,” comes the Solution of all things, the Perfection of all things; for Thou

art the Only Governing Power, Perfection, and Intelligence in all outer experience;

for Thou art the Presence governing all human expression. Only as we see Thy

Perfect Manifestation in all things do we cause Perfection to manifest in all things.

Discourse 24

Discourse 24 December 22, 1932


INVOCATION: Thou Infinite, All-Loving Presence! We feel Thy Peace, Thy Love and

Thy Wisdom pervading all—everywhere. Knowing there is but the One Mighty

Presence of which we are a part, we know Thou art omnipresent, pouring Thyself

forth, filling every need on demand, lifting the consciousness of mankind unto

Thee, and holding it anchored there until the “Light of Eternal Life” fills all Beings

with Its Radiance, carrying them forward with that Inner Impulse to eternal,

permanent recognition of the “Great I AM.”

I bring you Greetings from the Great Ascended Host and especially from Nada, Cha

Ara, Chan, and Diana, Goddess of Fire.


As the consciousness of the students is raised into the activity of the higher, or Fire

Element, everything in their Beings begins to act with an intensity that many times

they do not understand; and as they begin to work more from the Fire Element

standpoint, the more necessary it is to keep up the guard.

The training which We are endeavoring to give forth to bless, protect and

enlighten the students is to train one’s self to be on guard at all times; and while

all should understand and with every effort use the “I AM Presence” to maintain

Self-control, yet if something happens unexpectedly, to stand serene in spite of it.

Use the Statement frequently: ” ‘I AM the Presence’ on guard.” If something

unexpected happens, just say: “We will dismiss this,” and go on in that joyous

happiness. Try not to have any feeling, but to know: ” ‘I AM the Mighty Presence’

governing everyone’s activity.”

Whenever there is a Center of Light of the Intensity of this focus, there is always

the disturbing element that would seek to enter through someone. If you are

working about the house, keep using: ” ‘I AM’ proof against any sudden

disturbance.” This sets up a certain armor that will keep the atmosphere


Use often: ” ‘I AM the Presence’ which nothing can disturb.”

Always hold yourselves in a joyous, calm attitude, regardless of anything that takes


For one you wish to help, say: “Here pal, through the ‘I AM Presence,’ we give you

the strength to control that.” The very marvelous manner and radiation of your

two classes this week was the most remarkable thing I have ever seen in classes of

students. The great Love and Harmony within the hearts of these students,

maintained a sufficient length of time, makes almost anything possible. It is a rare

thing. Here are three classes in which the same Love and Harmony is maintained.

Do you feel the Great Wave of Peace and Joy that came like a breath of a spring

morning? I will explain, so you may see how far-reaching is that wonderful, Loving


The Great Master whom Jesus contacted and who enabled Him to gain the Victory

is the same One who was My Teacher, and It was His Radiation which came just

now. He wishes Me to tell you that: “As you pass along the Pathway of Light, you

will find the easiest way to overcome disturbance is to turn away from a thing

—and forget it.” You may have this Master’s Name later.

To wrong activities say: “That is not correct,” and then quickly pass it off. This

avoids a disturbance which builds.

As we reach into the Light, we are one Great Family. Knowing that there is but the

“One Great I AM Presence” everywhere, you, being the individualization of That,

there can only be the one Great Family, Children of the One God.

In the very first place, let this be understood: if a worthy individual is critical, say

with very definite certainty: “There is no one who wishes to intrude this upon your

with very definite certainty: “There is no one who wishes to intrude this upon your

free will. We do not mind sincere questioning, but we do not tolerate criticism nor


The Messenger must refuse acceptance to the discordant things by pouring out the

Love Element, so the discord may be consumed. The Messenger must be fortified or

else the work is left half undone. No class or work of the Messenger can be

sustained if the Messenger allows argument or discordant feeling to generate.

It is very difficult for the average individual to understand that the quickest way to

stop any kind of disturbance is to stop discussing it.

The thing in your own aura is the only thing that needs attention. The thing

recorded in your atmosphere can only come through your feeling.

The spoken word, unless there is a sense of condemnation or anger back of it, will

not record inharmony on your Inner atmosphere.

Of the two undesirable conditions, it is far better that one explode and get a thing

off his mind than to hold the feeling within of resentment, or of being hurt, for

that is what registers on your Inner Atmosphere. From My standpoint, I see what is

registering in your feelings, and therefore on the Inner Atmosphere.

You know how a carbuncle forms. Well! Let me tell you that in your mental world

exactly the same thing takes place as the physical carbuncle expresses on the

physical body.

It is most important to do something to keep yourselves from harboring a feeling

against persons, places, things or conditions, for these build and record on the

Inner Atmosphere.

If the desire comes:. “I wish so and so would do this or that,” check it immediately

and say: “There is only God in action there.”

When a feeling is registered in your atmosphere, it is anchored there until you

dissolve or consume it. It is always the feeling that makes the Inner record.

There is no use consuming a thing if you do not break the habit of generating the

cause. One can easily conquer this by saying: ” ‘I AM’ in command here.” Do not let

your feelings run rampant.

Many times individuals are brought together for the sole purpose of compelling

them to correct these subtle activities which most people pay no attention to

whatsoever. This is a matter of stilling the outer in order that the Truth may be

received. This is so vital in the individual’s Self-correction.

As you rise in consciousness, the energy is waiting like an avalanche for expression;

and if the energy is not controlled, it will rush in and cause you to do things that

you would not have done for the world. Whatever energy is given into your use is

to be sent out harmoniously. That is the Natural Law

of your Being.

If one does not understand that he is to govern the energy flowing through him

and he contacts a discordant element, the energy flowing through becomes

qualified by that discord, and he should immediately either check it or requalify it

with Love. In my experience, if I met a discordant element, I simply said: “Here! I

shut my door—you stay out.”

The Universal energy flowing through you is naturally harmonious. Shut your door

and then figure out who’s the matter.

People resist persons, places, conditions and things because they have not

mastered themselves. The students must maintain this Self-governed harmony

within themselves long enough to let the momentum be created—which becomes

the permanent guard.

If one will maintain harmony within himself, I tell you, he will draw all good

things unto him. The unfailing prompter is that the moment one expresses some

kind of discord, he is to realize that he is the one to blame. There needs to be no

written thing to warn anyone.

The moment there is something discordant, it is the prompter warning you to get

busy on yourself. Each individual is his own guard and prompter at all times.

There is only One Power in the world that can correct anything, and that is the “I

There is only One Power in the world that can correct anything, and that is the “I

AM Presence” in each one. If you refuse to recognize that you are the creators of

your own disturbance, how can you ever correct it or be free from it?

There is no person, place, condition or thing that warrants your ever being

disturbed, with the ever- present “I AM Presence” beating your hearts each moment

and Who is ever All-powerful.

If one will correct himself on these discordant feelings, he will let the “Great I AM

Presence” flood his world with all Perfection. If the individual will not correct

himself, how can he ever gain the Eternal Victory?

The “I AM Presence” is the All-power of the Universe to make this correction. Let

the “I AM Presence” flow until It washes everything clean.

When your attention is fixed firmly upon the “I AM Presence,” which you are, it is

as though your body were a fine sponge through which this Pure Energy is

pouring, cleansing it of all imperfection.

If you will stop the discord, the “Stream of the 7 AM Presence’ ” automatically

cleanses away all impurities. You thus have an Unlimited Power in your hands to

intensify your right commands.

Even from the scientific standpoint, knowing that the cells of the body are

renewed in less than a year, if the discord could be shut off for one year, the mind

and form would express Eternal Youth and Perfection.

Either from a sense of false pride or something, humanity will not face the Truth

that the cause is within themselves. The habit of always blaming the other fellow

for what has happened to you is the thing that blinds you to the Truth and

prevents Self-correction.

A wonderful illustration of this is in the beautiful child-form. Until the child is old

enough to begin to register the discord about it, its body is beautiful and expresses

Perfection. This Perfection of form would always be maintained if there did not

enter into the consciousness of the child the discord of the outer world. There are

those who would say to me, “What about the child that is born sickly and

disturbed?” In most cases, that is a condition brought over from the preceding

embodiment, or in rare cases, where there is intense discord between the parents,

this may be intense enough to register upon the child; but if you will notice in

cases of that kind, as the child begins to grow and develop, it will show less and

less of that disturbance. That is absolute proof the discord was not of its own

creation, but was imposed upon it by the parents, because the soul was strong

enough to rise out of it.

In this particular point, one should understand the amazing conditions of

suggestion by which individuals are constantly surrounded.

For instance, let us take the environment and association of individuals who have

been in the habit of going together. In that friendly association, each one is

susceptible to the suggestion from the other. If it be discordant, then that

association will be broken up sooner or later by one grand row. However, seventyfive

per cent of the individuals moving about in the outer world are not aware

that they are taking on suggestion—either from association, environment, or

conditions out-pictured before them.

The correct attitude of the student who becomes aware of his “I AM Presence” is

immediately to take the firm stand that: ” 7 AM’ invincibly protected against any

imperfect suggestion.” Thus one can build about himself an atmosphere which will

immediately repel all suggestions that seek to intrude wherein there is a

destructive element.

I think it necessary to call your attention to your old copy books which said: “If at

first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” There is no way to gain Victory and

Dominion over limitation except to keep at it until you accomplish it. If you

question your accomplishment, you are postponing your Victory that much longer.

Those students who really begin to understand that in the recognition and use of

their “I AM Presence” they have the Universal Power at their command, then they

know it is impossible to fail in their application, because the more they use It, the

know it is impossible to fail in their application, because the more they use It, the

more of Its sustaining Power they have.

Every time you feel a Christ Manifestation, say: “I praise Thee and accept the Light

of Thy Presence, the ‘Full I AM Activity.’ ” Take this attitude always, and then you

shut the door to any undesirable creation from those who have passed on.

Always remember that you are the Master of what shall come into your thought

world, and unless you realize that you are the Master, you are susceptible to all

kinds of thoughts and feelings.

For others, know: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence taking

……. into…….accomplishment.”

If you give attention to a condition of disturbance, you are giving power to

something else but your “I AM Presence.”

BENEDICTION: Thou Mighty, Infinite “I AM Presence”! We rejoice in Thy Ceaseless

Outpouring, Thy Enfolding Presence, protecting and governing the Life of these

beloved students. Help them to enter into the Fullness of Thy Presence with no

uncertainty, that they may bless mankind wherever they may be or go. Intensify

Thy wondrous Light within the outer activity, that each one may become a great

channel to heal, to bless, to prosper, and to enlighten.

Discourse 23

Discourse 23 December 19, 1932



INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, Infinite Intelligence! Thou who dost have Power over

all things! We welcome Thy All-Pervading Presence, Thou All- Pervading Life, the

animating Principle of every human being. We give thanks that, ” ‘I AM’ the Great

and Mighty Presence”; that ” ‘I AM’ anchored in the heart of every one of God’s

children, fulfilling the Perfect Plan in spite of all resistance of the outer activity of

the mind.”

We give praise and thanks that the conscious direction of Thy Mighty Energy is

sufficient by those of understanding to bless and to prevail with Thy Wondrous

Light and Intelligence everywhere.

I bring you Greetings from the Great Host, and personally from Jesus, who will

again speak to you over His Ray today.


In the Fullness of My Love, I come to you again today over the Great Light and

Sound Ray, this time to direct consciously the Healing Ray to every one of the

students. This Ray I will sustain for two weeks every day, that they may have the

Radiance of the Healing Power.

In My Ministry to mankind among the hills of Judea, I stirred the latent memory

within the Inner Records of mankind, and its Work is still going on today. I wish

the students to understand that preceding all conscious healing upon My part,

within My own mind I was always conscious that: ” ‘I AM’ the only Healing

Presence” and, as that “Unlimited I AM Presence,” I had the Right, the Power, and

the Ability, through that Presence, to command all outer activity of the mind to be

silent and obey Its Command.

Thus when I spoke to individuals, I spoke with that Authority of the “I AM

Presence,” which I recognized as the Only Intelligence and Power acting, or that

could act. I was conscious of the outer activity of the minds of those of humanity

about Me, but as I said to you before, it was only when I began using, ” ‘I AM’ the

Resurrection and the Life,” that the fullness of My Mission, and how it was to be

fulfilled was entirely revealed. This is the particular point I wish to stress with the

students today: that within each one of them is the same “Mighty I AM Presence”

which I used to accomplish the Perfection of that Mighty Presence. This seemed to

humanity at that time the performing of miracles. However, I assure you, it was

but consciously setting into action and use Cosmic Laws that are ever about you

—to be set into activity through conscious direction. The mistake that students

make and which delays their achievement is in feeling that they are acting a

falsehood in declaring the Perfection they do not yet see manifest in their

appearance or activity. I tell you sincerely from My own Experience that we must

acknowledge the One Presence, Intelligence and Power, then claim It as our own in

our every thought and activity. It is the only way this Mighty Perfection can be

brought into the outer appearance and the fullness of your use. Because that

Perfection has not yet appeared—seemingly—should not deter you from applying

and claiming Perfection as your own, for anyone with average intelligence has but

to stop and think that the Energy, the Life- Principle which he is using, is God, the

“Mighty I AM Presence.” Therefore, Its Presence, Power, and Energy is always Selfsustaining.

In the claiming of this Mighty Presence and Activity, you consciously

set It into action in your Life, home, world and affairs. Today, as in the time of My

Attainment, the financial struggle seems to be most weighing; and yet within the

reach of your conscious manipulation and direction of the Mighty Energy,

Substance and Opulence about you, you have everything with which to draw to

you that Wondrous, Omnipresent Opulence of God.

you that Wondrous, Omnipresent Opulence of God.

When you say “I AM, ” you are stirring that into

action to fulfill your conscious demand. One of the first and mightiest things that

became clear in My consciousness was My ability, everyone’s ability, to qualify this

energy, consciously directed, with whatever the seeming need demanded. Thus the

energy may produce for your use, gold, silver, money, food, clothing, means of

conveyance, or whatever the conscious demand is.

All this you must claim with determined conscious effort which knows that in the

conscious demand is the “I AM Presence” speaking and acting. Therefore, It has all

Power and Authority to clothe whatever the demand is with Its kind.

In the consciousness that you are the “I AM Presence” acting at all times, you then

must know that you are, that moment of recognition, an invincible magnet of

attraction—which causes every activity of the Universe to rush to you to fulfill the

demand. The only reason it does not seem to be so is because somewhere in your

consciousness there is a feeling of uncertainty, either of your ability, of your

authority, or the Omnipresence of It to act; but I assure you, as one having attained

and having gone through the complete process of attaining, that it is a pleasure,

the privilege of Myself and Others, to place before you these simple Laws, yet

Mighty and Invincible in their activity—which will give you Freedom and

Dominion over all the things that seem to be such a mountain

of obstruction in your way. As you continue to accept and use these Laws in your

activity, you will find that you are attaining Dominion, not only over the one

element, but all four elements—earth, water, air, and fire.

When you have become conscious of the “Flame of your Divinity,” you are acting

from the highest of the four elements, which is Fire, and the True Activity of


As the conscious activity is to the unconscious, so is the Conscious Use of the

Flame to the recognition of the Light. The natural element of your soul is the

“Flame,” accounting for the ancient Fire and Sun worship. When one becomes

conscious that he has, is, can use and direct this Consuming Flame, he has entered

into Mighty Power.

When one becomes conscious that he has Dominion over the four elements, he has

but to practice its use to become conscious that he may direct the lightning,

master the storm, control the waters, and walk in the midst of the fire unharmed.

Will you kindly tell Me how any being can have the use of anything until he

acknowledges it —and knows that he has the ability to make it his servant in use?

Then by the practice of its use, he becomes absolutely invincible in its direction. I

wish so earnestly to make clear to you that you are being given and taught the

exact Laws which I used—and which everyone who has attained the Ascended State

must use.

It is all a matter of use, once you know of these Laws, and that the “I AM Presence”

which you are has all Intelligence, Power and Authority to consciously direct the

energy through the outer activity of your mind. Then do not fear to use It to heal,

to prosper, to bless and to enlighten your fellowman.

Erase from your mind forever that there can be any selfishness in your conscious

recognition that the “I AM Presence” is directing. It matters not what you require

for your attainment, wherein it makes you more able, or of greater ability and

power to bless. Then do you not see that there can be no selfishness in the desire

for this greater attainment and Perfection? For any individual to feel that he must

wait upon the attainment of another is a great mistake. Individuals may attain

only through their own conscious effort in this wonderful recognition. No one can

grow for another or attain for another, but each may be of immense help to the

other by knowing with intensity: ” ‘I AM’ the only Presence and Intelligence acting

within that individual” for the one you wish to help. This may be qualified with

whatever the person seems to need most.

Every individual’s first duty is Adoration and Love to the “One Mighty I AM

Presence,” which is everywhere present.

Presence,” which is everywhere present.

Do you not see how in this, it is a joyous privilege to love your so-called enemy,

because: ” ‘I AM’ the only Real Presence and Activity anywhere!” If the ignorance of

the outer activity of the mind seems to have created disorder, pain and limitation,

then you know that the miscreation has no power of its own. There is nothing but

the wrong belief of the individual to sustain it; consequently, it has no Selfsustaining


If you have been unfortunate enough to create in-harmony, disorder, limitation,

then can you not see that you alone, through the Power of your “I AM Presence,”

the Consuming Flame, must consciously call on the Law of Forgiveness, consume

through that Flame of Life which you are, everything in your world which you

have wrongly created?

This should easily make it clear to you how you set about to cleanse your world of

its disorder and its mistaken creation. Then you stand forth, clothed with the Sun,

the Light of Eternal Life, Youth, Beauty and Opulence, holding within your hand for

instant use the Scepter of Power of the “I AM Presence,” which you are.

It is important to know that this One Mighty Energy does all things according to

the quality you give It, or the wish you want fulfilled.

One thing students should be intensely conscious of, and that is: ” ‘I AM’ the

Eternal, Harmonizing

Presence and Activity everywhere I move, and of everything to which my thought

is directed.” This, constantly used with the feeling of Its Invincible Power, will keep

the atmosphere of your world purified, harmonized, and held in readiness for any

conscious direction to go forth with great speed to its accomplishment.

When you wish to speak with authority, silently to or of another individual, speak

his given name, and you will find the help, the energy sent, much more easily

received. It is like calling the attention of a person to whom you wished to speak.

Naturally, your first impulse is, if you are going to speak to one of the family, you

first say Don, Mary, or Dick, to get his or her attention; and then you proceed to

give your message. So it is when directing the energy silently.

Within the Inner World, in this recognition and use of the “I AM Presence,”

knowing that: ” ‘I AM’ everywhere present,” you see how you may speak to one

across the earth through the “I AM Presence” as readily as though that one stood in

the room in your physical presence.

I warn you, if you attempt to use this Knowledge to harm another, then remember

that through your own soul and body will pass the bolt, or your intent to another.

Try always to remember that you are not human beings so-called, but you are Gods

and Goddesses in embryo—which through the conscious effort you can bring into

Full Dominion.

I say to you, Beloved Students of Light: Arise! Awaken! to the fullness of your God-

Dominion. Fearlessly use the conscious knowledge and direction of this “Mighty I

AM Energy” for your freedom, prosperity, blessing and enlightenment. Each of you

is a glittering, dazzling Jewel of Light projected into a world of chaos and

darkness, that the Radiance of your Light may expand, expand, and again expand,

that all darkness of the earth be consumed in this Mighty Radiance of the “I AM

Presence,” which you are.

Do not hesitate, Beloved Children! Grasp this Scepter of your Power and Dominion!

Use It to heal, to bless, to prosper, to enlighten, and you will find all earthly things

bowing before you and rushing to fulfill your slightest demand.

Such, Beloved Ones, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, the “One Mighty Presence, which

‘I AM,’ ” is the Conscious Ability I convey to you this day—with its Self- sustaining

Strength, Courage, Power and Enlightenment—to go forth, attaining your Freedom

now with these Personal Rays which I project to each of you for these two weeks. I

assure you, these Rays are no idle fancy, but a tangible Current of Energy

containing in It all things, and blessing you according to your acceptance.

I clothe you in this Mantle of Light—within It is all Power. I hold you close in My

Mighty Embrace, and ” ‘I AM’ with you every hour.”

Mighty Embrace, and ” ‘I AM’ with you every hour.”

Saint Germain: Again have you been blest by that Electrifying Presence. I need not

add to it unless there are questions.

When you realize that “I AM” is the only Presence, Power, and Ability to think in

your brain cells, and you are accepting only the Activity of the “I AM Presence,”

then you make It the All-Power, fulfilling every outer desire. Therefore if you desire

something needful in the outer activity, it is the “I AM Presence” producing it

through your conscious demand—which has nothing to do with so-called human


Say often: ” ‘I AM’ always loving obedience unto the Light.”

Everything will become more alert, more quickened, and more powerfully

protected as you use the “I AM Presence” more and more.

The Great Central Sun Magnet: The more one is conscious of this Great Magnet

working, the more powerfully It acts in his own sphere.

An awakened individual never uses a destructive force. When the Master of Suerne

projected the force and the army was killed, he simply projected it for the

protection of his people, and the destructive qualities which the others brought

with them to slay and kill qualified the force sent out by the Master, and it

destroyed those who sent their destructive qualities out. You can see how easily it

would do that, when they came to destroy.

Every individual, if he has understanding, has a right to protect himself. The

students should always be taught never to judge the Action of a Greater

Intelligence than themselves.

When phenomenon is produced by an Ascended Master, the Activity so transcends

the intelligence witnessing it that it is most difficult for them to be sustained in

the acceptance of the actual Truth of It. It is utterly impossible to satisfy the outer

activity of the mind.

Projected vision: The etheric record is reclothed in substance. You cannot reclothe

a record of scenes except in their own environment. The individual’s record goes

with him wherever he goes and can be reclothed anywhere he is.

BENEDICTION: Thou Mighty, Infinite Presence! Thou Wondrous Brother of Light,

Wisdom, Love and Power! We give thanks for Thy Radiant Presence, glorifying all

who look to Thee, and in that Glorious Presence, we send to all mankind Thy

Enfolding Light, lifting them into Thy Presence always.

Discourse 22

Discourse 22 December 15, 1932


INVOCATION: Thou Infinite, Abiding Presence! Thy All-Pervading Light, Thy

Opulence of Substance is Omnipresent and All-Pervading. We open the activity of

the outer consciousness into the conscious direction and molding into form of

every good thing we desire. We give praise and thanks for Thy Intelligent Action in

these minds; with Thy Love, Thy Wisdom and Thy Power to guide them, to raise

them into all Perfection.

I bring you Greetings from those Ascended Ones who ever minister to the

Messengers of Light, wrapping their Mantles of Light, Illumination and Protection

about them.


I had not intended to explain quite yet the undesirability of any thought or

condition of the psychic plane, but the demand compels it to come forth.

In the first place, the student must understand that what is called the psychic

plane has nothing whatsoever to do with Spirituality. It is a faculty of the human

consciousness which can be brought into play by human beings who will give

sufficient attention to it; but the individual who wishes to reach into the psychic

plane alone, either consciously or unconsciously, had better never been born into

that embodiment.

The fascination of the phenomena of the psychic plane, I assure you, is most

alluring; for those whose attention becomes firmly anchored in the psychic plane

do not loosen themselves from it in that embodiment, and it may take several

embodiments to free them.

In all strata of consciousness there is a fragment of Truth unrecognized—otherwise

it would not be possible for it to be sustained—because you must understand that

in all things and in all activities, there is some, more or less, of the God-Energy

acting, misused truly, but nevertheless active.

The sincere student will give no attention to the phenomena of psychic seeing or

hearing, but understands that he must push directly through—by the power of the

Inner Will through his outer determination—and enter within the Electronic Belt,

where only the Truth is expressed.

Beloved Students! While it is necessary to explain this, I want you to make up your

minds not to have any fear.

Within the psychic stratum of thought and feeling is the principal activity of what

we know as the sinister force in this world. Sometimes souls with splendid Inner

Attainment, not understanding the True Reality of this of which I speak, have

allowed their attention to become drawn to this stratum because of the premature

awakening of this physical faculty by a semblance of Truth being presented to

them and some phenomena—enough to hold their attention. After the attention

becomes fixed, everyone, without exception, will find that semblance of Truth


One of these attributes which is perhaps most fascinating is the false prophecies

which are made, causing the individual to make wild prophecies, and once in

awhile, one being fulfilled in order to bind the attention more strongly. With this

there is also a certain substance which is drawn into the brain. (I may not yet

explain further to you.) This makes it impossible even for the Master to interfere to

help the individual, because of his own free will by which he has accepted it. There

are a few cases, however, in which the individual realized the mistake before he

had gone too far, and by intense calling to be liberated, one of the Brothers was

sent to release the individual completely.

There is occasionally a rare nature who, because of its great purity, passes through

this psychic stratum without ever knowing it or contacting it. This kind of

this psychic stratum without ever knowing it or contacting it. This kind of

individual is very fortunate indeed. The forces within this stratum work most

directly upon the feeling nature—and this means upon the passion of the

individual, because it is most easily reached.

Men and women who have lost the controlling power over their passion, which

may be either sex or anger, have knowingly or unknowingly become entangled in

the psychic stratum of thought and feeling, thereby opening the doors of their

beautiful and wonderful Temples of God. Through the open door, the forces within

the psychic stratum fasten upon them, intensifying their own passion into an

uncontrolled condition, which otherwise might be controlled. Far better had such

individuals walked into a den of rattlesnakes, for then they would have but thrown

off the physical bodies and been free; but once enmeshed in this psychic sphere,

they are often bound for many embodiments. Why is this? Because they make

records within their mental worlds from which they do not know how to extricate

themselves. Consequently these souls are reborn again with those same tendencies,

until after the second or third embodiment they become the depraved creatures

you see about you wherever you go.

Sometimes the influence is cunning enough to hide this from the outer world for a

long time, thus carrying on its nefarious work, as it thinks, in secret. Here comes

the most heart-rending part of this explanations I mean to say, it seems so from

the outer sense.

On the higher planes of activity, there are great and beautiful souls who volunteer

to go into this stratum to help, through their radiation, to break its hold upon

humanity. These volunteers are both masculine and feminine. More often however,

they are feminine. This explains why beautiful souls in a feminine embodiment

become united in outer marriage with the masculine soul who has become

enmeshed in this psychic condition. Often the individuals thus enmeshed become

most cunningly sensitive, and with remarkable accuracy, sense conditions, thus

many times causing others with whom they come into contact to temporarily

think it is real.

If individuals coming to the point of being united in marriage, man-made, would

call out to the God Within, the “Mighty I AM Presence,” that: “If this marriage is

taking place through the desire of passion, then let it never be done,” great grief

and torture would thus be avoided.

Now we come to the real part:

The individuals who, through their own efforts, or through instruction being

presented to them, get the true understanding of what the “Mighty I AM Presence”

means—that It is the True and Mighty Self—and hold earnestly to It, never again

can they be drawn into those discordant things, unless from their own

volunteering from the Higher Planes of activity, where they know exactly what

they are doing.

War periods more readily than any other open individuals to this psychic plane.

Consequently it has always been observed that after war periods there is always a

greater unleashing of the uncontrolled passion than at any other time.

Knowing this should in no wise cause anyone to fear this psychic stratum. If

students find themselves conscious of passing through it, they should instantly

take the consciousness: ” ‘I AM’ the Controlling Master Presence, always

Victorious”; and they will instantly find strength to face whatever appears, and go

fearlessly and serenely through.

Jesus suggested that this Explanation be given while the students were under the

Triple Radiation. (This Triple Radiation means that in His Radiation, He always

carries with it the Triple Activity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, or the “I AM

Presence.” All who apply the “I AM Presence” are receiving the Triple Activity as

long as they maintain It, and the Triple Activity is always Self-sustained.)


One of the saddest things I have to say to you is that many of those attempting to

cast horoscopes are unknowingly drawing themselves into the psychic net and are

cast horoscopes are unknowingly drawing themselves into the psychic net and are

becoming sensitized and voicing the adverse conditions which exist only in this


This is one of the most unfortunate activities because the individual is so entirely

unaware that he has opened his door—until he has become so enmeshed that no

amount of argument or reasoning will change his belief in astrology. In the past

twenty years the avenue of astrology has been used for this purpose more than any

other. Many times through this, the thought, or radiation from this stratum, says

that certain conditions will manifest for the individual which he cannot avoid. If it

is not said in so many words, it is felt through the radiation. This is one of the

principal reasons why the last cataclysm of Atlantis occurred, and why the people

of Atlantis, in the great majority, refused to listen to the Wisdom of the Masters

—who prophesied from Reality the destruction of Atlantis.

I understand, Beloved Students, that some of you who have been so interested in

your horoscopes may think I am severe. However, such is not the case; but My

Love for you is great enough that I may speak to you the unadulterated Truth. If

you cannot believe the Truth which I speak to you, then you must go on your way,

for you are individuals of free will, which I have no desire to interfere with, except

that “I AM” privileged to point the way.

Individuals who will cling tenaciously to the “I AM Presence” need never, anytime,

anywhere, ever fear any of these things, because It will correct them and hold

them steady on the True Pathway of Light, up whose Golden Stairway they may

climb with definite

precision, into their Full Dominion and Perfection.

I assure you, Beloved Ones, that My Heart goes out with all Its Strength to the

individuals whose attention is held by astrology, for they are so unaware of the

pathway strewn with thorns which they have entered upon that will pierce their

feet, causing them to cry out in agony; and only when that agony becomes great

enough will they call out with all their Beings and say: “OH GOD! SHOW ME THE


Beloved Students, you who so earnestly seek the Light, know there is but the One

Presence that is your Invincible Protection, and that is the “Great I AM Presence,”

God in you. Do not let your attention ever be held by these many outer

manifestations: astrology, the power of numbers, spiritualism, or any of the many

things that would take your attention away from the “Mighty I AM Presence”

which is your Real Self.

If you turn to It at all times, It will lead you in the Pathway of Light, strewn with

the rarest flowers whose very fragrance will enfold you with that strength and

“peace that passeth understanding”; with that stillness of the outer which will

enable you to enter into the Great Silence, wherein you will find the Greatest

Invincible Activity of God, the “I AM Presence.”

Beloved Ones! surely you must understand that you cannot serve two masters and

gain any victory ahead. Having free will, you must choose. If you choose the outer,

forgetting your “Invincible I AM Presence,” then My Love goes with you, enfolding

you in Its Mighty Mantle of Protection until such time as you choose to return to

the One God.

If you choose your “I AM Presence” and adhere to It, then your struggles are soon

over, and you will find yourselves moving in that Sphere of Peace, Harmony and

Perfection wherein you look upon the outer world with great compassion—but

never with that human sympathy which would stifle your own growth.

This reminds us of the old, time-worn Statement: Seek ye first the Kingdom of

Heaven, and all the outer things are added, or given into your use, under your

command. That Kingdom of Heaven is the “Great I AM Presence,” the only Reality

of you—who is the Owner and Giver of all created and manifested things.

Is it not strange, Beloved Students, that one will so long wander about in discord

and limitation, when the Master Presence of Light, the “I AM Presence,” walks by

one’s side at all times, waiting one’s decision to turn to It and receive Its Radiant,

one’s side at all times, waiting one’s decision to turn to It and receive Its Radiant,

Glorious Blessings of Perfection in all outer manifestation? Such is your privilege, O

Beloved Ones!

In spite of all outer activity, the atmosphere of the classes is truly divine. While I

am sorry that some have not felt the true importance of their “I AM Presence” and

that they still reach to outer things, I but wait, enfolding them in My Love, for they

have free will.

Perhaps I am a little old-fashioned, but when I see individuals that are so good and

so fine, I would just like to pick them up and hold them in My Embrace until they

could realize the full importance of their own “Mighty I AM Presence”; but this I

may not do, for I so well know that all who have any desire left to reach to the

without must do so until that desire is no longer apparent.

The students must understand that they cannot divide their attention between the

“I AM Presence” and outer things, for it is a house divided against itself and must

sooner or later fall. All greatness is dependent on the “I AM Presence,” and It is the

governor of the form, or should be. In It is all strength, courage and power. Those

blessed children! If they could only realize fully what a privilege stands at their

doors and how in a comparatively short time they could gain freedom from all


This Dictation-. The situation is this: when students ask if they might listen to

these Dictations themselves, they are entitled to the explanation of what is

necessary for Work of this kind —for it is most unusual, We know.

The fact is that the One God is always Perfect, always was, is now, and always will

be —and the “I AM” is that Presence; but if they have not been aware of this, the

body and brain of the student must go through a period of adjustment. That

adjustment of the outer self takes weeks, months, or years to accomplish,

according to the requirement of the student.

Never in the history of the preparation of students has the Master ever allowed

them to come within His own Inner Electronic Circle. The students come, or are

taught the application, but they never come into the Inner Electronic Circle of the

Master Himself.

The Electronic Circle prepared here for this Work has required thirty years of

preparation, and no matter how beautiful the Radiation and Love of an individual

are, We do not have the time to prepare and adjust the atomic structure of the

brain and body of the students at this period of world crisis; but with their sincere

determination and use of the “I AM Presence,” they will be prepared for the

“Presence of the Ascended Host.”

The atomic structure is a mechanical instrument, and the innumerable parts must

work in harmony and perfect cooperation with each other. The students do not

understand that when a certain definite, specific Work is to be done, there must be

definite preparation for it. For illustration, take one who by nature is endowed with

an unusual quality for giving forth lectures in public: if he is to have the Assistance

of the Ascended Host, there must be special preparation for it. The individual

would be so prepared that from twenty minutes to half an hour before the

lectures, that one would be enclosed in a Tube of Light into which nothing entered

except the Radiation of the Inspiring Master.

BENEDICTION: Out of the fullness of our Hearts, O Mighty Presence, we give

praise and thanks for Thy Love, Wisdom and Power. We give praise and thanks for

the Mighty Rays that have gone out to each student today. We give thanks for the

intensity of this focus that quickens the assurance within the students of the Truth

of their “Mighty Presence of the I AM,” which is the True Self. Strengthen them,

each one, with that firm determination to hold to that One Presence which is all

Freedom, all Perfection, Eternal Youth and Beauty.


  1. Is the God Meru large of stature?
  2. The God Meru is about seven feet, and of the most wonderful proportion. The

God Himalaya is about seven feet two inches. The God Tabor is about eight feet. He

comes from a very, very ancient race of people.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://theiamdiscourses com/discourse-22/

Discourse 21

Discourse 21 December 12, 1932


INVOCATION: Thou Infinite Presence! expressing Thy Perfection everywhere, we

welcome and praise Thy Perfect Manifestation in our lives, homes, and worlds, that

Thy Radiant Light may forever consume everything unlike Itself, that Thy Wisdom

may always direct, Thy Love always enfold, Thy Light always illumine Thy Perfect

Pathway, and that Thou dost hold us firmly in Thy Glorious Radiance, now and


I bring you Greetings from the Great Host, with Their Joy and Love for this

cooperation, and for that which can but bless, illumine and awaken.


Oh that students, or any individuals who know of the “I AM Presence,” could but

realize that there is no greater consciousness, no greater activity the conscious

volition can set into action than the recognition and acceptance of the “I AM


No matter what the angles of Truth are from the thousands of avenues by which

mankind reaches out to gain greater and wider understanding, every one leads to

This which you now have the gracious privilege of knowing and understanding

and using.

Any kind of knowledge or power is absolutely worthless unless used. Those who

will apply and enter into the use of the “I AM Presence” with deep feeling will see

and feel within their own Beings, as they again come in contact with other

channels of understanding, how transcendent the knowledge of the “I AM

Presence” is in comparison with all other ideas of Truth.

“I AM” holding fast to this idea for the students’ sake, so they grasp fully the

Mighty Truth, that when they say: ” ‘I AM’ whatever I wish to be or manifest,” they

are actually setting into visible physical activity the Mightiest Presence and Power

of God which “I AM.” This differs from any other Statement that was ever put into

a group of words.

There is no other Statement or group of words in existence that actually sets such

power into motion to accomplish any given purpose to which the conscious

attention is directed as does this Mighty Expression. This is why Jesus the Christ

coupled It with the most important Statements that He made. If the students of

this Radiation will meditate or contemplate the Statements that Jesus made upon

His own Ray to them, it will help them to grasp the fullness, the stupendousness

of this more readily.

I wish every student of this Radiation to fix firmly in his mind that concerning

these Instructions, there may at no time be a charge ever made for Them. The

student is always free to make Love-gifts as his heart directs, but to make a definite

charge—under the Law by which these Instructions are given—would close the door

immediately. Just the reason for this I may not explain to you at this time. It is not

that the laborer is not worthy of his hire, but this Work comes under an entirely

different Activity of the Divine Law, which I will one day explain to the students.

Feeling as I do the earnest, most worthy desire of some of the students to come

physically within this Inner Circle, or Radiance, so to speak, I shall endeavor to

explain how it is not possible to be done — beautiful and loving as the desire and

radiation of the beloved students are. This Beloved Sister and Brother have gone

through thirty years of strenuous, conscious preparation for this Work. The

Electronic Circle within which this Radiation must focus would have to be entirely

rearranged and readjusted. It might require some years to again bring it to this

point—lovely and beautiful as the radiation of the others is.

Each individual has his own distinct radiation and vibratory action. While the

invisible mechanism, shall I call it, for this Work is in one way very powerful, yet

invisible mechanism, shall I call it, for this Work is in one way very powerful, yet

in another way, it is as delicate as a gossamer veil.

I assure you, Beloved Students, that either My Personal Presence or My Consciously

Directed Ray is always present whenever either this Beloved Sister or

Brother is giving forth these Instructions. Here let Me urge you that at no time is it

wise for any student under this Radiation to give forth verbatim these Instructions

to one who is not yet under this Radiation. Extracts, verbal or otherwise, may be

given forth for the help of others, but We do not wish anyone to be so unfortunate

as to say he is authorized to give this forth when he has not had permission to do


This channel must always be kept clean, pure and unselfish, and these Instructions

may not be commercialized at any time. The application within the Instruction

which is given from time to time, if used sincerely, with true feeling and

confidence in the Instruction, will cause the student or the teacher using It to

become such an invincible magnet for the Opulence and Riches of God that there

will be no need to commercialize the Instruction for the sake of a livelihood. For

any individual—whether at first he has the full understanding of its meaning or not

—who will be conscious that: ” ‘I AM’ the omnipresent, limitless supply of God’s

Riches and Opulence in my use,” will sooner or later come into the full conviction

of this Mighty Truth.

I understand fully how important the financial support of the individual seems to

him, but I say to you beloved students that financial support is always as the

shifting sands until you begin to consciously apply the use of the “I AM Presence”

as your Omnipresent,

Limitless Supply of either money, Love, Understanding, Light, or Illumination. So

try to receive the full conviction of the Radiation of this which I give to you, that

you may use It with a certain, unwavering consciousness which will give you

forever your freedom from all financial strain.

Knowing that the “I AM Presence” which you have set or are setting in motion is

the same in every other individual on earth as It is in you, and as It is in the

Universe, giving you the power and intelligence to make this declaration, then you

know that whatever your conscious application implies, It is acting everywhere,

just the same as within the present application that you make.

Heretofore I have hesitated to give you this very definite application, or explanation

of this application, but your earnest demand has impelled it forth. I send with this

a certain specific Radiation which will enable you to use it with absolute


The student should always remember it is only by conscious effort that he can

keep his mind at peace so this Inner Power may flow through unhampered to the

accomplishment of his desire. As a child in school you were given certain problems

to solve, for instance, we will say, in mathematics. At the same time you were

given the means by which to accomplish it. If you did not make your application as

directed, you of course would not receive your correct answer.

Consequently, you kept at it, kept trying and trying until your answer was proved.

If you did not understand how to go about it, you went back to your teacher for

instruction and found what was required. So it is in the Instruction which is now

given you. This application never has and never can fail in the accomplishment of

anything to which your attention is directed—if you will but continue to apply It

with determination and stick to It until results are in your hands or presence.

Now here let Me call your attention to a most powerful Explanation which Jesus

the Christ gave you in His own Words: that in all the teaching He received through

the various avenues, and I assure you, some of them were very great, it was only

His instruction, conscientiously applied, that finally brought to Him, or revealed to

Him from Within, the many amazing, magical Statements, one of which was: ” ‘I

AM’ the Resurrection and the Life.” It was this Statement which He used that

enabled Him to give the example to humanity which will last throughout the



Whatever demand you make of the Universal, All- knowing Presence wherein you

use the Words “I AM,” it must bring the same definite, certain results that His

Statements brought Him when He declared: ” ‘I AM’ the Resurrection and the Life.”

Try earnestly to feel the mighty importance of this.

Here let Me caution and assure you with great emphasis, that no matter who or

what you are, what place you may be in from the growth standpoint, when you

make application with the Words “I AM,” you positively cannot fail to accomplish

that to which you apply Them —if you will hold fast with unwavering


Beloved Students, I feel the Great Love sent to Me and never fail to respond to it.

Always first give your Great Love and Adoration to your own “I AM Presence,” the

Master-Self, then to those who may be able to assist you. Many of you are making

wonderful strides. Go forth with certainty in your hearts, always being aware: ” ‘I

AM’ the Conquering, Victorious Presence in any achievement I desire; that ‘I AM’

now the Full Dominion of every application that I make; that ‘I AM the Presence’

always within every demand, supplying, and fulfilling it.”

There is no mental state that shuts the door against the very thing you are striving

for like a feeling of distress about it. On the other hand, the proper attitude is to

joyously take the stand that: ” ‘I AM the Presence’ which enables me to see or hear

with the Inner Sight and Hearing”; and at no time to let one’s self become

disturbed because another is using a faculty different from one’s own, but rather

rejoice in it.

The teacher or student should be quick to realize that no ignorance of the outer

activity of the mind should have any power at any time to disturb him, even

though directed at him personally.

At all times, turn to your own “I AM Presence” and demand to know and see

clearly the plan that you should follow.

The Masters’ Pictures and the Instruction should be considered a sacred thing to

the students. Adhere always to the time-worn Statement: “To know, to dare, to do,

and to be silent,” because when students begin to discuss these things with

unsympathetic individuals, they scatter the force instead of holding it within for

their own Illumination.

I say this with all the vehemence of My Being: let the student forever remember

that it is impossible to have a selfish desire or intent when reaching to the “Master

I AM Presence” for Love, Wisdom, Power and Illumination. As an illustration, I

might say, and I am sure he will not object, that this good Brother is the only

student I have ever known who has completely governed that impelling force to

become a teacher—which always asserts itself somewhere along the pathway of the


It is not that the desire is an unworthy one, but in so many, many instances, the

students, attempting it too soon—before they are sufficiently fortified mentally

—meet with obstruction which they are not able to stand against, and they become

permanently discouraged from further effort, defeating the wonderful work that

they might have accomplished later.

The most important thing in any student’s Life is the Love and Adoration to his

own “Mighty I AM Presence,” with patience to the extent that he becomes so

anchored in his Mighty Presence that he is always fortified by It.

An individual who is a stirring-stick can do more damage in one hour than you

realize. Anyone whom you can once get to apply the “I AM Presence” earnestly will

never backslide. “I AM” determined to keep the “I AM Presence” before the students

so they realize that they are using a Mighty Intelligence, Power and Love—and that

they are setting It into action.

Jesus came of His own Volition and gave to the students the Way He accomplished

the overcoming of the last enemy.

It takes enormous strength to stand your ground. There is nothing can give you

permanent success in the outer activity except the conscious use of the “I AM

permanent success in the outer activity except the conscious use of the “I AM

Presence.” Stand adamant against the thing that would sway you off. Take the

stand often: “I know what I am doing and I am doing it.” You may sometimes have

to say very strong things in order to shut off interference, but do not be

susceptible to it.

Decide what you want to do and then say: ” ‘I AM the Presence’ doing it.” The use

of the “I AM” prevents the development of anything out of balance. “I AM” is the

All-Balance, because It is the Power and Governing Intelligence of all Perfection. Its

very Activity compels the Balance.

The “I AM” Command is the activity of the thing that is already there, impelling it

into the outer activity. There are several in America now who, if they would take

Jesus’ stand: ” ‘I AM’ the Resurrection and the Life,” and live in it day after day,

would raise the body as sure as the world. You cannot use the words “I AM” with

anything and not couple with it the power to do the thing.

There are two things retarding to a student’s spiritual growth. One is when the

husband or wife does not agree with one’s efforts, and the other is outside

suggestion. You have your “I AM Presence” which is All-Intelligence, so make

yourselves adamant against suggestions of any kind—good or bad.

Sometime We will devote an entire Discourse to the wise handling of the psychic.

There is not one out of ten thousand who understands that the awakening of the

sight into the psychic plane is not a spiritual thing. When people begin to see on

the psychic plane, they are but using the physical sight a little expanded and do

not know it.

In the psychic realm, the suggestions given offer just enough Truth to anchor

interest and hold the attention, until psychic forces get a good hold on the person.

This always comes through the fascination of the phenomena. When one focuses

the attention upon the “I AM Presence,” it will draw him into the fullness of the “I

AM Presence.”

The inhabitants of the elements are used for all activities of Nature, but they do

not prevent other forces acting, and they are not the only activities in Nature.

There are times when these Great Cosmic Beings direct their attention to Nature.

Every thought sent forth by an Ascended or Cosmic Being contains within it a

Perfected Form. If that Being’s Idea is on the manifestation of snow, or whatever it

is, it would take on the Perfection which was within His Thought, because all

thought carries form.

Say: ” ‘I AM the Presence’ entering into and revealing to my outer consciousness

this activity.” Then the outer mind would get the full Inner Activity and bring It

into your outer activity.

When people enter into the psychic plane, everything is distorted, and they have no

definite proof of the Truth. Those beings in the psychic plane who seek to get

others under their control begin to prophesy, and it is one of the first things they

  1. No one can take a stand against a Messenger of the Light and not receive the

reaction into themselves, because the Light repels all that is unlike Itself.

BENEDICTION: Out of the fullness of Thy Mighty Opulence, O “Mighty I AM,” we

feel Thy Flowing Energy. We feel Thy Enfolding Love. We feel Thy Qualifying

Presence, hastening all who turn to Thee into Thy Perfection. We feel Thy Glorious

Presence enfolding them in Thy Mighty Mantle of Peace, enabling them to maintain

Perfect Self-control, sustaining them in Thy Mighty Perfection, that they may

manifest Thy Mighty Presence—now.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://theiamdiscourses com/discourse-21/

Discourse 20

Discourse 20 December 08, 1932


INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, Invincible “I AM Presence”! Speak Thyself into the

hearts of the children of men! Fill their hearts and minds to overflowing with the

Magnificence of Thy Presence, with the conscious strength to look to Thee and

know Thee as “the One,” the Mighty, Eternal Source of all things by which the

consciousness of mankind is sustained. Make them to know Thy Great Ownership,

that it is Thee alone who art the Owner and Giver of all things, that they may thus

manifest unselfishly one to the other. We thank Thee.

I bring you Greetings from the Great Host, who are ever pouring Their Radiant

Presence into your lives.


It is with great rejoicing that the many who have been observant of this

accomplishment see how truly the students are entering into the “Mighty I AM

Presence”; and how the things that have been disturbing are being dissolved and

are dropping away as though they never had been.

Beloved Students, can you realize how great Our Rejoicing is? We have trod the

pathway of attainment into that Great Freedom of Mastery over all limitation. We

rejoice to see you entering into this Presence which, if maintained, will bring you

certainly and surely to this same Freedom. It is only when the outer becomes

sufficiently obedient, giving all power to the Great Inner Presence, that one finds

peace and rest in this Mighty Acknowledgment.

In that peace and rest flows a Mighty River of Energy, like a mountain stream

flowing through a fertile valley, lined with flowers and perfect vegetation.

So in the Peace that passeth understanding do you move more and more, finding

that Eternal River of Energy flowing into and through your Being, spreading its

blessing and opulence into your Life and experience everywhere you go.

While it is true that the intelligence is the channel through which you must

receive, yet as you feel with deep sincerity the Truth of the “I AM Presence,” you

will find the stillness becoming greater and greater, until one day: “Thou shalt see

the door of thy creation open wide before thee, and thou shalt step forth with

open arms into that Freedom, inhaling the Fragrance of the Pure Atmosphere of

the Etheric World, wherein thou wilt be able to mold that plastic substance into

the Perfection of everything upon which thy desire is held.”

You are making such splendid progress; do not let any fear of persons, places,

conditions or things interrupt or disturb you, for the “Presence of the Light” stands

before you, beckoning you on, that you may be held in Its fond embrace, receiving

of Its boundless riches of every description which It holds in store for you.

I shall now say something which may seem astonishing, but I assure you, it is very

true. Last night as the question was asked—had you all been together before—I wish

to say that it would not have been possible for you to have been drawn into this

intensified Action of the Great Inner Law if you had not previously had

harmonious association and training. While it may be difficult at first for you to

comprehend it, you are receiving intensified training which heretofore has only

been given after a three year probation in the Retreat. Some of you have stored-up

treasures of Energy. I mean by that, energy created by your conscious activity

through your “I AM Presence.” Others have stored-up treasures of Light. Again,

others have treasures of Love. Others have gold and jewels which were placed in

keeping to be used in this embodiment. Several of you are on the point of releasing

into visibility—into your hands —these stored-up treasures. Do not think I have

gone into fancy daydreaming, but I am calling this to your attention for your

benefit and blessing.

I wish each one of you to go by yourselves sometime during the day for at least

I wish each one of you to go by yourselves sometime during the day for at least

five minutes and talk to your “I AM Presence” something like this: “Great Masterful

Presence which ‘I AM’! I love, I adore Thee. I give back unto Thee the fullness of all

Creative Power, all Love, all Wisdom, and through this Power which Thou art, I

give Thee full power to make visible in my hands and use the fulfillment of my

every desire. I no longer claim any power as my own, for I now claim Thee, the

Only and All-Conquering Presence in my home, my Life, my world and my

experience. I acknowledge Thy Full Supremacy and Command of all things; and as

my consciousness is fixed upon an achievement, Your Invincible Presence and

Intelligence takes command and brings the fulfillment into my experience quickly

—even with the speed of thought.

“I know that Thou art ruler over time, place and space. Therefore, Thou requirest

only now to bring into the visible activity Thy every Perfection. I stand absolutely

firm in the full acceptance of this, now and forever, and I shall not allow my mind

to waver from it, for at last, I know we are One.”

Beloved Students, you may add or weave into this anything else you wish for your

requirement; and I assure you, if you can live in this—and I shall endeavor to help

you do so—you will experience the opening of the floodgates of God’s Abundance.

I think here that I should explain to you: the most important, the most desirable

thing that anyone can do is to fix within his or her mind the one, permanent

necessity, and that is to keep at it until one reaches so deeply and firmly into this

“Mighty I AM Presence,” that all Love, Light, Good and Riches flow into his Life and

experience by an Inner Propelling Power that naught of outer personalities may at

any time, anywhere, ever interfere with.

This is the object of true training. This is why students were brought into the

Retreats as they could be found ready, or sufficiently progressed, because, as I have

said before, it is easy enough to solve your problems as they come along; but I ask

you, what good does it do to continue to solve problems unless you have

something, somewhere, to which you can anchor that raises you above the

consideration of any problem?

To find your “I AM Presence” and anchor to It is the only desirable thing to do.

Until you come to this point of firm anchorage to your “Great I AM Presence,” of

course it is necessary to solve your problems as they come along; but how much

better it is to enter in and set free that Mighty Presence, Energy and Action which

has already solved the problems before they appear to you. Is this not more

acceptable than to awaken every morning and find these problems coming up

—staring you in the face —as though they were something really important, which,

after all, they are not? Yet I am sure you will agree with Me that some of them or

at least your outer sense about them, is that they are tremendously ponderous.

With your glorious obedience to the Divine Principle of created Beings, you shall

move along the pathway with your Armor of Invincible Protection buckled on,

until the intensity of the very Light that you enter into will no longer require the


Is this not worth all the effort it takes to accomplish it, that you may ever move in

this Glorious Freedom? Then when you awaken in the morning, you will no longer

find these visitors appear.

As I have spoken these Words, I have held you, each one, in the Searchlight of my

Vision, even without your permission, so that when you hear these Words you will

feel the Inner Conviction of them with a strength which will delight you.

When critical or disturbing thoughts try to find entrance into your consciousness,

slam the door quickly and command them to be gone forever. Do not give them a

chance, nor time to gain a foothold, remembering always that you have the

Strength and the sustaining Power of the “Mighty I AM Presence” to do this. Should

you have difficulty in holding the door shut, talk to your “I AM Presence” and say:

“See here! I need help! See that the door to this disturbance is closed, and kept

closed forever.”

I want you to get fixed in your consciousness that you can talk to your “I AM

I want you to get fixed in your consciousness that you can talk to your “I AM

Presence” the same as you could talk to Me, believing that I had Limitless Power,

because I tell you, it is no idle comment when I say you can cause this Mighty

Presence to handle every condition in your entire experience and raise you into Its

Freedom and Dominion of all things.

As some of you have already reached into the activity of the Universal Substance, I

want to call the attention of all of you to the fact that the substance of your bodies

and this substance, seeming to be invisible about you, is immensely sensitive to

your conscious thought and feeling—by which you can mold it into any form you


The substance of your body can, by your conscious thought and feeling, be molded

into the most exquisite beauty of form—your eyes, hair, teeth, and skin made

dazzling with radiant beauty. This should be very encouraging to the ladies, and I

am sure will be to the gentlemen, only they do not like to admit it. Beloved

Brothers and Sisters, when you look into the mirror, say to that which you see

there: “Through the Intelligence and Beauty which ‘I AM,’ I command you to take

on Perfect Beauty of form, for ‘I AM’ that Beauty in every cell of which you are

composed. You shall respond to my command and become radiantly beautiful in

every way, in thought, word, feeling and form. ‘I AM’ the Fire and Beauty of your

eyes, and I carry forth this Radiant Energy into everything into which I look.” Thus

you can cause to come into appearance the Perfection which will give you all the

encouragement you want, to know that ” ‘I AM’ always the Governing Presence.”

I wish to say to you who desire your forms to become more symmetrical: start your

hands at the shoulders, and bring them down over the body to the feet, feeling the

Perfection or symmetry of the form you wish. Through your hands will go the

energy or quality which you desire to manifest. If you will try this with deep,

earnest feeling, you will be amazed at the result. This is the greatest reducer in the

world. This, I assure you will cause the flesh, as it comes into more beautiful

symmetry and Perfection, to become firm and yet supple in every way, because you

are sending the energy of the ” I AM Presence” through these cells, causing them to

obey your command. This may sound ridiculous, but I tell you, it is one of the best,

surest and most perfect ways to bring about the Perfection of the body. I tell you,

anyone who will practice this will bring the body into any condition that one


I want the students to get the fullness of the idea that they are masters of their

forms, their minds and their worlds, and can inject into them whatsoever they

wish. The Pure and Perfect Life of God is flowing through you every instant; why

not switch off the old design and switch on the new? Do you not see how

important it is to perfect the body?

What can the Inner Presence do with a body that is sick or out of harmony all the

time? When this is the case, the attention becomes so fixed upon the body that the

“I AM Presence” cannot get the attention but a little part of the time. It is so easy,

if you will but do it. With this treatment of the flesh with the energy of the “I AM

Presence,” it becomes firm and Perfect.

The reason I speak of this with such deep, earnest feeling today is because I see the

change and improvement in almost everyone; and by special conscious attention

directed to this, how much more quickly will each be brought into the Perfection

which he desires.

When an individual has an abnormal abdomen, and anything that is more than

straight is abnormal, he should raise the left hand in this position, palm up, move

the right hand in a rotary motion over the abdomen, moving from left to right.

Each time the hand passes over it, feel deeply the absorbing activity.

The quick charge of energy through the hand goes into the cells, contracting and

reducing them into a normal condition. I assure you this Instruction is no idle

fancy, but is of tremendous import, and It will accomplish the purpose for which

It is used, absolutely without question—if applied with earnest feeling.

The consciousness, of course, should be that the energy flowing through the right

The consciousness, of course, should be that the energy flowing through the right

hand is the All- Powerful, Absorbing Presence, consuming the unnecessary cells and

bringing the body into a perfect, normal condition.

This will not only adjust the abnormal size of the abdomen, but will penetrate

through the form, charging the intestinal activity with a cleansing, purifying

process which will be of inestimable benefit. Those who have found the activity of

those organs lazy will find them quickened into normal action. I assure you that

the ladies will not need to use rolling pins or roll on the floor; also I assure you the

ladies are not the only ones who use rolling pins.

The unfortunate, almost appalling condition is that individuals, having within

them this Mighty God Presence, will give every imaginable power to outside things

to produce results within and upon themselves, when whatever remedial agent

they use, whether exercise, drugs, or anything else, has little effect, if any—except

the quality and power they have consciously given these agents. This treatment

acts upon the cells wherever they are, be they bones or flesh.

How prone the outer mind is to question the ability of this Inner Self to handle

any part of the body. If It will handle one kind of a cell, It will handle all.

Make the outer accept the Full Power of the Inner Presence, and thus let It expand

into use in all things.

The outer mind, through long habit, has given enormous power to drugs and

remedial agents of every kind; but do you not see that the only thing that does it is

the power and authority you give it to have an effect upon your body? I do not

mean for a single instant that individuals who have not become aware of the “I AM

Presence” should cease all remedial agents; but if they will fix in their minds firmly

that no outer thing has any power in their experience, except what they give it,

they will begin to rise out of the limitations into which they have placed

themselves. Here let me say that ninety percent of the power given to outer things

is unconsciously given, and even most students are not aware of it.

Now to turn about and give this Great God Presence within you all power to do

the things you require and wish to do will accomplish them with a speed and

certainty far beyond what any outside remedial agent could do. Some will grasp

this idea with tremendous tenacity, while others will require more effort; but it is

surely worthwhile making any effort to accomplish it.

Remember, the “I AM Presence” knows all things for all eternity, in all ways—past,

present and future—without limit. If the student would think of this Great

Presence, contemplate It, and know that

It is all Love, Wisdom and Power, then when he fixes his attention on something to

be accomplished, he knows this Presence is the open door, the All-powerful

accomplishment, and It cannot fail.

Call on the Law of Forgiveness, and direct the energy of the Master Self to correct

and adjust the wrong, and in that way, obtain freedom from its reaction. You see,

My Dear People, that there is so much unnecessary power given to the outer

activity and stress of things which the “I AM Presence” cares absolutely nothing

about. It is at no time concerned with the mistakes of the outer self. If the

individual but understood that he could turn away from all these discordant

activities and give the “Master I AM Presence” Within all authority and power to

dissolve and dissipate the wrong condition, he could never in any way feel the

reactions from his wrongdoing.

When the individual allows himself or herself to continue to criticize, condemn or

judge another of his fellow beings, he is not only injuring the other person, but is

unknowingly admitting into his own experience the very element that he is seeing

wrong in the other person. The true understanding of this will make it easy for

individuals to forever cease such undesirable activity—when they know that it is

for their own protection.

Let us put it in another way. Whatever the conscious attention is fixed firmly upon,

that quality is impelled into the experience of the individual. Whatever an

individual sees with deep feeling within another individual, he forces into his own

individual sees with deep feeling within another individual, he forces into his own

experience. This is the indisputable proof of why the only desirable feeling to be

sent out from any individual is the Presence of Divine Love—and I mean by that,

Pure, Unselfish Love.

Students ofttimes wonder why they have so many conditions in their experience to

handle as they become more and more sensitive. It is because they see an

appearance which they have been taught to know is not real, and by allowing their

attention to become fixed upon it, they not only invite, but force it into their own

worlds, and then have a battle in order to clean house. This can be avoided by

instantly taking the attention off the appearance and knowing: ” ‘I AM,’ ‘I AM,’ I

KNOW ‘I AM’ free from this thing forever —no matter what it is.”

This all comes, of course, from a lack of Self-control in the individual, or an

unwillingness to use that Self- control to govern the outer. There are these two

distinct conditions with students: one is willing enough to make the effort, but

unknowingly allows his attention to become fixed on the undesirable things. The

other one, through a quality of stubbornness, is unwilling to make the necessary

effort to conquer it.

No teacher should at any time hold a thought of criticism about any student, for if

he does, he will invite that same criticism unto himself. If students get the right

idea about this, they will stop it for their own protection.

If one keeps silently seeing a discrepancy in another, it is even worse than the

spoken word, for it allows the force to accumulate. When discrepancies are forced

upon your attention, simply say to your “I AM Presence”: “There is the ‘I AM

Presence’ within that person, and with the human I am not concerned.” It matters

not whether it is a person or inanimate object, the moment you see an

imperfection, you are forcing that quality into your own experience. This is so

important, it cannot be stressed enough.

Your first consideration should always be to your own Divine Self — adoration to It

always. This gives you the opportunity and strength to rise to the height where you

can give help to thousands, where now it can only be to a few.

No amount of service can be of any permanent benefit unless the individual first

accepts and gives adoration to his own Divine Self, the “Mighty I AM Presence.”

Those who want to serve the Light and really do good should understand this


When students say: “If I only had the money, what good I could do,” it is exactly

the reverse thing that they ought to do. If one will enter into the “I AM Presence,”

he will have all the money he wants, and it cannot be kept away from him.

Take the stand with everyone: “There is only the

‘I AM Presence’ acting there in that person.”

It is much better not to touch upon a thing than to give an insufficient


All outer experience is but a discipline. For those who are coming into this Work,

the present training is really a finishing school or experience; and that is why

some of them feel it is a little strenuous. All the Ascended Host feel with great Joy

the Love and gratitude poured out to Them, and of course They respond almost

without limit.

” ‘I AM’ is all there is, everywhere present, visible and invisible.”

The consciousness most needed for each individual will come from time to time as

the students continue in the use of this. Do not let yourselves strain after things.

Just take the calm, certain attitude of the Ascension. Calmly, quickly, lovingly

accept It, and just Be. This avoids tension. Nothing is more powerful than this.

BENEDICTION: Thou Mighty, All-Pervading, Infinite Presence, “I AM”! We give forth

our Gratitude to Thee that we have found Thee, that we acknowledge Thee, the All-

Powerful Creator, making Thyself fully visible in our every need, in our full

Illumination, in our full Mastery and Dominion over all outer things. We thank

Thee that Thou art the All-Pervading Presence, and that Thou dost, with Thy

Thee that Thou art the All-Pervading Presence, and that Thou dost, with Thy

Strength and Wisdom, impel Thy Perfection everywhere.

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Discourse 19

Discourse 19 December 05, 1932


INVOCATION: Thou Majestic Presence of the Ascended Jesus Christ! Thou Who hast

gained Thy Eternal Dominion over all things, Thou Who dost rest serene in the

Heart of the Eternal Father, pouring forth Thy Wondrous Radiance, enfolding all

mankind! We give praise and thanks to Thee. Our hearts fill with great rejoicing

that the Ascended Host with Thee see and manipulate the dawning, Eternal Light

for the Blessing of humanity.

Through His own Personal Ray, Jesus will now speak His Wish to the students:


When I said: ” ‘I AM’ the Open Door which no man may shut,” I meant humanity to

understand, I referred to the “Great I AM,” which is the Life of every individual

manifest in form. I did not wish to convey that the personal Jesus was the only one

to whom this great privilege was ordained. Each one of you beloved children of the

One Father has the same Mighty Presence within you, the “Great I AM,” that I have,

and that I had at that time, by which I achieved the Final and Eternal Victory.

Here I wish you to understand for encouragement, strength, and certainty in your

minds, that the Consciousness I used for this Great Victory was the use of the “I

AM Presence” which you are being taught. I had made search through all the

avenues available at that time, and at last the determination and desire for the

Truth led Me to the Great Master whom you shall one day know. He gave to Me

this Inner Secret and Mighty Acknowledgment, turning Me to that “Mighty

Presence, the ‘Great I AM.’ ” Through His Radiation, I was able to comprehend, and

at once begin using It. This is the only way by which any individualization of the

Ray of God may achieve the Eternal Victory and build his structure upon a firm

foundation from which no outer activity can ever disturb him.

At this time I wish to convey the simple, all-powerful use of this Presence to you.

All who have achieved the Mighty Victory and who have been able to raise their

bodies as I did, or who raised them before, have used the conscious activity of that

“Mighty, Eternal Presence-‘I AM.’ ”

When I said to My Disciples and to humanity: “The things that I have done shall ye

do also, and even greater things shall ye do,” I knew whereof I spoke, knowing that

within each individualization, or Child of God, there was this “Mighty I AM

Presence” by whose use you are impelled forward with no uncertainty. I say,

“impelled,” because I mean just that.

The constant use of your “I AM Presence” does impel you forward in spite of any

activity of the outer self. So long as this single Idea is held firmly, storms, distress

and disturbance may rage about you, but in the Consciousness of the “I AM

Presence,” you can and are able to stand serene, unmoved by the seething vortex of

human creation which may or may not be about you.

There is but one way by which you and the Father may become eternally one, and

that is through the full acceptance of His “I AM Presence,” Energy, Love, Wisdom

and Power which He has given you—golden links, golden steps, by which you climb

serenely upward into your final Achievement.

Sometime, somewhere, every individualization of God the Father, must find his

way back to the Father through his “I AM Presence,” fulfilling his cycle or cycles of

individualizations in the use of the activity of the outer self. The earth is the only

sphere in which there is the density of the atomic structure that you experience.

The conscious recognition and use of the “I AM Presence,” which you are, steadily

raises the vibratory action of your atomic structure, unclothing and liberating the

Electronic Activity which is hidden within the atom, enabling you to become Selfluminous


I wish it here distinctly understood by all who may receive this or ever contact it,

I wish it here distinctly understood by all who may receive this or ever contact it,

that I am not and never was a Special Being created of God different from the rest

of humanity! It is true that I had made previous conscious effort and had attained

much previous to the embodiment in which I won the Eternal Victory. My choice

of experience two thousand years ago was to set the example which every

individualization of God would and must sooner or later follow.

How I urge you, Beloved Children of God, to look upon Me as your Elder Brother

—one with you. When I said, or left the Word that: ” ‘I AM’ with you always,” the “I

AM Presence,” which “I AM” and which you are is One. Therefore, do you not see

how ” ‘I AM’ with you always”? Think deeply on this and try to feel its Reality.

At the time and after My Ascension, I saw the immensity of the Radiation I would

be able to pour forth to My beloved brothers and sisters upon the earth from the

Sphere in which I had become fitted to dwell. I wish to say to you in all Truth:

every individual who will send his conscious thought to Me with the desire to be

raised above the limitations of earth or of his own creation, and will live

accordingly, will receive every Assistance from Me that is possible to be given—

according to the steps of growth in consciousness which he attains from time to


Do not misunderstand Me at this point: when I refer to growth, I am speaking of

humanity in general. I do not refer to some who have previous attainment

sufficient which, in their present use and full acceptance of their “I AM Presence,”

they may rend the veil of human creation and step forth into the “Embrace of the

Ascended, Blazing ‘I AM Presence’ ” at any time. There are some in the group of

students already drawn together for whom it is possible to do this. That depends

entirely upon themselves—upon the calm, poised intensity by which they become

conscious of their “I AM Presence.”

These great tidings I bring to you because I proved them in My own personal


Before I became fully decided in what manner I should leave the example to

humanity, I suddenly, from an Inner Impulse, began to use the Statement: ” ‘I AM’

the Resurrection and the Life.” Within forty- eight hours after I began using that

Statement, with great rejoicing, I saw what was to be done; and I wish to assure

you that it was the conscious use of the Mighty Statement: ” ‘I AM’ the

Resurrection and the Life” which enabled me to make the Ascension in the

presence of so many; and imprint, or record upon the etheric records, that

Example for all humanity which will stand eternally present.

It was unfortunate that the veil of the orthodox idea was drawn over the minds of

the people, preventing the comprehension that each one had within himself the “I

AM Presence” —the same as I had—by which he could attain, do the same things I

did, and win the Eternal Victory.

Such, Beloved Students, is My Personal Message I leave with you, spoken through

the Light and Sound Ray into which any of you may enter, see, and hear with

sufficient conscious preparation.

Again, I urge you to think of Me as your Elder Brother, ready to give you Assistance

at all times. Do not think of Me as a Transcendent Being so far beyond your reach

that contact is impossible; for the “I AM Presence” which enabled Me to make the

Ascension is the same “I AM Presence” that will enable you to make the Ascension

as I did; only today, you have the Assistance of the Great Ascended Host of Beings

who have won the Eternal Victory and joyously stand at your service as you make

yourselves ready.

With My Love I enfold you. I again repeat: ” ‘I AM’ with you always.”

Saint Germain: “Did I not have a surprise for you?”

BENEDICTION: Into the fullness of Thy Mighty Silence, O Great Presence, we come

to rest, to feel Thy Peace, to love Thy Harmony pervading all. O Mighty Love

Presence which beats the hearts of all mankind, strengthen Thyself within their

hearts; draw and hold their conscious attention upon Thee, the “Great Love Star” in

hearts; draw and hold their conscious attention upon Thee, the “Great Love Star” in

the heart of each one; glorify Thy Presence and Thy Creator in them; bless all

mankind with that strength to look only to Thee, and to stand steadfast facing


Incoming search terms:

  • https://theiamdiscourses com/discourse-19/

Discourse 18

Discourse 18 December 01, 1932


INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, Illumining Presence which “I AM”! in gratitude and

praise, we enter into the Fullness of Thy Presence today; and forever receive Thy

Limitless Blessings, Thy Strength and Courage, Thy Joyous Enthusiasm, all of which

is Self-sustained.

We know there is but One Presence! “I AM that Presence” of all Activity, all

Wisdom and Power, and in the Freedom of that Mighty Presence we stand serene,

unmoved among all outer things which seem to point to the contrary.

“I stand serene in Thy Great Forever; I claim Thy Great Dominion in my place! I

stand in the Radiance of God Eternal, ever looking Thee full in the Face.”

I bring you Greetings from the Great Host, and also Their Blessings for the happy

enthusiasm which has been entered into. We shall endeavor to sustain you in that

joyous enthusiasm as the Hub of this Radiation, because all the students will feel

and act It. Far more has been accomplished this week than was anticipated, and

We enter with you into the great rejoicing. The loving blessing of each student

unto the other is most commendable, and this simple thing will open the door, oh

so wide! to receive the fullness intended for them.


I would be so pleased to have every one of the students, just at this time especially,

use the Statement, with all the enthusiasm they can command: ” ‘I AM,’ ‘I AM,’ I

know ‘I AM’ the use of God’s Limitless Opulence.”

Here I wish to explain that when there is a group of students in accord, working

from the same principle, and they use this Statement, they not only bring into

their own world and use this Great Opulence, but they bless their associate

students with the same thing, because ” ‘I AM the Presence’ in each one.” This is the

mighty power of cooperative action which everyone should use.

The students who maintain a loving blessing to each other are really held in the

“Embrace of the Great ‘I AM Presence,’ ” and when they acknowledge Its action,

they are commanding the same blessing and action for the other students that they

are for themselves.

This is the correct attitude to be sustained, and if maintained sincerely in the heart

of each one, no one within this Embrace will want for any good thing; but the

student who allows any feeling to remain of unkindness to the others will shut

himself away from this Great Radiance and Blessing. Now let us enter into the

keynote of what you touched this morning—the simple understanding of God’s Will

and free will. God’s Will is the Opulence of Goodwill—the birthright of every one

of God’s Children.

When you are reaching to the Light in the use of the “Mighty I AM Presence” with

sincerity, it is not possible for you to do otherwise than call for God’s Will to be

done. As Children of God the Father—who has given His Children free will that they

may choose—they must understand that it is for them alone to decree what shall

act in their lives and world.

Having free will, the student must understand that God can only act in his Life

and world according to his conscious direction.

God is the Principle of all Life, and each Child of God is an individualized,

conscious, active part of that One Great Principle of Life and Love and Power.

God has given into the keeping of every one of His Children this Marvelous

Consciousness, which is Omnipresent, eternally elastic, as it were, which can be

drawn into a focal point to write with the Pen of Light, or expand to encompass

the earth.

Consciousness is always subject to direction through the use of the free will.

The most unfortunate understanding established by the orthodox idea that God

The most unfortunate understanding established by the orthodox idea that God

acts of His own Free Will in the Life of the individual or a nation, is positively not

true. God can only act through the mind of His own individualization, which is

clothed with the personalities that you see about you. These personalities are but

vehicles of use and expression of this Mighty Individuality—which is God’s Will

and your free will —and it only comes into use by your conscious direction.

I say to you that every function of your body is sustained through conscious action,

although you are not aware of it; but as you reach deeper and deeper into the

Consciousness of the “Mighty I AM Presence,” you will come to understand that it

is impossible for any outer action to take place without Self-conscious action.

A simple proof of this is what any of you may test at any moment: I wish to do

some physical act. Preceding that activity, there always comes the thought to do it;

otherwise the hand or body would not move in action. That which people have

chosen to call involuntary action is the thing that has mystified their

understanding of their own Being.

The students should take this humble explanation and meditate upon it often, for it

will clear the mind of any obstruction. You are Self-conscious, Free Will, Acting


This is really of vital importance to these blessed, earnest students. I love every one

of them, both men and women, even though the ladies’ husbands might object.

In both of your classes this week, the Individualized Presence of Jesus the Christ

stood in your midst. At……..in the form of “The Tree of Life,” each student being a

branch. At……..from His “Pillar of

Dazzling Radiance,” within which was His Visible,

Personal Form. At……..His Form was within the

“Tree of Life,” but not visible—not to mention others of the Ascended Host who

were present. There were also Nada, Cha Ara, Lanto and Myself.

I wish to say to that class of blessed boys with the one pink rose in their midst,

that I joyously hold them all in My Fond Embrace, so they may use and inhale the

Radiance of My Being. They have Freedom and Dominion within their grasp, if they

will hold fast to these Instructions and apply them.

Further, I wish the students to understand that the Stream of Life flowing through

the mind and body always comes into them pure and unadulterated, containing

within It all the strength, courage, energy and wisdom that can ever be desired;

but by the lack of control of their thought and feeling, they are unknowingly

requalifying this Pure Essence with the outer ideas upon which the attention has

been fixed.

To form the habit every moment the mind is not otherwise occupied of being Selfconscious

that: ” ‘I AM’ the only Intelligence acting,” will keep that

Mighty, Wonderful Stream of Life from being discolored, and I shall say

disqualified, by the wrong conceptions of the outer activity of the mind. This is the

simple secret of really all Perfection—if one can but comprehend it.

This Great Life comes into everyone’s use Pure and Perfect, but through lack of

understanding, the outer mind is constantly requalifying It with discordant

conceptions, and thus human beings change Its otherwise Perfect Action into that

which they find expressed in limitation and discord in their outer activity.

This should make clear to the students the simple activity which they should Selfconsciously

maintain in order to keep this marvelous, Perfect Life that is constantly

flowing through their minds and bodies in Its Pure, Fragrant State; for I tell you

truly, that those who will follow and maintain this idea will find the emanations

from their own bodies becoming rarer than the lily or the rose. Further, in the

consciousness of this Perfection which is constantly flowing into their use, they

can know It as Perfect health and beauty of face and form, until Its Radiance

shines forth like the sun.

O Beloved Students! When it is so simple, requiring so little consciously sustained

effort, is it not worth all it requires on your part to enter into the Fullness of this

Life Stream and receive Its Fullness and Blessing?

Life Stream and receive Its Fullness and Blessing?

In the Oriental activity there was a secret society —in fact, it began in China

—maintained gloriously in the Light until the one then in charge at the head of the

order, thought, in one of the war ravages, that his daughter whom he loved so

deeply, was killed by an Englishman—which, however, was not the case. But it

brought about the breaking up of the order, and the pictures of “Fu Manchu,” of

which I think there have been four produced, are the picturing of this to the outer

world, showing how the “Light” may be distorted by something starting the feeling

of revenge.

This one known as “Fu Manchu” was, at the beginning of that activity, a wondrous,

beautiful soul; and it shows how sometimes the ravages of war and the lack of

control of the thought and feeling in the individual bring about such distortion in

the Life Stream.

In connection with the South American Activity, which the present work has

drawn joyously to Their attention: until this Focus of Radiation began, it was

doubted by most, except Nada and Myself, the possibility of establishing such a

Focus in this busy Western World; but They did not know what I did, the fact of

our long association not having been revealed to Them. So I said on My own

Responsibility: “I shall try it out.”

Now I have the full cooperation of all who might have questioned. The Master

from Venus and Lanto also stood with Us. I said to Them: “The time has come

when there are those outside of the Retreats who can be made True Messengers of

the Light.” Thanks to you, I have been proven right. Now, of course, I ask you all to

stand with Me in the sustaining of this.

It proves that it is possible to establish this Mighty, Active Presence in the midst of

a hailstorm. I have always maintained this, and most of the time I have stood

alone; but the ability of the students to grasp the use of the “I AM Presence” is

making tremendous things possible; and I say sincerely for your encouragement,

that with this marvelous condition maintained which has come to this point, it is

not impossible to have various Ones of these Ascended Beings sit in your midst —as

visible as your own physical bodies—and speak to you.

This is not just a matter of the desire of the students for it, but rather the

preparation of the students for it. Until recently, of course, this good Brother has

not known it—but for thirty years he has been being prepared for it. Half of that

time your (Mrs. G. W. Ballard’s) preparation was going on in the invisible, and it

has been a remarkably beautiful thing to all who have observed it.

  1. The other night while in deep meditation, I heard the words: “into the City of


  1. Which really means “into the City of Light.”
  2. On Monday, November 29, 1932, I heard, in the morning before the Discourse,

and again today before the Discourse, the Words of Jesus: “Ye have been with Me in

my sorrows, ye shall now behold Me in My Glory, and see the reward which My

Father doth give Me.”

  1. And so shall it be in your outer experience.

The very Words which Jesus used from time to time, all may use—and will use

sometime, somewhere with fulfillment—for the Words He used at all times were

“Life” and contained within them that Ascended Life, or Perfect Life.

C). How is the political situation?

  1. There will not be nearly so much accomplished by the element that sought

entrance as they anticipated. The old saying that if you give a calf rope enough, it

will hang itself, is true with certain forces. Sometimes when they think they have

won an easy victory, they have sounded their own death knell.

The accomplishment of the past few days drew the attention of many in the

Golden City, who, as We projected the Vision and Sound Rays today, came to look

and behold the accomplishment. I say this for the encouragement of the students:

While We are giving forth the Work today, Those in the Golden City are sending

forth to the students Their Glorious Radiation.

forth to the students Their Glorious Radiation.

It has been a great joy to Me to prove that in the Land of America for which I have

worked so long that there were those who could receive what you are receiving

and giving forth at this time. There are those Masters from Venus who have seen

this with Me for some time. The Kumaras’ Field of Action was in other ways, but

They are now observant of this accomplishment.

There is no radiation goes forth anywhere in the Universe except through

conscious projection. The Radiation projected from the stars, so-called, to our earth

does not and cannot come into contact with the earth without the conscious

direction of the Cosmic Being who is the Conscious Directing Presence of that star

or planet. This conscious direction is what makes the Radiation from one planet to

another reach its destination; but the Radiation thus directed does not carry any

adverse aspect to any individual there.

The Universal, Cosmic Laws of the earth, which impel growth through the law of

experience, hold within themselves that which you know as resistance. If there

were not that which the individual knows as resistance, he would not make

conscious effort, and this would make it impossible for advancement in

understanding, or the return to the Father’s House from which the children of

earth have strayed.

Resistance has nothing whatever to do with discord. Resistance is a Natural Law.

Discord is a human creation. There is no discord in the Universe except that which

the personality creates.

Take the dynamic consciousness: ” ‘I AM’ the Pure Mind of God in everyone present

here.” This shuts out human desire.

Take the consciousness: ” ‘I AM’ the governing Presence of this.” The desire first

comes in the mind, and if you take the consciousness: ” ‘I AM’ the Pure Mind of

God,” it consumes the thought and keeps the human mind clear from the desire


When the liquid precipitates in the hand, instantly qualify it as Liquid Light, and it

will manifest as That. Give the command for that quality before beginning the


One student should not expect to see the same activity as another; the students are

not supposed to see or feel alike.

There is not a moment in the day that we do not visualize something, because the

power of vision is acting all the time. Keep all out of the mind except the picture

you want, for that is all with which you are concerned. Do not let the attention

become focused on the seeming emptiness.

BENEDICTION: In great devotion, in the fullness of our Hearts of Love, in the

fullness of our adoration to the “God Presence which ‘I AM’ ” — the Ascended Jesus

Christ—we pour forth our Gratitude and Praise for the sustaining Presence, the

good of every description held within this Radiance of which we are receiving

hourly. Thou Mighty Presence! As we find ourselves held within Thy Mighty

Embrace, we become imbued with Thy Radiant Intelligence, Thy Marvelous

Strength, Thy Invincible Courage to hold constantly within Thy Mighty Light. We

thank Thee.

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